Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4: 4-7
In case you are wondering – yes, I am still here and doing well. It’s been a while since I have written for two reasons: there is not much new to say and, in spite of all, I do seem to be keeping quite busy – although at a fairly slow pace. Today (09/10/20) marks the end of the third week under the second lockdown in Israel, and there is still no announcement about it ending. Only in the last few days have there been a few cautious statements indicating that the rate of infection may at last be dropping, albeit more slowly than was hoped, and that the lockdown is actually working. There are some signs that the tight restrictions may begin to be lifted in another week or so, but it will need to be managed carefully and incrementally if we are not to have a third lockdown in future.
Personally I do not mind so much being under ‘house arrest’ but I am starting to fear I might get to like it too much and turn into a hermit. I have only been out of the house for the odd trip to the supermarket or the pharmacy, and the occasional stroll in the forest. I am looking forward however to being able to just visit a friend or go for a drive somewhere for a change of scenery. I am longing for the swimming pools to reopen so I can get a bit more exercise too. I do not complain however as I and all my friends here have somehow, by the grace of God, stayed healthy. I have my friends upstairs to talk to, my housegroup to fellowship with, and a nice apartment and garden to live in. There is much to be thankful for.
It has been strange to celebrate the High Holy Days under lockdown. These are times when people usually gather together for mass prayers and extended-family meals. Prayers were limited to a maximum of 10 indoors, and 20 outdoors and we are supposed to gather only with those who normally live in the same house. I am grateful that I have not been alone and have been able to share meals with my friends upstairs. Still, we miss being able to invite others and celebrate together. My friends upstairs have even been separated from their sons who have been under quarantine in their hostels during most of the feasts.
Although most people have been taking the restrictions seriously, a large number of people are refusing to do so, which is having the effect of prolonging the lockdown for us all. Some of the ultra-orthodox have continued to have mass prayer gatherings and other mass events. This together with the fact they live closely together and have very large families, often in small apartments means that they now are suffering 40% of the infections even though they make up only around 12% of the population. At least 1 in 3 people are testing positive in some of the ultra-orthodox towns and suburbs.

Another group that persistently disobey regulations and gather in large numbers are the protestors that gather around the country, mainly on Saturday nights. These protests have been going on for some months and until recently were permitted under the proviso that participants wore masks and kept 2m apart. They did not do so. There is a growing anger amongst the general public against these protestors and the government is now finally beginning to clamp down on them. They are now only allowed to come if the site of the protest is no more than 1000 m from their homes. This means the protests have broken up into smaller gatherings scattered around the country. More fines are being handed out for non-compliance and some arrests are being made, particularly when violence is involved.
Normally tens of thousands gather at the Western Wall for the Shlichot prayers for forgiveness before Yom Kippur but this year numbers were strictly limited and social distancing enforced. Permission to attend was granted by ballot. Compare these photos.
It is sad to see the emptiness at the Wall but perhaps the LORD has sent us this pandemic to wake us up to the emptiness of the traditions and religious observances made by man, which sometimes serve only to mask the emptiness in our hearts. Perhaps now we can pause to consider the real meaning of these Festivals and examine our hearts before God.
As we enter into our 4th week of the second lockdown we are beginning to see some decrease in the number of new cases. In the last 24 hours there were only 827 new cases recorded, down from a maximum of 7,731 cases on October 1st. This indicates that the lockdown has been effective in spite of all those who are disobeying the regulations. As of today there has been a total of 290,000 cases recorded, and of those 229, 000 have recovered and 2016 have died. This does not include a large number of cases which have been treated secretly by ultra-orthodox doctors and not reported – a disturbing fact which has just come to light today (12/10).
The government has drawn up a 6-step plan for bringing us out of the lockdown. Each step will take at least two weeks, but the timing depends on the infection rates. The implementation of this plan may begin next week with the opening of preschools and businesses that do not receive the public. The government is trying to prevent the necessity of yet another lockdown with this cautious approach but the public is growing impatient and already there is much talk of defiance. I can no longer listen to the news as there is just so much fear and anger being expressed as more and more people are reaching desperation. Many businesses will not survive and unemployment is around 24% again. The economy is ticking over at about 50%. Unless the government injects a large amount of money into the economy, especially into the private sector, there are going to be a lot of people going hungry and living on the streets this winter. In addition to the economic crisis families can only cope for so long having the children at home with nothing to do. Mental health problems and domestic violence are on the rise.
Please pray for Israel and that we can come through this crisis which is the greatest threat we have faced as a nation, worse than any of the wars we have experienced. Wars tend to bring us together but this crisis is tearing us apart. The fabric of society seems to be unravelling.
I normally do not comment on political matters but I think it is necessary with the US elections looming and the events occurring in the USA. Whatever happens in those elections will have a serious effect on Israel and the Middle East. I am not a big fan of Trump, but he has at least been a good friend to Israel. Biden is another matter and has already said he will reimplement the Nuclear Deal with Iran, which would upset the new balance of power that is developing in the Middle East. All I can really say is “may the LORD’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. I do believe however that we, as God’s children, have a responsibility to pray into this situation even if we are not American citizens. What happens in this most critical of US elections will impact the whole world.
Today (12/10) Israel’s Knesset (Parliament) reconvened for its winter session and the Cabinet ratified the agreement made with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in September. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he and Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, agreed to meet ‘soon’ (3).
Also today we saw another historic event unfold. The first cargo bound for Israel from Abu Dhabi arrived in Haifa Port on the merchant ship, MSC Paris. Eight containers with electronic and fire fighting equipment, cleaning supplies and iron were unloaded – the first trade items between the UAE and Israel. Just two months ago any import from the UAE would have been unthinkable.
It is during the Festival of Succot that we here in Israel traditionally begin to pray for rain. We have endured the hottest summer on record and it seems reluctant to leave. Temperatures have this week begun to decrease slightly, especially at night, but are still over 30 degrees most days. There is still no sign of rain and not even a cloud in the sky.
On October the 9th temperatures in the high 30s and strong, dry winds put the fire risk into the extreme and some 250 fires broke out around the country, some natural, some caused by arson. Some 10,000 people had to be evacuated mainly from Nof Hagalil (Nazareth Ilit), Kfar Oranim (near Modiin) and Bat Hefer. Many fled with only the clothes on their backs and dozens of homes were lost (1,2). It is at this time of year the risk of fires is greatest as the hot, dry sharav winds start blowing. After the abundant rain last winter there is a lot of dry brush and undergrowth in the forests.
Now some good news – just for a change. At last our congregation is preparing to open our new learning center which we are calling Derech HaMelech (the King’s Highway). A couple have been appointed as administrators for this center and a number of teachers recruited. We plan to offer a wide range of language courses and courses on other subjects as demand and the availability of teachers permit. We hope to start in the near future and are currently putting together a website and preparing our marketing. It is all being done very professionally. I will be teaching an Intermediate English course and an Academic English course initially. Please pray that we will get sufficient students to run these courses. It is unclear yet whether we will be able to have actual classes or will have to do the courses online, but we are preparing for both eventualities.
I recently published an article in the Messianic News. Here is the link:
The Prophet Joel prophesied at a time of great national crisis, a terrible locust plague, and this was God’s advice to the people at that time. It seems appropriate for our day also.
“Even now,” declares the Lord,
“return to me with all your heart,
with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
Rend your heart
and not your garments.
Return to the Lord your God,
for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
and he relents from sending calamity.
Who knows? He may turn and relent
and leave behind a blessing
Joel 2: 12-14