It is still (26/10) hot in Israel but there are signs that autumn/fall is already here and winter is just around the corner. Recently, while walking in the forest behind my house, I saw these two signs – clouds and sea squill. I always love seeing the first clouds appearing after the months of baking heat with nary a cloud in the sky. Likewise the first flowers to bloom after summer are the sea squill, which are considered to be the harbingers of autumn here in Israel.
Last week Israel began to lift the strict lockdown we have been under for a month. We were not allowed to go more than 1000m from our homes, and everything except supermarkets and pharmacies were closed, so it rather felt like being under house arrest. Immediately the 1000m restriction was lifted my friend from upstairs and I set off last Tuesday (20/10) for a little holiday up in the Galilee. We stayed with friends, a great pleasure after being isolated for so long, and we had three glorious swims in the Sea of Galilee, something that had also been banned during the lockdown, all beaches, parks and swimming pools being closed down. The weather was hot, still in the high 30s in the Galilee, but the water temperature was just perfect and so refreshing. It was also lovely to see the lake full of water after around 10 years of drought. I felt we were celebrating the end of our hottest- ever summer under various levels of lockdown and restrictions, and hopefully the coming of better times. I live in hope anyway!
On the day we headed up to the Galilee (20/10) there was a very odd occurrence in the Jerusalem / Mevaseret area. A rogue cloud appeared in the sky and it rained for about 20 minutes (1). The meteorologists had not forecast its arrival, nor can they explain how it came about. My only guess is that someone was praying for rain. Normally we begin prayers for rain during the Festival of Succot, but this year our minds were on other things. Please don’t forget to pray for rain. We had an abundant rainfall last winter, but we still need a good wet season for the trees and nature to recover from the years of drought. How good it was to see the Sea of Galilee full again.

(screen capture: Windy.com)
Perhaps you don’t understand why I am focusing so much on the weather. Surely there are more important things to talk about these days? It might be because I grew up on a farm and learned how important the weather is to agriculture and farmers. From an early age my father taught me to read the signs in the sky and how to predict the weather – something very important then, as the official weather forecasts were far less reliable than today. In Yeshua’s (Jesus’) time too, the people knew how to predict the weather from observing the signs in the sky.
When the Pharisees and Sadducees came to Yeshua looking for a sign, He answered them saying, “When it is evening you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red’; and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” And He left them and departed.” (Matthew 16 : 2-4).
Can I, can you, discern the signs of the times? Many Christians today run after signs and wonders, but miss the most important thing, proclaimed by the sign of Jonah who was in the belly of the whale 3 days and 3 nights, foreshadowing the death and resurrection of Yeshua for the forgiveness of sins. Many today are excited about the signs that seem to indicate that the second coming of Yeshua is imminent. I agree that this seems possible, even probable, but I am reminded that NOW is the time of salvation.
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
2 Corinthians 6:2
We need to get our priorities right. The accepted time of salvation may be running out. The ‘times of the gentiles’ may be drawing to a close.
“And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled”.
“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Then He spoke to them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near. So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
Luke 21: 24b-33
The good news is that the strict lockdown in Israel seems to have worked. Daily new cases have dropped from a high of 11,316 on the 23rd September to just 721 yesterday (31/10) (1). The government is trying hard to avoid the mistakes made after our first lockdown and is easing restrictions in a slow and incremental way to avoid another upsurge in cases. Last week the pre-schools and kindergartens reopened and today 1st-4th grade students returned to school. The remainder of students continue to study online. Most businesses and shops remain closed as are gyms and swimming pools. I am pleased to see that there is a greater degree of compliance amongst the general public as the message sinks in that we have to be careful lest a third lockdown become necessary. Nevertheless, Israelis are not known for their patience and of course many people are desperate to return to work and receive an income. Many are disobeying the regulations, opening shops and businesses, not wearing masks or keeping social distancing. Some are holding demonstrations against the government policies.

Needless to say this is all wreaking havoc on our economy, which is ticking over at only about 50% at present. Many businesses are going under as credit runs out and financial relief packages are slow to come, inadequate or just non-existent. It is also having a serious effect on mental health with a large increase in those suffering from depression and other issues, and an increase in the rate of suicide.
