My perspectives on Israel and the Bible

Category: Bible, Science and Israel (Page 5 of 9)


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A military truck evacuates residents through a flooded road in the northern city of Nahariya, on January 8, 2020. (Meir Vaknin/Flash90)

Its definitely an evening for staying home – for those of us who made it home that is. Tonight I am so very grateful for my cosy, warm and, above all, dry home. My only problem is the cat who is bored and desperate to go outside. Every few minutes he demands to go out but when I open the door for him, he takes one look at the freezing rain and heads back inside. Now he is trying to destroy my computer, and I just found my earphones swimming in a glass of water. He is driving me crazy!!!! Does anyone want a cat?

3D Printing?

Israel is once more battling a severe winter storm, our second in the last week. Last Saturday heavy rains fell along the coast, and in some places as much as 80mm fell in the space of 2 hours, totally overwhelming the drainage systems. Thousands of vehicles, homes and businesses were flooded in south Tel Aviv. Four people died, two who were swept away by flood waters and two who were trapped in an elevator that flooded in south Tel Aviv.

Yesterday (08/01) the rains came back and dumped around 100 mm in a short time in the region of Nahariyah and Haifa causing serious flooding. Heavy runoff from the interior hills and surrounding areas added to the problem. The floods there claimed one life. Motti ben Shabbat (38), who together with two others had successfully rescued three people from a drifting and overturned car, was swept away himself. Some hours later searchers found and recovered his body from the sea. The normal emergency services were dealing with thousands of cries for help and were just not able to reach everyone, so volunteers with tractors and 4x4s came, many from neighboring Arab communities, to help evacuate children from a school, a kindergarten and the many commuters trapped by the floodwaters. Some heavy diggers ferried people, men, women and children, even babies, across the floodwaters in their scoops. Some of the people had been waiting 4-5 hours for rescue. A woman with 6 small children was rescued from her flooded home by a neighbor with a kayak. Eventually the army arrived with heavy vehicles to help stranded people.

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A man escapes his car

Today (09/01) the rains have continued to fall, spreading southwards and causing serious flooding in the city of Ashdod and the towns and settlements in that area. In Kibbutz Emunim 100 school children had to be rescued from a school completely surrounded by flood water. It is still raining and it is expected to continue until tomorrow afternoon. It is not so much the quantity of rain that has fallen but the fact that it is falling in heavy downpours over short periods of times and this just overwhelms the drainage systems. Although localized floods are not uncommon here, Israel has never before experienced flooding on this scale.

Flooding in Nahariya ()
Flooding in Ga’aton Avenue in Nahariya yesterday

Here in the Jerusalem area we have been spared the very heavy rain and flooding, although it has been raining steadily for the last 24 hours, and we could still get some heavy rain overnight. It is very cold and the nighttime temperature has been hovering around the 4 degree mark. If the temperature were to drop just another degree or two the rain could turn to snow, but this is not expected at this time.

The good news is that the rains have filled the rivers and streams in the Golan and Galilee and as a result the Sea of Galilee has risen some 80 cm over the last month, and over a meter since the rainy season began, and there is still a lot more water flowing into it. It rose 23 cm just yesterday. There is also a good meter of snow on the higher reaches of Mt Hermon which when it melts in spring will also flow into the Sea of Galilee. News is just coming in that the country has broken a more than 50-year old record for rainfall in the northern part of the country. In the northern coastal plain and Western and Upper Galilee some 400 mm (16 inches) of rain has fallen in the last two weeks alone, with some areas reaching 450 mm (18 inches), well in excess of annual averages

It is now Shabbat (11/01) and I am glad to say the sun is shining. The rain petered out yesterday and now we are busy drying out. I have just done the rounds of my house spraying all the mold with this amazing Israeli invention which you just spray on and in minutes all the mold disappears. You don’t even need to wipe it up. Once again God has blessed the world through his people Israel (Genesis 12:3 “And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”) Sadly there will be much need for this product as those with flooded homes and businesses set about cleaning up.


The weather has given us a perhaps welcome distraction from the tension in the Middle East. Last weekend (03/01) the USA assassinated Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s most powerful military general. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of the PMF, also known as Hashed al-Shaabi, and Mohammed Reza al-Jaberi, the protocol officer and the head of public relations for the group, were also killed. The PMF (Popular Mobilization Forces) is an Iraqi sponsored umbrella organization comprising some 40 different militias, formed in 2014 to coordinate the protection of Iraq from the Islamic State forces.

After the assassination of Soleimani, the US Department of Defense issued the following statement:

At the direction of the President, the US military has taken decisive defensive action to protect US personnel by killing Qassem Soleimani. General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more.

President Trump then made a statement that “We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war“. You can see his whole statement on

Only time will tell whether this act will stop a war or start one!

Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Iranian Quds Force. (picture-alliance/dpa/Leaders Official Website)
General Qassem Soleimani

What is certain is that Iran could not just let this assassination pass unavenged. In a culture of saving face, revenge is always required. This last weekend Iran fired 15 missiles at US military bases in Iraq. No American or other personnel were injured or killed. It is hoped that this will satisfy the ‘need’ for revenge but there are many other extremist militias which might also desire revenge.

As the missiles were being fired off a Ukrainian passenger plane crashed as it was taking off from Tehran, killing all 176 people on board, including 82 Iranians, 57 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, as well as nationals from Sweden, the UK, Afghanistan and Germany. Initially the crash was blamed on a technical malfunction, but this morning (11/01) news is coming in that Iran has admitted the plane was downed by an Iranian missile, the result of ‘human error’.

In view of this embarrassing and tragic incident, and the somewhat tame acts of vengeance for Soleimani’s assassination, Iran may feel the need to assert itself again in order to save face. However, as stated in Ynetnews, ” It would be wrong to consider the Islamic Republic weak or underestimate its military strength – its supreme leader made a calculated choice not to put Trump’s resolve to the test this time” – and he has a reason.

Iran has repeatedly threatened to attack Israel should the situation escalate. We have lived so long with the spectre of Iran’s threats hanging over us we are not easily moved by such rhetoric, but we are nevertheless watching the situation closely. Israel has so far not played any part in this unfolding series of events, and is trying to maintain a low profile, but PM Netanyahu did make a statement supporting Trump’s action.

