My perspectives on Israel and the Bible

Month: August 2020


At the Jerusalem Rose Garden

Today I said ‘goodbye’ to another friend who is leaving the country and I feel blue. It feels like the story of my life – saying goodbye. Its part of living in Israel – people come and people go. Yes, of course some stay, but there are just way too many goodbyes.

As I sit at my desk and look outside I can see the sky and it is strangely blue. It has been a strange summer in many ways, but the blue sky is a hauntingly beautiful reminder of just how strange it is. Normally the sky in Israel in summer is a yellowish beige color or at best an insipid pale blue, but this year, with almost no air traffic passing over, the sky is a deep, rich blue day after day, something we would normally only see a few days in the winter.


Five months have passed since we first went into lockdown because of the corona virus. We are no longer under strict lockdown but life is still far from normal here in Israel, as in many other parts of the world. We continue to have around 1500-2000 new cases of covid-19 every day, and two days ago (24/08) we passed the 100,000 mark of confirmed cases, and now (26/08) have 107,341 confirmed cases, and the death toll has reached 867. With one of the highest infection rates in the world, we still cannot meet indoors in gatherings of more than 20 people, and 30 people outdoors. We must wear masks outside our home and there are many other restrictions and changes. Our congregation and our housegroup are still meeting on Zoom and life seems to have become somewhat dreary, and the simplest tasks, like going to the bank or the doctor, much more complicated.

The school year is due to start on the 1st of September and there are fears that this will precipitate another upsurge in cases. It is still unclear how schools are going to operate. It seems likely that smaller children up to grade 3 will go to school as before but from grade 4 and upwards children will go to school only twice a week and learn online the remaining days. The older children will have to sit at least 2m apart and wear face masks. It is not at all clear if this is a workable solution or even can be implemented in practice.

About two weeks after the beginning of the school year we enter into the period of the High Holy Days – Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Succot. These are times when large family groups normally gather for special meals and even larger groups congregate to pray. There is talk now of calling a full lockdown over the High Holy Days to try prevent yet another upsurge in corona cases. This year we ‘celebrated’ Passover and Shavuot under lockdown, it would be very sad to have to celebrate the High Holy Days in lockdown also.

Even if a new lockdown is instituted I am not sure it will be obeyed. Many people are defying, or just ignoring, even the current regulations, although in recent weeks more have been observing the requirement to wear a mask in public areas, probably because of the large fines being imposed for those who get caught not doing so. People are more anxious and are to some extent policing each other, something we didn’t see at the beginning.

Traditionally at Rosh Hashanah some 30,000 religious Jews gather at the grave of Rabbi Nachman de Breslev, the founder of the Breslev Hassidic movement, in Uman in the Ukraine. In view of the risk of spreading the corona virus Israel has asked the Ukrainian government to assist in preventing Jews from travelling for this pilgrimmage but already some have managed to slip through the net and are gathering in Uman.

Ukraine chief rabbi: Crucifix at Jewish pilgrimage site a 'provocation' -  World Jewish Congress
Breslev Hassidim at the grave of Rabbi Nachman de Breslev in Uman, Ukraine


At a time when it is forbidden to gather for prayer, weddings, and funerals in large groups the courts have persisted in upholding the democratic ‘right’ to demonstrate. For weeks now a noisy and large crowd of around 10,000 demonstrators have gathered outside Benjamin Netanyahu’s house in Jerusalem every Saturday night, and in smaller numbers also during the week.

What′s behind Israel′s growing protests? | Middle East| News and analysis  of events in the Arab world | DW | 06.08.2020
Street protests in Jerusalem

Demonstrations have also occurred in Tel Aviv and at other places around the country. The demonstrators are protesting a wide variety of issues, including the poor handling of the corona virus epidemic by the government (ironically), the corruption in the government, the ongoing court case of Benjamin Netanyahu, the economic crisis (more than 20% unemployment), environmental issues, violence against women and a whole plethora of other complaints. Most of these complaints have some validity but I really question their methods. Disrupting the lives of all the people who live in the area, the extremely loud noise and the blocking of roads, week after week, is inconsiderate and antisocial to say the least. The lack of any ‘social distancing’ and the fact that many are not wearing masks, belies any concern they might be expressing about the poor handling of the epidemic, and represents a serious risk for spreading the virus further. It is so easy to complain but I do not see these people suggesting any workable solutions to these issues!