Today (1/11) Israeli researchers began human trials of a vaccine against Covid-19. If it is successful, then mass production will be started by next summer.
Please pray that God will have mercy upon Israel, not because we deserve it, but because we bear His name.
While we have been distracted by the Covid-19 crisis many other important events have been taking place almost unnoticed. Perhaps one of the most significant is the realignment of power in the Middle East. In my last post I reported the signing of a normalization agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel on September 15. Since then Israel has signed a similar agreements with Bahrain and the Sudan. There are also talks occurring between Israel and Lebanon regarding offshore gas fields, and rumours of an imminent deal with Saudi Arabia, both of which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago. Today (02/11) reports speculate that a possible deal with Syria, Israel’s sworn enemy, might even be in the making (5).
These agreements sound the death knell for the Arab-Israel conflict and perhaps even the Israel – Palestinian conflict. After the 1967 rout of the Arab coalition armies by Israel, the heads of all the Middle Eastern states gathered in a summit in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, to decide upon their response. They passed three resolutions:
- No peace with Israel.
- No recognition of Israel.
- No negotiations with Israel (4).
Clearly the deals struck with the UAE, Bahrain and the Sudan violate these resolutions, and are indicative of a deep rift opening in the Muslim Middle East and a huge realignment of power.
These deals came as a big shock to the Palestinians who have long relied on the total support of the Arab Bloc. After the agreement between the UAE and Israel was announced a video conference of Arab League foreign ministers refused Palestinian pleas to denounce the deal (5). This came as a terrible blow to the Palestinian cause. The message is that the Palestinian cause has been sidelined. There are other issues that are more pressing and important for the Arab world, namely the threat of the Iran, Russia and Turkish alignment, and the internal dissensions relating to the rise of extremist Islamic movements such as ISIS.
The Sudan has been a particularly hostile, sworn enemy of Israel for a very long time. Under its former dictator, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, Sudan was an ally of Iran and Hamas, and the conduit for arms passing from Iran to Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Now under new leadership, Sudan has secured relations with Israel and therefore becomes part of a completely new axis of power which centers on Israel.
The Sudan is situated on the southern bank of the branch of the Red Sea which leads to the Suez Canal, and lies opposite Saudi Arabia and Yemen. It therefore has immense strategic importance for Israel should we need to go to war with Iran and its allies. This would be strengthened even further if Saudi Arabia were to also enter into a alliance with Israel. Saudi Arabia is already permitting commercial flights between the UAE and Israel to cross its airspace.
Apart from the military implications, these new agreements open a vast opportunity for economic growth for all parties involved. Flights are already scheduled between the UAE and Israel, and citizens from both countries can visit the other freely without the need for a visa. With the flights only lasting 3 hours each way, it will now be possible for Israelis to go to the UAE for a day’s shopping!! Business, tourism, and investment opportunities abound for all involved and could lead to even further strengthening of this coalition. In contrast, the members of the remaining Arab Bloc, lead by Iran, Russia and Turkey, are struggling economically because of sanctions against them, wars and inner turmoil. This does not mean they no longer represent a danger to Israel. Quite the opposite. Iran is still breathing dire threats against Israel and as the regime faces rising internal strife, economic collapse and high coronavirus infection rates, a war would serve as a distraction and means of reuniting the nation. The USA, irrespective of who wins the Presidential election, is planning to make another deal with Iran concerning its nuclear development, and there are fears it might be as weak and dangerous as the last one.
On the whole however this new realignment is a wonderful opportunity for Israel to compensate for the losses caused by the coronavirus and to strengthen its economy. and also its strategic and military power in the region. Strange as it may seem, it is also a great opportunity for the Palestinians. If they can only throw off their long-time enmity and tunnel vision, which has lead only to stalemate and suffering, and embrace this new order of things, they too could benefit enormously. They could become the Dubai of the Mediterranean. Sadly however, the Palestinians have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Although I, like most Israelis, are surprised and delighted by this turn of events, there is a niggling doubt in the back of my mind. In the past, when Israel has relied upon treaties and the support of its neighbors, consequently losing its total reliance on the LORD, it has ended badly. The alliances that form, and break and reform constantly in the Middle East are driven by a mentality of pragmatism. These nations see relationship with Israel as beneficial for now, but what would happen if these benefits were to cease? They could quickly revert to enemy status. Loyalty, trust and true friendship are not in the picture. In the Middle East these values last only as long as it is expedient.
Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help,
And rely on horses,
Who trust in chariots because they are many,
And in horsemen because they are very strong,
But who do not look to the Holy One of Israel,
Nor seek the Lord!
Isaiah 31: 1
With only 2 more days to go, voting in the USA is in full swing. I do not want to enter into the political discussions about who to vote for. However this election will have deep consequences for Israel and the Middle East, apart from the United States itself. I think it is imperative we pray, but how to pray? I can only echo Jesus’ prayer,
“ Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6: 9-10
WINTER HAS COME – 2 November 2020
Winter arrived last night with our first proper storm system of the rainy season. Even though I have lived in Israel nearly 40 years I am still surprised every year when winter arrives. One day it is summer and the next day it is winter. There is no gradual transition and no real autumn or fall. The seasons change very abruptly, even in the space of just a few hours. Last night we had a lovely sound and light show and heavy rain, and rain and thunderstorms are expected all over the country during the week.
If you live in a rainy climate you cannot appreciate how excited we get here when the first rains fall. When I lived on the kibbutz back in the early 80’s we literally went outside and danced in the rain, and would take the little children out to play in the puddles. Please pray for an abundance of rain, but not floods, this winter. We still need much rain to replenish the underground aquifers and allow the natural ecosystems to recover after the long drought and the many wildfires of recent years. Around half the acacia trees in the Negev have already succumbed to the drought.
When I was at university in the mid-70’s I remember learning about global warming and climate change, and I remember clearly the prediction that the Sahara Desert would expand northwards. I, even then, feared what that would mean for Israel. Now it is happening. Since I first arrived in Israel 40 years ago weather patterns have changed from being somewhat predictable to erratic, with summers being much hotter and rainfall sparse. As I am writing this some people are outside harvesting the olives from the trees in the little park at the end of the road. I have never seen them bother to do that before as the olives there are small and dry. The olive harvest is in full swing but it is very, very poor this year because of a severe heat wave that struck in the spring just as the olives were flowering.
Some years ago, I was visiting a friend in Eilat and as I was leaving to return home my friend prayed with me and asked the Lord to give me a revelation as I travelled. At the time I thought that rather a strange thing to pray for, but as I drove northwards through the desert, I realized that it wasn’t until I was nearly in the outskirts of Tel Aviv that the landscape started to turn green. It struck me then how vulnerable Israel is, located right on the northern edge of the desert that stretches from the Sahara and across the Arabian Peninsula.

The Bible describes Israel as a land of milk and honey. This does not mean it is lush and fertile, as you might think, but a land of milk and honey is a marginal land where cattle graze and bees gather nectar from wild meadows. Why didn’t God take the people of Israel just a little further north where the land is well watered and the soil arable? I think it was because he wanted us as a nation to know our dependence upon God. When we are rich and comfortable, it is easy to forget God. Just before the people of Israel entered the Promised Land, Moses warned them, saying;
So it shall be, when the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant—when you have eaten and are full— then beware, lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
Deuteronomy 6: 10-12
Please pray that God will supply all our need as a nation, but that we will never forget on whom we rely. May the current coronavirus and all the other difficulties we encounter serve to turn our hearts back to our God and seek his help, as Yeshua prayed,
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
Matthew 6: 10-13
- https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/rogue-cloud-treats-jerusalem-to-first-surprise-shower-of-season/
- https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/
- https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/syria/.premium.highlight-is-trump-working-on-a-syria-deal-that-includes-normalization-with-israel-1.9279382
- https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/is-this-the-end-of-the-arab-israeli-conflict/
- https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/9/9/arab-league-ministers-agree-not-to-condemn-uae-israel-deal