Two weeks before the assassination of Soleimani, Iran, Russia and China carried out joint military exercises over 4 days. This is of great concern. We can no longer see Iran as an isolated nation. It has two very powerful allies and we would do well not to underestimate this coalition. Iranian Rear Admiral Gholamreza Tahani said in a televised speech, “The message of this exercise is peace, friendship and lasting security through cooperation and unity … and its effect will be to show that Iran cannot be isolated. ” ( ). One cannot help but wonder what these three powerful nations are planning.

Many people see these events as possibly leading to World War III or the great apocalyptic battle of Gog and Magog prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39. If one looks around the world today it is not hard to be shaken by the events taking place, floods, fires, wars and rumors of wars. I think we would all be wise to take Jesus’ words, quoted below, seriously, and not allow ourselves to react hysterically to these things or to be troubled unduly, but to weigh them soberly and with caution.

And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.  For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.  And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Matthew 24: 4-8


Two days ago Israel unveiled a new technology that can shoot down incoming missiles, rockets, drones or anti-tank missiles. It would work alongside the existing iron dome technology to protect the civilian population, as well as being used in military confrontations. One of the big advantages of a laser technology is that it needs only a supply of electricity to work, and keep working, whereas stockpiles of anti-tank missiles are limited. In addition it would cost only a few dollars to fire the laser beam off. Each firing of an Iron Dome missiles costs around $US15,000 . According to the Ministry of Defense this new technology is a ‘game changer’. lazer techno


The IDF has released its annual review of defense matters for 2019. According to this report Gazan terrorists fired some 1295 rockets at Israeli civilians in 2019. Of the missiles fired, 729 landed in open areas, and Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted another 478, about 85% of those coming towards built up areas. This is the highest number of incoming missiles since the 2014 Gaza War. On the other hand terrorist activity in the Palestinian controlled areas of the West Bank has decreased. In 2019 there were just 51 terrorist attacks recorded in the West Bank and Jerusalem area as opposed to 76 attacks in 2018 and 75 in 2019 and 141 in 2016.


The year 2019 was a record-breaking year for tourism in Israel, with over 4.5 million tourists, and increase of 10% from the previous year and a 55% increase from three years ago. According to Aliyah and Integration Minister Yariv Levin, “We have received more than NIS 22 billion from tourism, and created more than 13,000 new jobs, resulting in a total of more than 150,000 jobs created due to the influx of tourists”. Most of these tourists visit Jerusalem while here. The population of Jerusalem is only around 1 million so this means that for every Jerusalem resident some 4 tourists visit our beautiful and fascinating city visit! No wonder our roads and services are being stretched to their limits. Much work is being done around the city to increase accommodation options, and solve the problems of transport, and this in the short term is causing much inconvenience and stress to us all.


The discovery of large natural gas reserves off the coast of Israel in the last 20 years has opened the door for the export of gas to neighboring countries. On 2 January Israel signed a contract with Greece and Cyprus to construct a gas pipeline to Europe from Israel. This would ease Europe’s dependence upon Russia for its supply and provide a lucrative market for Israel’s gas. Needless to say Turkey is not happy to have been bypassed by this agreement. Israel has been exporting natural gas to Jordan since 2017 and plans to begin export to Egypt by mid-January . The Israeli government is also encouraging the use of natural gas domestically and power stations are switching from coal and oil to the far less polluting natural gas.


Finally I want to finish by reminding us all of God’s love for Israel and Jerusalem in particular. I grew up on a farm and often saw a mother hen calling her chicks under her wings when she perceived danger. For me this is a very powerful image and one dear to my heart.


The Arches, Timna Park

I see it is over a month since I last updated my blog. I apologize for the long silence. At the end of November I took myself off for a short holiday in Eilat. It seemed too short so I decided to stay on another day. On that day a friend and I went out to Timna and when scaling a small hill in order to get that ‘perfect sunset through the arches’ photo I slipped and did a not-very-graceful nosedive down the hillside. I can now definitively assert that kiwis cannot fly. They don’t do crash landings so well either. I sustained a collection of minor injuries to arms and legs. It could have been much worse and I thank God for that. With my friend’s help I managed to drive to the hospital and get patched up. The next day I even managed to complete the 5 1/2 hour drive back to Jerusalem by myself. I cannot believe I did that as I was unable to drive for over a week afterwards. It has been a slow recovery with many trips to doctors and nurses since then. I am glad to say all my open wounds have now closed (at last) and are healing well and I am having occupational therapy to get my thumb working again. I am due to start physio for my arms on 2nd of January. Needless to say all this has slowed me down somewhat. I was able to juggle my work days and have made up all the work I missed in the first week after the accident. Our semester finished this last Wednesday and I am now on holiday until the Spring Semester starts at the end of January. I am looking forward to being able to swim again one day soon. Before my accident I had just taken out a very expensive annual subscription to the pool, so I want to get my money’s worth!

On the way to Spiral Mountain at Timna Park

Before my expedition to Eilat our housegroup was privileged to host a Bible teacher from the UK. He shared with us from II Chronicles 20 the story of King Jehoshaphat when several enemies invaded Judah. By the time Jehoshaphat was informed, these enemies, the armies of Ammon, Moab and others from beyond the Jordan (the region of Jordan and Syria today), had already invaded Judah and were encamped at Ein Gedi by the Dead Sea. Did Jehoshaphat panic? Did he rush about gathering his army and trying to form alliances with others to fend off this impending attack? Did he strengthen his fortifications and build up his armaments? No, he did not. Instead he turned to YHVH setting himself to seek God and proclaiming a fast throughout all of Judah. All the people of Judah gathered in Jerusalem to seek the LORD and Jehoshaphat, whose name means ‘God has judged’, called upon God to judge his enemies, saying,

 “O Lord God of our fathers, are You not God in heaven, and do You not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations, and in Your hand is there not power and might, so that no one is able to withstand You? Are You not our God, who drove out the inhabitants of this land before Your people Israel, and gave it to the descendants of Abraham Your friend forever? And they dwell in it, and have built You a sanctuary in it for Your name, saying, ‘If disaster comes upon us—sword, judgment, pestilence, or famine—we will stand before this temple and in Your presence (for Your name is in this temple), and cry out to You in our affliction, and You will hear and save.’ 10 And now, here are the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir—whom You would not let Israel invade when they came out of the land of Egypt, but they turned from them and did not destroy them— 11 here they are, rewarding us by coming to throw us out of Your possession which You have given us to inherit. 12 O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.

