It is a cold, and blustery wintery day here in Israel – not at all the sort of weather we would expect at this time of year. Nevertheless Spring is here. All the spring wildflowers are flowering and the sharav (hot, dry east wind) season is upon us. Even though we are expecting a maximum of only 10 degrees C today, this past week we had two days where the temperature reached 30 degrees. These wild temperature swings are typical of Israel’s brief Spring. Also a sure sign of spring are the thousands of migratory birds and butterflies passing overhead on their way to Europe from Africa.

With the arrival of spring and the promise of summer ahead, Israelis are enjoying a sense of hope and freedom in contrast to the restrictions of the past year. Last year we celebrated Passover in strict lockdown, and had to sing together only from our balconies, but this year we were allowed to gather with extended family members up to 20 people. We are step-by-step coming out of lockdown. Schools and most businesses are functioning again and we can visit parks and the beaches once more, albeit still wearing masks. Restaurants, gyms and theatres are open only to a limited number of people, and those must have a ‘green tag’ – certification of vaccination or recovery from the disease. Some employers are permitting only vaccinated employees to come to work, even though the legality of such a ruling is in doubt. There are still regulations in place that limit gatherings indoors to 20 people and outside to 50, and masks must be worn. Churches, mosques and synagogues are reopening but under strict limitations. Our borders are still closed to non-Israelis, except a few who have special permission. Around 100,000 Palestinian day workers were vaccinated and are allowed to enter for work purposes only.
With around 54% of the total population now fully vaccinated (around 80% of the over-16s) we have seen daily new cases drop from a high of 8,000/day in January down to just 200 yesterday (9 April). There is a sense that we are now ‘post-covid’ and life can get back to normal, and herein lies the danger. I fear this may be a bit premature and more a result of ‘covid-fatigue’ than reality. With the disease still raging around us, especially in Europe, and problems with the supply of vaccine, there still exists the potential for another surge. No one knows how long the effects of the vaccine will last, nor whether it will be efficacious as new strains arise.
Adding to this risk, is the news that Pfizer is refusing to make further shipments of ordered vaccines to Israel because we have failed to pay for the last 2.5 million vaccines received. This is due to our chaotic political situation with various government ministers and officials all pointing the finger at each other. The danger is that if we do not pay up now, Israel will lose its place in the queue, so to speak. There is intense competition between countries to receive the limited supplies. Israel got in early to place its orders and , it is rumored, paid higher than the normal price, in order to get enough vaccines. According to the Jerusalem Post, “Coronavirus commissioner Prof. Nachman Ash told the Post that if Israel does not speedily sign the necessary contracts, it may not be able to vaccinate its children or provide citizens with booster shots against vaccine-resistant variants, or if immunity wanes” (1).
On the 23rd of March Israel held its 4th national election in the last 2 year period. Sigh!! Of course once more there is no clear winner. Binyamin Netanyahu’s Likud party won a total of 30 seats, a clear winner, but far short of the 61 seats needed to form a government. Below is a summary of the results.
Election Results Coverage
The Parties | Seats |
Likud | 30 |
New Hope | 6 |
Yamina | 7 |
Religious Zionists | 6 |
United Torah Judaism | 7 |
Shas | 9 |
Israel Beitanu | 7 |
Blue and White | 8 |
Yesh Atid | 17 |
Meretz | 6 |
Labor | 7 |
Joint List | 6 |
Ra’am | 4 |
The President, Reuven Rivlin, has granted Netanyahu ‘first dibs’ at forming a government. His dilemma is that to do so he will have to include parties that are rabidly opposed to one another. Can he come up with a formula that all can agree on, and even if he does, how long would such a government manage to survive? If Netanyahu cannot put together a ruling coalition the left wing will have a chance but they would have to include the Arab list in order to get a majority, and there is a lot of opposition to the idea of granting the Arab Joint List so much power in the Jewish State.
The public are weary of all this political turmoil, and I have heard people saying things like “we just want a government, any government!”. I can empathize. So many things have been on hold for so many years because of our political paralysis. However such desperation is dangerous. We don’t need just any government, but a righteous and just government that has a genuine concern for the welfare of the nation. I cannot see how this can ever be accomplished. We need a totally different electoral system and I do not know what it would take to do this. With no government how could we reform the system, and no government that exists due to the system is going to undermine its own success. What we really need is the Messiah-King!
Last Wednesday night I watched the opening ceremony of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Day. As usual it was very sad and moving as we remember the horror that took place, when 6 million Jews (and at least 6 million others) were cruelly murdered by the Nazi regime. Earlier the same week I read that the world Jewish population now exceeds that of before the Holocaust. How amazing and what a victory. The Jewish people have not only survived but has thrived, in spite of all the many attempts to annihilate them throughout history. During the ceremony a number of Holocaust survivors told their stories. Every one of them is still plagued by memories, nightmares and flashbacks to that horrible time they experienced as children, but every one of them had chosen life, had married, had children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.
There was only one blight on the ceremony – Bibi Netanyahu’s speech which, in my opinion, was insensitive. He bragged about his own accomplishments in fighting the Covid-19 disease here in Israel, as if he alone had overcome the virus. However of the 180,000 remaining Holocaust survivors now living in Israel, all now in their 80’s and 90’s, 900 died of Covid , without the comfort of their families around them, and one in four continue to live in dire poverty. Benjamin Singer in the “Jerusalem Post” put it this way, “However, at the same time of the official speeches and ceremonies, on Yom Hashoah each year, we are reminded of the shameful fact that so many Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty. This year, the horrifying statistic is that one quarter – 48,000 out of 180,000 – of Israel’s Holocaust survivors now live below the poverty line and rely on food donations to avoid going to bed hungry.
A recent study by the Holocaust Survivors’ Welfare Fund showed that many Holocaust survivors were forced to give up essentials to be able to buy food. Forty-three percent didn’t have enough money for spectacles, 33% couldn’t afford dental care and 27% couldn’t pay for hearing aids” (2)
This is a shameful situation. How is it that we treat our survivors so poorly? Bibi has done much for Israel in the international arena, it is true, but his performance at home, especially in relation to caring for the elderly, the disabled, the sick and the needy in our society, has been close to zero. His ‘trickle down’ concept of the economy simply doesn’t work. The rich are getting richer, it is true, but the poor are getting ever poorer, and the Covid-19 crisis has served only to add to the number of the poor, and widen the gap even further.
MEMORIAL DAY (13-14th April)
In a few minutes the sirens will wail and we will all stand in silence to honor the fallen soldiers and terror victims. Forty-three soldiers and civilians were killed this year bringing the total to 23,928 since the founding of the State in 1948 (3). After the siren a torch lighting ceremony will take place at the Western Wall attended by President, Reuven Rivlin and the IDF Chief of Staff, Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi. Tomorrow at 11AM the sirens will sound again and memorial ceremonies will take place at 52 military cemeteries throughout the country, the main ceremony being held at the Mt Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem. At 1PM another ceremony will be held to honor the victims of terror. Throughout the day flags fly at half-mast and places of entertainment are closed.