Of course the protests have generated counter protests and this has resulted in some violence between protestors, counterprotestors and the police trying to control the crowds. There have been many arrests but the protests continue, week after week. Although these people are still a small minority I am concerned that they represent a growing social shift towards anger, anarchy and social breakdown. This video reveals the spirit that lies behind it all. (Hint: these people are NOT praying to the God of Israel!!)


In spite of the pandemic, life goes on and we have seen some very significant events in the Middle East over the past few weeks, and an interesting realignment of power.


Iran, struggling with a high rate of coronavirus infection, economic collapse and the embargoes against it, has been struck by a whole series of mysterious fires breaking out in important installations and infrastructure such as at its nuclear research facilities, ports, oil refineries and power stations. At first, Iran claimed these fires were just accidents, but there have been so many of them this claim can no longer be sustained and they are now admitting the fires are probably the result of sabotage, perhaps carried out by means of cyber attacks. Who is carrying out these acts of sabotage? There are a lot of candidates, internal resistance groups, anti-regime resistance groups in Turkey and elsewhere, and of course Israel and the USA. No one is claiming responsibility and even Iran seems reluctant to point the finger at this stage.


As I hit the “publish” button on my previous blog, literally at that same moment (4th August), a fire followed by a massive explosion occurred in Beirut, destroying large swathes of the city, killing at least 180 people, injuring 6,000 and making around 300,000 homeless. The explosion was so loud it was heard in Cyprus. We didn’t hear it here probably because of the high mountains between us and Beirut.

We will probably never know for sure what caused this explosion but there does seem to be growing evidence that somehow Hezbollah was involved. Videos published indicate that a fire in a ‘fireworks’ or munitions store spread into the storehouse containing 2700 tons of ammonium nitrate which then exploded. Was it just negligence and a terrible accident, or was it sabotage? I do not know but I do believe that Lebanon will never be the same. There is a growing groundswell of discontent and anger directed towards Hezbollah, which is undermining its power. Will it be enough to bring down this powerful terror organization, backed by Iran? Not unless the international community is willing to raise up and support an alternative government in Lebanon, and this is not likely to happen in today’s atmosphere. The Lebanese government resigned after the explosion leaving a power vacuum. Who will fill it? Will there be another civil war there? Those Lebanese who can are fleeing the country. Once a majority of the population, the relatively wealthy Christians represent only around 10% of the population today.


Last week we were all surprised by the announcement that the United Arab Emirates had signed a peace treaty with Israel. This is a huge step linking the two strongest economies in the Middle East with mutual trade ties and shared interests. I think it has come about for two reasons:

  1. A recognition of the mutual economic benefits. “Israel’s Economy Ministry has estimated that the normalization of ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year to Israel in trade and investments. According to figures compiled by the Ministry, based on various scenarios, exports to the UAE, which are currently at around $300,000 a year, could jump to an annual $300 million-$500 million “(1). For Israel this could help offset the massive economic losses sustained by the lack of trade and tourism due to the corona crisis. It will also open up markets in the far east. The UAE will also benefit from tourism from Israel and our technological know how in things like desert agriculture and water management.
  2. A case of ‘the enemy of the enemy is my friend’. We share a mutual enemy – Iran- and have a vested interested in working together against that enemy. Just take a look at the map:

The UAE lies on the peninsula which juts out to form the strategically important and vulnerable Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, adjacent to Iran. If Saudi Arabia and Israel also form a coalition, as has been rumored, this would create a land connection between Israel and the doorstep of Iran, a great strategic advantage. Already Saudi Arabia has granted permission for civilian flights to cross its territory and airlines are offering a 3 hour flight from Israel to the UAE starting from next week!! We will be literally be able to fly to Dubai for a day’s shopping (well, the more wealthy among us anyway). There are rumors that other countries such as Sudan, Oman and even Lebanon are also secretly negotiating with Israel, although they are officially denying this.

Many of us are wondering what all this means? Of course Iran, and its allies, Russia, Turkey and China are not at all happy about the realignment of loyalties taking place. But should we be? I am reminded of another period in Israel’s history, prior to the Babylonian conquest, when Israel put its trust in a worthless peace treaty with Egypt rather than putting its trust in the all powerful God of Israel. Are we making the same mistake? Of course peace in itself is a good thing, and we should strive to live in peace will all men, as far as it is possible, but there is only one who is totally trustworthy and that is our God, YHWH.