Through the prophet, Jahaziel, YHVH replied saying,

Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. 16 Tomorrow go down against them. They will surely come up by the Ascent of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the brook before the Wilderness of Jeruel. 17 You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.

The next morning Jehoshaphat appointed singers to go out before the army praising God, and as they sang God set ambushes for the armies of Ammon, Moab and the others and they were defeated. When the army of Judah arrived on the scene all they found were dead bodies. They did not need to fight. God had fought the battle for them just as he had promised. Furthermore, the kingdom of Judah was blessed with peace and prosperity throughout all the remainder of the reign of Jehoshaphat.

So they came to Jerusalem, with stringed instruments and harps and trumpets, to the house of the Lord. 29 And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries when they heard that the Lord had fought against the enemies of Israel. 30 Then the realm of Jehoshaphat was quiet, for his God gave him rest all around.

As we studied together this passage of Scripture I couldn’t help seeing how timely it was. Today Israel is surrounded by enemies with armies greater and more numerous than ours, and determined to ‘drive Israel into the Sea’. However, unlike Jehoshaphat, our leaders are not turning to God for deliverance. Instead we are pouring all our energies in building bigger and stronger defenses, developing new weapons and trying to create alliances with nations we hope will come to our aid when the war breaks out. All of this will be in vain unless we turn to God as a nation.

Some years ago Israel was suffering a prolonged drought of many years and the situation was getting desperate. I remember that at that time our leaders called upon all the people to fast and pray, and many did. The result was that the drought broke allowing us sufficient time to develop the water management and desalination technologies that now protect us from water shortages. Sadly, I do not hear any similar call to prayer and fasting in the face of the current threat of war emanating from Iran, and through its proxies in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza. Although we are all cognizant of the situation, we (and I include myself in this) are either living in denial or are too caught up with our own problems to take the need for intercession very seriously. I thank God for all those who do, whether in the nation of Israel or abroad. Your prayers matter and are effective, but please pray that more and more Israelis will understand the need to seek their God, with prayer and fasting, at this time.

You can read more about King Jehoshaphat and his reign in  1 Kings 15:24 – 22:50 and 2 Chronicles 17:1 – 21:1. Other references include 2 Kings 3:1-14, Joel 3:2, 12, and Matthew 1:8.

In a similar vein our housegroup studied Exodus 18 this week and were reminded of how Israel was able to defeat the Amalekites as long as Moses kept his arms raised. When Moses grew tired, Aaron and Hur set him on a rock and held his arms for him. Israel needs those who will raise their arms in intercession for us, and we intercessors need each other to support us when we grow tired.

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Moses, Aaron and Hur


When I last wrote we were in the midst of the latest round of fighting between Israel and the Islamic Jihad militia in the Gaza Strip. Over two days, some 450 rockets and missiles were fired into southern Israel from Gaza over a period of around 48 hours. There were no Israeli fatalities but a number of people were injured, and much property destroyed or damaged. Half of the country was under ‘lockdown’ with schools and businesses closed from Tel Aviv southwards, causing a great deal of disruption.

This latest round of conflict followed the assassination by the IDF of the Islamic Jihad leader, Baha Abu al-Ata, considered to be the prime instigator of terror against Israel over the past year, and Intelligence had information that he was planning a major terror attack against Israel. Islamic Jihad retaliated to Abu al-Ata’s assassination with the rocket fire into Israel. In a departure from recent policy the Israeli government did not hold Hamas responsible and the IDF responded by attacking only Islamic Jihad positions and military installations killing some 34 Gazans, including about 16 civilians caught in the crossfire.

As before, Egypt again brokered a ceasefire but since then we have had sporadic rocket fire in the south, including two incidents in the last week. After a three week period of calm on the border, the weekly Friday violent demonstrations have also restarted. We are all asking how long this intolerable situation will continue, and what is the solution to it all.

Elections again!

Another intolerable situation is the continued lack of a government. After the second inconclusive round of elections, and the failure of both Netanyahu (Likud) and Gantz (Blue and White) to garner a coalition, we have been forced into having third election which will take place on the 2nd March 2020. Currently Gantz’ Blue and White Party is winning in the polls and Netanyahu is coming under a lot of pressure to step down from the leadership of his party, the Likud. The Likud has announced it will hold primaries on 26th December with Gideon Sa’ar the only candidate standing against Netanyahu so far. Please pray that all this political chaos will result in a righteous and honest government for our land.

Then-education minister Gideon Sa'ar, left, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a 2012 cabinet meeting. (photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem/Flash90).
Gideon Sa’ar (left) and Benjamin Netanyahu


Today is the shortest day. Winter is here but you would scarcely know it. Yesterday I went for a lovely stroll in the forest in my shirt sleeves! We had a week of rain earlier in the month but this last week it has been gloriously sunny.

Not everyone is rejoicing in this weather however. If you have spent a winter in Israel, especially up here in the Judean Hills, you will know that it can be bitterly cold. Nighttime temperatures in Jerusalem usually drop to around 4 degrees and we can even get frosts and snow at times. Israeli homes are not designed for warmth and most lack good insulation and central heating. This time of year is especially difficult for the elderly, the sick and handicapped who are trying to subsist on meager government pensions. Many elderly folk simply cannot afford to heat their homes. Many live alone (23% of over 65s) and many live in substandard housing, suffering from the effects of damp and mold, and even periodic flooding. Although reports (1) say that the number of impoverished elderly in Israel is dropping every year, there are still many suffering the effects of dire poverty. It is shameful that though Israel as a nation is rich and prosperous, with a steadily growing economy, many on the bottom of the social spectrum do not see any of this wealth coming their way. Our new government, whoever they are, needs to take some serious action to right the many social wrongs that have been neglected for years.