As I am writing I am reminded of another who gave his life for us, whom we, as a nation, still refuse to honor. I am talking about Yeshua (Jesus) of course.
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3: 14-16
The close of Memorial Day tomorrow at sundown, will herald the beginning of Israel’s 73rd Independence Day. The juxtaposition of the day of national mourning with the day of joyous celebration is an annual reminder to us all, that the prosperity and freedoms we enjoy in the Land of Israel today came, and is still coming, at great cost. So many of our best have given their lives for us. I think it is also an expression of the essence of the Jewish people, a people that has always found a way to chose life and find happiness, even in the worst of circumstances imaginable.
Last year, under the Covid lockdown, our celebrations were somewhat muted, but the traditional Air Force flyover passed over all the hospitals in order to honor the hospital staff and their work during the pandemic.

This year we will be able to watch the flyover in greater freedom. We are still under some limitations but now will be able to gather for our traditional outdoor barbecues in parks and on the beaches. I have just spent the day cleaning up my garden and deck in preparation for a barbecue with many of my friends. It will be the first time we have gathered since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis.
When Israel was founded in 1948, there were only 806,000 residents but now the population stands at 9.3 million, about 74% Jewish, 21% Arab and 5% ‘ other’. About 78% of the Jewish population are native born. Since last year’s Independence Day, 167,000 babies were born, 50,000 people died, and 16,300 immigrated to the country (4).

This tiny land is getting rather crowded and so is fulfilled the prophecy,
“For your waste and desolate places,
And the land of your destruction,
Will even now be too small for the inhabitants;
And those who swallowed you up will be far away.
The children you will have,
After you have lost the others,
Will say again in your ears,
‘The place is too small for me;
Give me a place where I may dwell.’
Isaiah 49: 19-20
But we look forward to the day when we will praise the LORD saying:
You have increased the nation, O Lord,
You have increased the nation;
You are glorified;
You have expanded all the borders of the land.
Isaiah 26: 15
In the meantime our enemies are still intent upon our destruction. Iran continues to threaten our existence and is busy enriching uranium to make nuclear weapons to destroy Israel and the USA. As the USA President Biden is attempting to find a diplomatic solution to the Iranian threat, and revive the 2015 nuclear deal, a war of attrition is taking place between Israel and Iran. Today (13/04) an Israeli-owned ship came under fire from missiles but there were no injuries or damage to the ship, which was able to continue its journey. This occurred as Teheran was threatening retaliation for the attack on its Natanz uranium enrichment facility, which they blamed on Israel. This attack targeted the power grid and the emergency backup power system at the facility and it also damaged some of the uranium enrichment centrifuges. Israeli authorities estimate this may have set back Iranian nuclear plans at least 9 months. Israel, as usual, has not accepted responsibility for this attack, but according to the Times of Israel, “An American official told the New York Times that Israel called the strike on Natanz a retaliation for the several attacks on Israeli-owned shipping vessels in recent weeks“(5). Today, Teheran announced that it will begin enriching uranium to 60% purity, ever inching closer to the 90% needed for a bomb. This tit for tat escalation is dangerous and of course could erupt into full-scale warfare at any time. There is one thing that is certain, Israel, with God’s help, will never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon.
Happy are you, O Israel!
Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord,
The shield of your help
And the sword of your majesty!
Your enemies shall submit to you,
And you shall tread down their high places.
Deuteronomy 33: 29
- https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/banana-republic-pfizer-outraged-israel-failed-to-pay-for-covid-vaccines-664140
- https://www.jpost.com/special-content/25-percent-of-holocaust-survivors-live-in-poverty-lechiot-bkavod-helps-feed-them-664483
- https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/remembrance-day-israel-bows-its-head-to-honor-23928-of-its-fallen-664950
- https://www.timesofisrael.com/before-its-73rd-independence-day-israels-population-stands-at-9-3-million/
- https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-owned-ship-said-attacked-off-uae-coast-amid-sky-high-tensions-with-iran/