It is interesting that the pact between the UAE and Israel created little outcry amongst the Arab nations, especially the more ‘moderate’ ones. It is a sign that the Arab world is getting fed up with the Palestinian issue and it is now being sidelined by the much more dangerous issue of the Iranian threat. There is a growing feeling across the Middle East that the Palestinians need to move on, put the past behind them and start thinking about their future. They need to recognise Israel and stop brainwashing their children in a culture of hate and violence. They have basically lost their cause, the destruction of Israel, and now have nothing to lose and everything to gain by working together with Israel.

It seems clear to me that all the things that are happening in the world today indicate that we are already in the end times. Everything seems to be getting set in place for the great war that will precede the setting up of a one-world government and the tribulation period. Just exactly where these events fit into the Scriptural scenario is not clear yet, though many have their own ideas about that, but the important thing is that we each individually are prepared. That means we need more than ever to check our walk with God. Are we in fellowship with him. Do we truly KNOW him in Jesus? If so, we need to stay close to Him, studying the Scriptures, avoiding error and deception and praying as never before.

Jesus warned that towards the end there would be many false prophets and false teachers who would deceive many, and a time of apostasy in the church. It seems to me that we are already experiencing this time of apostasy as the church is being infiltrated by many false teachings and practices, and believers seem to have little interest in sound teaching and the study of the Scriptures. Here is a link to an article I recently published in Kehila News, the Messianic magazine produced in Israel, confronting just one of the many false teachings going around at present.


Over the past few weeks we have had another upsurge in the release of arson balloons, some of which are carrying explosive devices. Every day there have been tens of fires ignited in the fields, nature reserves and towns surrounding the Gaza Strip. Most of these fires are quickly extinguished but many acres of crops and natural areas are being destroyed and the people living in constant fear. The IDF has developed a laser gun that can track and shoot down these balloons but the sheer number of balloons coming over is overwhelming. In addition to the baloons there have also been a number of rockets fired into Israel over the last couple of weeks. Israel is continuing its policy of retribution and is bombing Hamas installations in Gaza every day, but is careful not to escalate the situation more than is necessary. No one wants all out war at this point. Israel has also shut down the border crossings, prevented fishing boats from going beyond a certain point and stopped the supply of fuel for the power stations in Gaza. Consequently the citizens of Gaza are now getting only 4-6 hours of electricity a day – and this in the middle of summer and in the corona crisis. There is no doubt this is causing severe suffering to the population of Gaza.

Unfortunately Hamas has learned that it can escalate the situation to such a degree that it can ask for various concessions and get them. It is like rewarding a child with sweets whenever it throws a tantrum. One might ask why they are doing this at this time. One reason is that Qatar stopped sending money to Gaza and now they are demanding, not only these handouts be resumed, but doubled. They also are demanding an extension of the fishing zones and the opening of Israel’s borders to allow more workers to enter Israel. Gaza has an unemployment rate of around 60% but if they come to work in Israel there is a strong likelihood they will bring the infection from Israel into the Strip.

Until now Gaza has been spared serious levels of infection by the corona virus with only a few cases brought in by returning residents. However this week members of a family in the al-Maghazi refugee camp in the Strip were found to be infected, the first incidence of community transmission. As a result today the entire Gaza Strip has been ordered into strict lockdown for 48 hours (now extended for several more days). Perhaps this will give us a respite from balloon attacks? (Nope – didn’t!!) However if the virus spreads further in Gaza it will be a catastrophe as the poor health services and the dire economic situation in the Strip means they will not be able to cope. Hamas has already threatened a massive rocket attack on Israel should the virus spread significantly in the Strip – this in an attempt to pressure Israel to help them fight it. They have obviously never learned ‘not to bite the hand that feeds you‘!


On July 20th a Hezbollah fighter was killed in an air strike against an Iranian military installation near Damascus in Syria. Blaming Israel, Hezbollah has threatened reprisals and will not be satisfied until at least one Israeli soldier is killed in revenge. There have been several attempts to carry out such an attack but none have been successful. We thought that perhaps, with the Beirut blast and its aftermath, the Hezbollah would have more important things on its mind, but apparently not. Last night they fired on Israeli troops operating near the border. None were hurt but Israel will not tolerate such an attack and this morning Israeli aircraft crossed into Lebanon airspace, for the first time since 2006, and fired on Hezbollah observation posts there. Flares illuminating the scene ignited some fires but no casualties have been reported. This means that tensions in the north are once more high, with some Israeli communities being ordered to stay indoors near safe rooms.