דירה ללא חימום בירושלים
An impoverished elderly man in Jerusalem (Photo: Amit Shabi)


This past year, 2019, has seen a continued increase in the number of new immigrants arriving in Israel. In the last 9 years, from 2010 until the end of 2019, Israel has absorbed some 255,000 new immigrants arriving from 155 different countries (2). Of these, 34,000 arrived this year, mostly from the former USSR countries, especially the Ukraine.

Israel is bursting at its seams. The population now exceeds 9 million in an area the size of New Jersey and half of which is desert or rugged mountains. This is putting a big strain on housing and services. The building industry cannot keep up with demand and the cost of housing is skyrocketing. Roads are also becoming totally clogged with traffic. Israel. According to the travel app Waze, Tel Aviv was ranked 5th in the world for traffic congestion. According to the International Monetary Fund Assistant Director, Craig Beaumont, Israel now has the worst traffic congestion in the OECD. He said, “The population in Israel is increasing, the standing of living is increasing, more and more people are switching to private vehicles, and the infrastructure challenge is mounting.” Israel averages some 2,800 vehicles per kilometer of roads, 3.5 times the 800 vehicles per kilometer of roads average density in the OECD and almost double that of Spain which comes in with the second worst road density in the OECD.

Traffic at Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv.
Traffic on the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv – credit ra.Tomer Appelbaum

Needless to say the traffic congestion makes everyday life quite stressful especially for those who have to commute for work. Thankfully I do not have to do so, but I was reminded of the difficulties recently when I had to go into Jerusalem during the morning rush hour(s!) for a physio appointment. A trip that normally would take me 15- 20 minutes by car took well over an hour. On another day, I decided to use public transport and it took me one and a half hours to make the same trip by bus!

The main entrance into Jerusalem is currently closed off as a new light rail extension and road system is being built. This project is slotted to take some 3 years to complete. In the meantime traffic is being channeled into other routes causing many delays. An additional entrance to Jerusalem is also being constructed. Yesterday while walking in the forest I saw the portals for the new tunnel already taking shape. This new entrance will veer off Highway 1 from Tel Aviv at Maoz Tzion and cut through the hill under the Giv’at Shaul neighbourhood emerging near the Monster Intersection near the Shaare Tzedek Hospital. You can see the portals, indicated by the arrow, in this photo looking from Mevaseret Tzion towards Giv’at Shaul (Jerusalem).

New highway tunnel portals

This last Saturday night the long awaited final section of the Tel Aviv to Jerusalem high speed train line opened. This line has been under construction for 18 years! The first section from Jerusalem to Ben Gurion Airport opened a year or so ago and has been plagued with many problems and breakdowns. I hope this new section will run more smoothly. The trip between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv will take only around 30 minutes and it will no longer be necessary to change trains.

A view of the Jerusalem to Ben Gurion Airport electric train seen near Jerusalem, September 25, 2018. (Yossi Zamir/Flash90)
The electric fast train crossing the viaduct near Mevaseret Tzion (in background) (Yossi Zamir/Flash90)


This past year has also seen an increase in tourism in Israel. Last year some 4.1 tourists visited Israel and 77.5% of those visited Jerusalem during their stay (3). This year we are on course to break that record again. Tourism is one of our main sources of income and in 2018 tourists spent some $US 5.8 billion here, excluding air fares. This influx of visitors also contributes to our traffic woes, especially here in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem there are plans to construct an aerial cable car across the Hinnom Valley from the First Station to the Old City, but this proposal is meeting some opposition from those residents over whose homes the cable car will pass.

Hannuka and Christmas

This year the 8-day-long Jewish festival of Hannuka will start on Tuesday 23rd December coinciding with western Christmas on the 25th. Christmas is not widely celebrated here in Israel but one man, an Arab Christian, Issa Kassisseh, is trying to bring a little of the Christmas spirit to Jerusalem. Riding on his camel Jerusalem’s Santa Claus hands out free Christmas trees to passersby and warmly receives children in his Santa’s House in the Old City. Christians make up only about 2% of the population of Israel, and these are mainly of the Greek Orthodox or Roman Catholic faith. There is also a community of some 10,000 Armenian Christians.

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Jerusalem’s Santa on the Mount of Olives

On that note I will close and wish all my readers a Happy Hannuka, a Merry Christmas and a very Blessed New Year.




One of the problems with writing this blog is that, as fast as I write, events overtake me. I could empathize with the newsreader on TV last night who was interrupted with 3 times in one sentence as new news came in!

Yesterday I rose and opened my computer and discovered that we were under attack once again. Since yesterday morning some 250 rockets have been fired at Israeli civilian areas. I thank God that so far no Israelis have been killed. Around 56 have been treated for minor injuries mainly caused by falling when running to shelter or suffering shock. Two sustained light injuries from shrapnel. One 8-year-old girl suffered a heart attack during a ‘red code’ as she was hiding in a bomb shelter. Her condition remains serious but she is currently stable. About 50% of the incoming rockets have landed in open areas and of the remainder about 90% have been shot down by the Iron Dome anti-missile system. There have been some houses hit and a large factory warehouse in Sderot was hit and destroyed by the resulting fire. It contained a large amount of completed furniture from the factory and represents a huge loss to the owners and the 200 or so who work there.

The situation is causing a great deal of disruption to a large part of the country. Schools have been closed in Tel Aviv and all areas to the south, affecting some 1 million school children, and their parents. Gatherings of more than 100 people are not permitted and this means that larger workplaces are closed, and at least one wedding has had to be cancelled. It was thanks to this policy however that no lives were lost when the warehouse in Sderot was hit as no staff were at work. The Tel Aviv train stations were evacuated and all trains to the southern regions stopped, causing massive problems for commuters. Some rockets were intercepted over Ben Gurion Airport but it continues to operate as usual. Banks and many other businesses were closed yesterday.

Although most of the rockets have targeted communities in the “Otef Gaza” (surrounding Gaza) towns and settlements in the south, some rockets have reached as far north as Tel Aviv, Modiin and Beit Shemesh. This means that the whole of the southern and central regions, including Tel Aviv and its satellite cities, the Judean Hill region (where I live) and Jerusalem are on high alert. We are being warned that this state of affairs could continue, or even worsen, over the coming days.

Israelis crouch by the side of the road as sirens sound in Rishon Lezion (Photo: Hasifa)
Commuters in Israel take shelter as Code Red sirens sound,7340,L-5623573,00.html

A rocket just misses some cars at an intersection on Highway 4 near Gan Yavne

This latest round of fighting is the result of the barrage of rockets fired into Israel on Friday 8th, and intelligence received of planned attacks about to be carried out by the Islamic Jihad. Our Security Council consequently decided to change its policy and gave the OK for the assassination of the Islamic Jihad leader, Bahaa Abu al-Atta , who has masterminded a number of major terror attacks on Israeli civilians in the past and was planning major attacks in the future. Israel targeted his house killing him and his wife. The same night his son, who was also a Islamic Jihad leader, was killed in an air force attack on his home in Beirut. In retaliation, Islamic Jihad immediately unleashed the barrage of rockets and missiles targeting civilian areas in Israel. Concurrently, Israel is carrying out surgical attacks on IJ military bases and installations, and the last I heard some 16 Islamic Jihad operatives had been killed. There are no reports of civilian casualties in Gaza. The IDF has not been attacking Hamas bases. This is also a change in policy as up to now, Israel has held Hamas responsible as the governing power in Gaza, even for attacks carried out by Islamic Jihad. Hamas has not joined in the fighting, so far anyway. Hamas has enough on its hands trying to survive in the face of internal uprisings against its rule and a severe economic crisis. It has no interest in war right now. Egypt has been trying to calm the situation down but Islamic Jihad is refusing to come to the negotiations.

Another new thing is being seen and that is a wave of support for Israel from the EU, UK and the USA. Instead of criticism citing ‘excessive force’ statements are coming out of those countries. A statement from the EU said, “the firing of rockets on civilian populations is totally unacceptable and must immediately stop.“(1) This could all change of course should civilian casualties in Gaza rise. Israel is doing all it can to prevent that happening.

My Bible reading yesterday morning was Psalm 3 and I was struck by its timely pertinence:

Lord, how they have increased who trouble me!
Many are they who rise up against me.
Many are they who say of me,
“There is no help for him in God.” Selah

But You, O Lord, are a shield [a]for me,
My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
I cried to the Lord with my voice,
And He heard me from His holy hill. Selah

5 I lay down and slept;
I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.
I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people
Who have set themselves against me all around.

Arise, O Lord;
Save me, O my God!
For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone;
You have broken the teeth of the ungodly.
Salvation belongs to the Lord.
Your blessing is upon Your people. Selah

Over the past week or so I have been incrementally trying to complete my blog update, before the most recent events overtook me. Here is what I wrote:


Last weekend (25-26 October) I learned a new word, ‘medicane’. It has no relation to medicine or tall grasses – it is actually a contraction of the words, ‘Mediterranean’ and ‘hurricane’. How could I have lived nearly 40 years in the Mediterranean and never have heard this word before? After all, I learned, medicanes strike once or twice a year on average, bringing heavy rain and strong winds. My ignorance however can be explained in that medicanes are normally confined to the western basin of the Mediterranean, and form in the eastern basin only about once in 50 – 100 years.

Last weekend (25/10) a medicane was swirling about in the eastern basin and threatening to drop 100 – 200 mm of rain on Israel bringing a threat of flash flooding and much destruction. To put that into perspective our average annual rainfall here in Jerusalem is only 250 mm, so this would have brought us almost a year’s worth of rain in 24 hours. Another storm, earlier in the week had killed at least 11 people in Egypt, raising concerns that this too could be a killer storm. This caused me, and I am sure others too, to pray that the storm would not come ashore.

Satellite footage of the Mediterranean, October 25, 2019

Satellite footage of the Mediterranean, October 25, 2019NASA-NOAA

I am glad to say the LORD answered our prayers and, although the storm hovered just offshore all day, it eventually dissipated bringing only a few drops of rain here and a few showers further south, but causing no damage that I heard of. Thank you God.

All that Saturday we could see the storm clouds out over the sea but here the air was totally still and there was a heavy and ominous feeling. This led me to see that medicane as a metaphor for the situation in Israel today. All around us there is a tremendous stirring and turmoil, especially in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. I feel like we are sitting on the edge of a hurricane. It feels very ominous. The big question remains, will we get caught up in the maelstrom or will it pass us by?

This week our house group was studying Exodus 13 and focused on the concept of the firstborn in Scripture. The firstborn sons of men and their animals were to be consecrated, given over to the LORD. The clean animals were to be sacrificed but the sons of men, and the unclean animals (donkeys), were to be redeemed with 5 shekels of silver, about 100 grams (Exodus 13: 1-2, 11:16, Numbers 18: 15-18). The poor were able to offer a lamb or if they could not afford a lamb, two turtle doves or two young pigeons (Leviticus 5:7;14:30 for example). Yeshua (Jesus) was God’s firstborn begotten son and consequently his parents took him to the Temple and redeemed him a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons, as required by the law:

Now when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were completed, they brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord  (as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”),  and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord, “A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.”

Luke 2: 22-24

Turtle dove

Yeshua was God’s first begotten son but the LORD also called Israel ‘his firstborn son’.

Thus says the Lord: “Israel is My son, My firstborn” (Exodus 4:22).

This legally gives Israel firstborn status and a double portion of the inheritance (Deuteronomy 21: 15-17). What is more, God, in this same passage, says that it is forbidden to take away the inheritance of the firstborn in favor of the son of a more beloved wife. The church therefore does not replace Israel in terms of firstborn status nor inheritance, even though the true believers in Yeshua will share in His inheritance (Romans 8:17).