According to the law, failure to pass a national budget by August 25th would have automatically required a new election here in Israel. Just two hours before the deadline the Knesset passed a bill allowing for an extension of 120 days, thus postponing the requirement for new elections. I hope our government can lay aside their politicking and squabbles long enough to pass some kind of a budget soon. It is difficult for government departments to continue functioning and to meet the new challenges facing us, without a budget.


In spite of the coronavirus crisis there has continued to be a steady trickle of new immigrants arriving in Israel. Aliyah and Integration Minister, Pnina Tamano-Shata, Israel’s first Minister from the Ethiopian community, has put forward her plans to bring 4,500 members of the Falash Mura community still in Ethiopia to Israel by the end of the year, and the remainder of those 8000 waiting in compounds in Addis Abbaba by 2023. Some of these people have been waiting for 10 years, in poor conditions and separated from close family members already living in Israel. MK Tamano-Shata has recently been diagnosed with the virus and is currently in isolation.


This week the country has been shocked and disgusted by reports of a gang rape of a 16 year old girl by 30 men in a hotel in Eilat. So far only 11 have been arrested in addition to the manager of the hotel. This follows a similar event in Cyprus when a British woman accused a group of Israeli youths, aged between 15-22, of gang raping her last summer. She was pressured into recanting her accusation and the boys were acquitted and returned home to what almost amounted to a hero’s welcome.

Before I came to Israel I thought there was an enlightened attitude towards women in Israel. After all, one of Israel’s first Prime Ministers, Golda Meir, was a woman and woman worked alongside the men in the kibbutzim and served in the IDF from its earliest days. It didn’t take me long to realize I was very wrong. Women are regarded as sex objects and are given little respect in the Middle East in general, and this attitude also permeates some sectors of Israeli society. There is much violence against women and the number of women murdered by their husbands, or other family members, is alarming. Rape is also becoming more common as so many young people reject the moral restraints provided by faith or even religion. Only one in ten rape cases result in a conviction and only a tiny percentage of rape complaints make it to the courts in the first place, or are even reported to the police.




How can it be that another month has passed? Time is flying by. We are now into the 6th month of the corona crisis and there is no end in sight. I seem to have adjusted to the ‘new normal’ staying at home mostly, not going out to work and seeing most of my friends only on Zoom. It is a strange life but it is life and I seem to still be keeping plenty busy. I am grateful that I and all my close friends and family are still healthy and that I still have a roof over my head and food on my table. I am so much better off than so many. It is good to count our blessings in such times – it helps us keep our balance.

Police clear off protesters who blocked a main road during a protest against Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu outside his residence in Jerusalem early Sunday, Aug 2, 2020. (AP/Oded Balilty)
Social distancing – Israeli style!!×400.jpg

Covid-19 in Israel

Here in Israel we are experiencing the ‘second wave’ of the virus amidst economic and political chaos. As of today (04/08) Israel has had a total of 74,430 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 546 deaths. A week or so ago, the rate of new infections per day was exceeding 2000, the fifth highest per capita in the world, even higher than the USA. The graph below shows the number of new confirmed cases per day in Israel since the beginning of the pandemic.

As you can see there have been many more cases in the ‘second wave’ than in the first but, compared to other countries, our death rate has remained very low, now standing at 546 in total, less than 0.1%. The curve showing the total number of confirmed cases per day (see below) appears to be flattening over the last few days, but this could be misleading as the number of tests carried out has also dropped. As you can see yesterday (03/08), the number of new cases jumped by over 1800 but the number of tests carried out doubled over the previous day. The steep drop for 04/08 reflects that it is still only midday and many more may be reported as the day goes on.

A better indicator of the situation is the graph below that shows the total number of confirmed cases since the end of February. As you can see the graph may be showing a levelling off, but it is way too soon to know for sure.

You might be wondering how it is that Israel, which did so well at containing the first wave, has failed so dismally in this ‘second wave’. In the first wave, restrictions and a lockdown were quickly implemented and there was a high degree of cooperation by the general public. However, Israeli patience is short, and as soon as restrictions began to be lifted we immediately lost all discipline and many people began to act as if it were all over, gathering in large groups and ignoring government guidelines. It didn’t help that the opening of the lockdown coincided with a severe heatwave that sent thousands to the beaches and other open spaces contrary to restrictions at the time. Schools were also immediately reopened and it proved impossible for them to maintain the restrictions, especially in the heat. Some schools became centers of infection and had to be closed down. In the weeks that have followed the government has zigzagged on restrictions, changing their minds every day or so, until the general public became totally confused about what was allowed and what not, and they lost faith in the government. This of course has sent all the politicians scrambling for survival, as the government teeters on the edge of collapse and the possibility of new elections looms. The dire situation has sent thousands to the streets to protest the perceived failure of the government in ongoing demonstrations, which have at times devolved into violence between demonstrators and counterdemonstrators, and the police trying to keep order. Needless to say, the demonstrators are not keeping social distancing rules nor wearing masks, and it seems to me they pose a greater threat to us all than the weak and confused government.

Thousands of protesters chant slogans and hold signs during a protest against Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu outside his residence in Jerusalem, Saturday, Aug 1, 2020. (AP/Oded Balilty)
10,000 Protestors outside the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem, 01/08/20×400.jpg

Violence at a protest in Tel Aviv

Of course all this is having a detrimental effect on the economy and people are getting angry and scared as the months tick by and still no money is coming in. There are still around 800,000 unemployed, more than 20% of the workforce. Many sectors, the tourist, hospitality and entertainment industries especially, are still totally shut down and these represent a huge part of the Israeli economy. This week the government is making a cash payment to every Israeli in an attempt to cool the anger, appease complaints and stimulate the economy. This payment is however very controversial as a flat sum is being paid out irrespective of income and means, which means the rich and very rich, who do not need it at all, get the same payment as the desperately needy, while the payout is costing the country around 1.9 billion dollars which we will have to borrow. This may not be so easy as Israel’s credit rating is deteriorating because it has been unable to pass a National Budget in spite of 3 elections and a unity government. If a Budget is not passed by 25 August, we will automatically have to go to new elections – something we need like a hole in the head. While I will be grateful for the 750 shekel handout they promise me as a single individual, this amount will cover perhaps two trips to the supermarket and will not significantly help in the long term. I cannot see this move will in any way stimulate the economy.

The situation is bleak and the future is uncertain. Recently the Director General of the World Health Organization put it this way:

“The pandemic is still accelerating,… We know that the pandemic is much more than a health crisis, it is an economic crisis, a social crisis and in many countries a political crisis… The greatest threat the world faces is the lack of global solidarity and global leadership” (1).

The end result of this pandemic could yet result in the destabilization of many governments and nations, social chaos and world-wide economic collapse, the conditions just perfect for the establishment of a one-world government under the control of a strong, charismatic leader, the Antichrist, as the Bible predicts will occur in the end times.

Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.  Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.  And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.  So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”

 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.  Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.  It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.  All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Revelation 13 : 1- 8

I will punish the world for its evil,
And the wicked for their iniquity;
I will halt the arrogance of the proud,
And will lay low the haughtiness of the tyrants.
 I will make a mortal more rare than fine gold

Isaiah 13:11-12

Hospitals in Crisis

We are in the midst of the worst medical crisis to hit Israel and our hospitals are to be congratulated on the excellent care provided to the ill which has resulted in a very low death rate. However hospital authorities are warning that this could all change if the government does not do something to help them out. Yesterday some of the largest hospitals in Israel warned that they would have to start laying off staff as they can no longer pay their salaries, and this comes at a time when we are desperately short of doctors and nurses. Since the beginning of the corona crisis only 19 new hospital beds have been made available. A couple of weeks ago, the exhausted nursing staff went on strike for two days, pleading for help, and especially the hiring of additional staff. The government did say it would hire another 2000 doctors and nurses, but it is not clear where these highly trained people are going to come from, and who will pay them. Hospitals are warning they are close to collapse. If the rate of serious corona cases continue to rise we will soon be unable to treat those needing ventilation and we will see a sharp rise in the death toll. Please pray that a solution to this situation will be found.

Corona ‘Czar’

פרופ' רוני גמזו מציג את התוכנית שלו
Prof. Roni Gamzu giving his first press conference as the new coronavirus czar

One ray of hope in this situation is the appointment two weeks ago of Professor Ronni Gamzu as the Corona ‘Czar’, an experienced medical professional in the public health field and a non-political figure, tasked with stopping the chain of infections and he has authority in testing, epidemiological investigations and quarantines. Gamzu lost no time in addressing the public and calling upon us to cooperate and work together with him and the government to fight this outbreak. He is working to present a logical and sensible plan of attack. A central part of his new plan will be the involvement of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) to implement the epidemiological tracing of the infected, a somewhat controversial move as it involves the tracing of individuals by means of their cell phones, a serious infringement of privacy, but one temporarily sanctioned by the government under the emergency law.