Speaking of the time of the restoration of Israel, God promises to Israel double honor and double possessions, not because Israel is righteous or worthy, but because of Israel’s status as the ‘firstborn’ of the LORD. When I look around Israel today I am astounded by the wealth and prosperity this little nation has amassed in just 150 years, in spite of its general lack of natural resources and in spite of all the wars we have fought and the constant attacks by our enemies. It can only be explained by the grace of God, granting us a ‘double portion’. How blessed we are!

And they shall rebuild the old ruins,
They shall raise up the former desolations,
And they shall repair the ruined cities,
The desolations of many generations.
Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks,
And the sons of the foreigner
Shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.
But you shall be named the priests of the Lord,
They shall call you the servants of our God.
You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles,
And in their glory you shall boast.
Instead of your shame you shall have double honor,
And instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion.
Therefore in their land they shall possess double;
Everlasting joy shall be theirs.

Isaiah 61: 4-7


It is autumn here but you wouldn’t know it. I am still wearing sandals and short sleeved shirts. Daytime temperatures have been hovering around 30 degrees Celsius over the last two weeks. While it is normal to get sharavs, the hot dry east wind, at this time of year they normally last only 2-3 days at a time and then the cooler, moister westerlies return. It is unusual for a sharav to last so long. Many people are affected by these sharavs, which are not only hot and dry, but reverse the normal ionization of the air, causing symptoms ranging from flu-like stomach upsets to hayfever or just plain grumpy moods. These sharavs also herald the worst of the fire season. The risk of wildfires is very high right now. The biggest danger is arson terrorism or cigarette butts, but even just a piece of glass lying in the sun is enough to trigger a fire, especially in the pine and cedar forests around Jerusalem. I took a walk in the forest yesterday and was shocked by how many cigarette butts I saw along the way. It only takes one to start a catastrophic fire in these conditions. Tonight, 10 Nov, the Histadrut (Labor Union) is threatening to call the Fire Service to strike. Please pray this will not happen and pray against forest fires and arson terror attacks and the soon arrival of some winter rains. [PS. This did not happen because of the latest round of fighting – every cloud has a silver lining!]

Pray too for California and the parts of Australia that are experiencing catastrophic wildfires at this time. The smoke is so heavy it is turning the skies in New Zealand orange. NZ is some 2500 km from Australia – that is like smoke drifting from the UK to Greece!

Australian bushfires

While Australia is burning the UK is drowning.

A couple and their dog being rescued in a dinghy boat from their flooded house
Flooding in Fishlake in England

On a more positive note, the level of the Sea of Galilee, Israel’s largest freshwater reservoir, fell only 60cm (23.4 inches) over summer. This is a 50 year record. In recent years the lake has been falling around 160cm (63 inches) over each summer (1). We had a wetter than average winter last year and a relatively mild summer. Please pray that we will have another good rainy season this coming winter.

Although we have had only a few sprinkles of rain here so far, the early winter flowers are beginning to show. I saw lots of tiny crocus poking through the ground down in the forest yesterday. They, like so many of our native plants, grow from bulbs so are not dependent upon the rain to begin their growth, but to form new bulbs and mature their seeds rain is needed.

Jerusalem crocus


The security situation here continues to be tense. Last weekend (1 November) 10 rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza. Most were shot down by our missile defenses but one struck a house in the town of Sderot. Fortunately the family had taken refuge in their bomb shelter and were not injured (2). Here is security camera footage of the strike, taken from the house opposite:

No organization has claimed responsibility for the attack but Israel holds Hamas responsible for any attacks coming from its territory. Consequently the IDF attacked a number of Hamas targets in retaliation.

Two days later, Hamas’ leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, boasted that he would turn Israeli cities into ghost towns and had enough firepower to fire rockets into Tel Aviv for six months in a row (3). He also warned against a land incursion saying that there are “hundreds of thousands” of traps waiting for Israeli soldiers and “hundreds of kilometers” of attack tunnels hidden underground. (Just in case you are wondering where all the aid money flooding into Gaza goes!!).

Meanwhile Israel is in an impossible situation. While the intermittent rain of rockets and missiles is intolerable, the thought of a ground incursion seems much worse. Not only would there be a large loss of life on both sides, there is the question of what would we do with a conquered Gaza Strip – with a population of around 2 million Muslims who mostly hate Israel, poverty stricken with 50% unemployment. In short, we don’t want the Gaza Strip! In any case nothing significant is likely to be done as long as we do not have a government.

Perhaps the only hope for Gaza is some kind of social uprising against Hamas and this has begun to happen. Earlier this year, in March, street protests against the economic hardships, increased taxes, the high cost of living, and the soaring unemployment, were cruelly suppressed by Hamas. In recent months Hamas has arrested a large number of activists accused of trying to organize new street protests. Last Thursday 28-yr old Gazan, Yahya Karajeh, died of wounds sustained when he set himself on fire to protest the economic hardships. Yahya and his brother, were orphans with no family to help and had been living on the street for months. Yahya’s death has precipitated an outcry on the social media. One Facebook user, Diala Al-Buhaisi wrote;

We have one president, two governments, the PLO, the Palestine National Council, the Fatah Central Committee, the Palestinian Legislative Council, 18 political parties, 22 ministries, 10 military groups, hundreds of charitable organizations and dozens of clan leaders and businessmen. None of them were able to provide a small room for the poor brothers, Yahya and Aboud, to shelter them from the cold of the winter and heat of the summer” (4).