No doubt there will be much controversy yet but at least now there is someone taking charge who seems to know what he is doing and has no personal political interests. Ynetnews put it this way, ”

At long last someone has decided to put his professional and personal ego aside in an attempt to create a consensus among all those who want to see Israel emerge from this mess. Gamzu’s opening moves are cause for optimism, and even if success is not guaranteed, we can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. If Israelis pitch in with Gamzu and his plan, there just might be a chance the country can defeat the virus without another lockdown and normal life can slowly resume. If not, all that await us are failure and disaster (2).

Please pray for Gamzu. He has terrible responsibility on his shoulders and needs all of God’s wisdom to make good decisions. Please also pray the politicians will not undermine his efforts. We need someone to reunite us as a people, and who will encourage us to pull together to get out of this mess.

With the school year about to start, at the beginning of September, there is talk of a possible total lockdown being imposed again towards the middle of this month. Although all effort is being made to avoid this happening, it may be deemed necessary to decrease the level of infection prior to the beginning of the school year. Decisions about schools opening, and under what conditions, have still not been reached. This is creating a high level of uncertainty and anxiety for students, parents and teachers.

Tension in the North

Two weeks ago a Hezbollah operative was killed by an attack on Iranian installations in Syria and Israel has been blamed. Hezbollah promised to avenge this killing and last week a group of Hezbollah operatives penetrated the Israeli border but were chased back by IDF forces who spotted them. Thus frustrated, another attempt was made, this time from Syrian space, and four operatives tried to plant explosive devices in an abandoned IDF base. They were killed by IDF fire and an aircraft. Yesterday morning the Imam Ali base near the town of Abu Kamal, in eastern Deir Ezzor region close to the border with Iraq, was attacked by unidentified aircraft and 15 Iranian-backed militiamen were killed. A number of positions, bases and weapons stores were destroyed (3). Israel has not admitted to carrying out this attack but has an ongoing policy of attacking Iranian supply lines, installations and weapons stores in Syria.

Please pray this escalating tension will ease. The last thing anyone in this region needs right now is a war.

Tension in the South

The southern border is relatively quiet but there have been a number of rockets being fired into Israel over the last weeks and also at least one incendiary balloon. With the fire risk season approaching its peak we do not want to see a resurgence of the balloon warfare we experienced over the last few years.


Fire season is upon us. Yesterday there was a major wildfire across the valley from here near Ein Kerem (the birthplace of John the Baptist). Some buildings and public buildings were threatened and around 200 severely handicapped children had to be evacuated because of the risk of smoke inhalation. Fire fighting planes and firefighters succeeded in extinguishing the fire. It served however as a warning that as temperatures rise and the late summer winds increase, the wild fire season is once more upon us.


Iran is also battling a serious crisis with the coronavirus, but lately it has also been hit by a string of explosions and fires at both civilian and military strategic installations. At first they tried to say these were accidents but the number and nature of these events clearly indicate that they are attacks. Israel is of course being implicated but there are a number of other possibilities too . Foreign or domestic organizations opposed to the regime may well be responsible.

Where is God in all this?

The situation is grim but I believe that God is still in control and has a purpose in all this – namely to call the unsaved to consider their lives and confront the possibility of death. God desires that no man, woman or child would die. He has provided a solution through the death and resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus), who has conquered death and promised eternal life to all who will follow him.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

This is the message that needs to be proclaimed to all mankind today. There is hope, certainty and safety in Yeshua if we are willing to follow Him. Without him there is only doubt, turmoil and darkness.

Please pray that this message will go forth loudly and clearly here in Israel. Congregations have not been able to meet face-to-face for nearly 6 months now and we are all being challenged to find new forms and ways to fellowship together and to proclaim the gospel effectively and clearly. One way this is being done is through the internet. I can recommend the videos being produced by OneforIsrael – just google them. Though they are in Hebrew , English subtitles are provided. Some of these videos have reached more than 500,000 Israelis and there is much fruit. Please pray for this ministry and especially for their protection (they have received death threats) and that they can continue their work. Pray too for other internet releases. Below is a fun one based on the story of Noah, produced by the Messianic Jewish Alliance and performed by the Music and Media School in Jerusalem.

Finally here is another video, produced by OneforIsrael which exposes the basis of the spiritual bankruptcy of Rabbinical Judaism as it is practiced today.

‘My people have committed two sins:
They have forsaken me,
    the spring of living water,
and have dug their own cisterns,
    broken cisterns that cannot hold water.

Jeremiah 2: 13

Broken cisterns



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