On the 26th October we marked the 25th Anniversary of the signing of the Peace Treaty with Jordan, but sadly amidst signs of its crumbling. Recently Jordan announced that it would not renew the lease to Israel of two areas of land that was part of the 1994 Treaty. One area, called Naharyim (two rivers) lies at the junction of the Jordan and Yarmuk Rivers and the second, Tzofar, is south of the Dead Sea area. Both these areas have been cultivated by Israeli farmers since 1994. Yesterday 10/11 these areas reverted to Jordanian control and Israelis can no longer visit them, although the farmers may continue to work the land until May next year(5). This move follows an earlier recall of the Jordanian ambassador from Tel Aviv to protest the months-long administrative detention of two Jordanians in Israel without charge (6). Last Wednesday the two Jordanians were released and returned to Jordan, however relations with Jordan remain tense. According to the newspaper, Al -Jazeera, “There is little support for the peace treaty among most Jordanians, many of whom are of Palestinian origin, and relations between Israel and its eastern neighbour have often been tense since the deal was signed”. (7)

With ever-growing tension and threats on both our northern and southern borders a new front seems to be opening on the east as well. Not only does the fragile peace treaty with Jordan seem to be crumbling but reports are coming in that Iran is supplying the Houthi rebels in Yemen with mid- to-long- range missiles that can reach Israel. On the 26th August the Houthis fired 10 Iranian made Badr-1 missiles at a civilian airport in Saudi Arabia, killing and wounding dozens (8).

Then on September 14th, Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked oil facilities in Saudi Arabia with 18 drones and seven cruise missiles supplied by Iran. The Tablet magazine pointed out that ” what has become very clear is that the attack on the Saudis was also meant as a warning to Israel. Beyond the oil fields, the cruise missiles and drones were targeting a larger audience for whom they were meant to signal the weakness and vulnerability of Iran’s enemies in the U.S.-Saudi-Israeli axis” (9).

The Houthi flag has written on it the words (in Arabic) ” Death to Israel, Curse upon the Jews…” (10).

Image result for image;Houthi flag
The Houthi Flag

Between Iran and the Houthis and Jordan lies Saudi Arabia which is also being threatened by Iran and its proxies, especially the Houthis. Strangely this has led to a warming of relationships between the Saudi kingdom and Israel – a result of the ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend‘ effect. This may be a pragmatic advantage for the Saudis at this juncture but we live in a region where pragmatic alliances can change in an instant. Although I welcome the warming of relationships with any Muslim state, it would be a mistake to trust it. On the bottom line, the existence of Israel on what Muslims perceive as Islamic territory is still an anathema, according to the teachings of the Koran. Our only true ally in the Middle Eastern arena is the LORD God of Israel. On Him only must we rely.


To our north Lebanon is in crisis with ongoing protests fueled by poverty, joblessness and lack of basic services like electricity, and government corruption. On the 26th of October this led to the resignation of the Prime Minister, Saad al-Hariri.

It is unclear to us here in Israel whether the current unrest in Lebanon will serve to weaken Hezbollah or make it more dangerous.

Meanwhile Russia has strengthened its hold in Syria as a result of the pull-out of US troops from the Turkish border area. Turkey has penetrated 20 miles into Syrian territory displacing hundreds of thousands of Kurds, who are fleeing, mainly towards the Kurdish part of Iraq. A joint Russian and Turkish force are patrolling this ‘buffer zone’ and Turkey is preparing to move some 2 million Syrian refugees into the area. This is a humanitarian disaster in the making, especially as winter is now upon that region. Israeli hospitals are currently treating at least 30 Kurdish refugee children but that is just a tiny drop in the bucket.


  1. GROWING IMMIGRATION . In spite of the growing threat to Israel’s existence 20,506 new immigrants arrived in Israel in the first 7 months of this year, a 21% increase over the same period last year. At the same time there has also been a decrease in emigration. By September this year Israel’s population topped the 9 million point. We are popping at the seams!


One of the consequences of Israel’s growing population and increasing prosperity is the burgeoning of the number of the cars on the roads. Tel Aviv has been named as the 4th most traffic jammed city in the world. The Transport Ministry is trying to sort out the congestion but it just doesn’t seem to be able to keep up. The fast train from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has had a whole series of problems and frequent breakdowns so many people are still opting to travel by car. Fast lanes for cars carrying more than two people are only serving to make more traffic jams. Traffic coming into Jerusalem from the main Tel Aviv highway is currently being diverted through the Arazim tunnel as remodelling is taking place at the bottleneck of Jerusalem’s main entry point. To try and relieve this point work began a few days ago on another road into the city from Highway 1, bypassing this point. For the next few years, until these changes are completed getting in and out of Jerusalem during rush hours is very difficult. Within the city work is advancing on an extension of the light rail system taking a line to Gilo and also to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. There are plans to improve access to the Old City by means of an overhead gondola line from the Old Train Station. There is some opposition from the Arab villages it must pass over, so it remains to be seen if it goes ahead or not.

Tel Aviv jam Photo: Eyal Izhar
The Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv

3. NATURAL GAS. The natural gas field off Israel’s coast has recently been found to contain much more gas and light crude oil than previously thought. Times of Israel reported that, “ Energean Oil and Gas plc, a Greek gas producer focused on the Mediterranean, said Monday that its appraisal of the Karish North discovery offshore Israel has revealed 0.9 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of recoverable natural gas resources plus 34 million barrels of light oil or condensate.


Tel Aviv is the dog capital of the world with the highest number of dogs, per person. Here are a couple of videos about Tel Aviv dog culture for your dog lovers.

There are so many other things I could write about but this blog is already turning into a book. I must stop here and publish. Please keep praying for all of us here – Israeli, Palestinian and everyone else living and working in this troubled region. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem – not the temporary, unstable fragile peace of man but the eternal peace established by the coming Messiah, Yeshua. May He come soon.


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“Fear no one but God” was the theme of a fabulous musical production I saw the other day. It was a timely message indeed. The dance – musical “Daniel” is based on the Biblical book of Daniel with a vibrant, throbbing African twist. It was brought to Jerusalem from South Africa by an international cast of some 30 Christian dancers and musicians as an act of love towards Israel. The Enemy (Satan) was not happy. The company learned how costly it can be to show love towards Israel. First, two of the cast missed their flight and therefore arrived late. Then the Israeli Customs Authority held back their set equipment and it arrived only one and a half hours before the first show. Somehow the crew managed to assemble it on time. The opening performance was a great success receiving a standing ovation from the audience, but later one of the stars of the show, 36-year-old Andile Gumbi suffered a sudden illness which resulted in a cardiac arrest. He is still critically ill in hospital. As if that were not enough, another of the cast suffered a broken leg. Yet, in spite of these disasters, the show went on with Joe Nieman, who also wrote the music, directed the show and played the part of the older Daniel, stepping in to play both the part of Andile (Nebuchadnezzar) and that of the other actor who had broken his leg. A true hero!

Please pray for the recovery of Andile who remains in a critical condition in Shaarei Tzedek hospital here in Jerusalem. His wife is on her way to join him and his 3-year old daughter awaits him. The rest of the cast are now returning to South Africa. We thank them for their sacrificial love and for the magnificent beauty and the powerful message of their show. May the LORD bless them all. You can read more about this amazing show and see more pictures of the performance on

Admission charges did not cover the costs of this non-profit show. If you want to share in this love gift to Israel you can donate to:

South Africa: First National Bank, Acc no. 62817936993, Branch: 250117, Swift: FIRNZAJJ

Foreign payments: email or call +27 60 875 9045 or WhatsApp Theo Christodoulou at +27 82 375 5703.

Andile Gumbi (left) in his role as Nebu(chadnezzar) and Marissa Drummond (Nebu’s wife)
Joe Nieman (second from left) in his role as the older Daniel

The message of “Daniel” is so timely today for Israel. We have enemies on all sides and even our friends, as few as they are, are proving unreliable. Fear is our true enemy and we need to remember that we need to fear nothing, and no one, except God himself, and he is love.

After the Babylonians conquered the Kingdom of Judah and took away all its leaders and the most talented of the people (including Daniel), those who were left in the Land of Israel decided to flee to Egypt for help. When they consulted the prophet Isaiah, hoping for a confirmation of their plans, God spoke saying,

Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help,
And rely on horses,
Who trust in chariots because they are many,
And in horsemen because they are very strong,
But who do not look to the Holy One of Israel,
Nor seek the Lord!

 Now the Egyptians are men, and not God;
And their horses are flesh, and not spirit.
When the Lord stretches out His hand,
Both he who helps will fall,
And he who is helped will fall down;
They all will perish together.

Isaiah 31:1,3

Recently we were reminded of the danger of putting our trust in any human agent instead of seeking the LORD. On Sunday 6th October, US President Trump suddenly announced that he would pull out the around 1000 US troops stationed on the NE Syrian – Turkish border region in order to permit the Turkish army to attack the Kurdish army and establish a buffer zone in Syria. This seemingly capricious* move shocked the world and shook Israel. We were reminded that even our best friend (or so many once thought him) could not be trusted.

Shimrit Meir of the Israeli newspaper, Ynet, put it this way, “Anyone in the Middle East with eyes in their head understands the man in charge in Washington has lost his mind…. It is time for the most loyal Trump supporters in the region and beyond, to come to terms with the fact the U.S. can no longer be relied on as it continues to spin out of control” (1). Meanwhile Trump tweeted, ” “If Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey” (my emphasis) (2). In my view these are the words of a megalomaniac * dangerously out of control.

Ynet news summarized Israeli concerns thus,

This latest move could bring about a military confrontation between the Syrian army and Turkey as well as the resurgence of ISIS that had already been defeated, while U.S. President Donald Trump backs out of the area leaving it to the control of Assad’s chief ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin (3).

Simon Tisdall, a foreign affairs commentator for The Guardian warned, “ Donald Trump’s rash and foolish decision to pull the remaining US ground troops out of northeast Syria is a shocking betrayal of the Kurdish forces that were instrumental in destroying the Islamic State “caliphate”. It opens the way for a vicious, protracted struggle between the Kurds and Turkey’s military , which is poised to cross the border. And that in turn presages more civilian suffering in a country that has seen far too much during the past eight years (4).”

With the US troops out of the way, Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, mobilized his forces the next day, crossed the border into NE Syria and attacked the Kurdish forces. Without the backing of the US the Kurdish army was left alone in the face of a much stronger Turkish army and had no hope of holding their territory. Within hours they were on the retreat forcing the Kurdish civilians to flee their homes in fear of their lives, most of them heading towards the Kurdish enclave in Iraq.

Erdogan has three goals in this confrontation:

  1. To force the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which comprise about 60,000 fighters, away from Turkey’s southern border. Turkey and the Kurds have been fighting for years and you can read more background on this conflict on
  2. To return, by force if necessary, many if not most of the 3-4 million Syrian refugees who have entered Turkey  since 2011. This amounts to a population transfer, driving away the problematic Kurds and replacing them with the Syrian refugees.
  3. To improve his standing at home, which has recently suffered some hits, including the humiliating loss of Turkey’s two biggest cities, Istanbul and Ankara, in the recent elections

As I was writing this Trump was live on TV proclaiming a victory and that his actions had saved thousands of lives. A ceasefire agreement brokered by the US last week failed and consequently Vladimir Putin stepped in and has managed to set up a ceasefire agreement which establishes a 20 mile (32 km) buffer zone on the Syrian side of the Turkish border policed by Turkish and Russian forces. I cannot see this as any kind of victory for anyone except the Turkish and Russian interests. It was certainly no victory for the around 180,000 Kurds forced to leave their homes just when winter is setting in! Not only that, it further dangerously undermines the influence of the US in the Middle East and grants Russia a much stronger foothold. This is of great concern to Israel.

Israeli Elections

Please continue to pray for our government. We still do not have one. Netanyahu’s Likud Party was unable to create a coalition sufficient to form a government and the President, Reuven Rivlin, has now handed the task to Gantz and his Blue and White Party. If Gantz cannot broker a coalition, and both sides continue to refuse to form a unity government together, then we will have to have a third round of elections next spring.

How much we look forward to the establishment of God’s Kingdom in Israel under the righteous and everlasting government of his Son, Yeshua;

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Isaiah 9: 6-7

  • capricious – given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.
  • megalomaniac – a man obsessed with his own power


  2. Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 7 October 2019


Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.

Isaiah 55:6

It has been a while since I last updated this blog. I have had several attempts to write but I seem to be suffering a blockage. Perhaps that is my message at this time – Deadlock. The whole world seems to be falling into a vortex of confusion and darkness, and Israel is at its epicenter. What can I say?

In the political realm Israel is at an impasse. The second round of national elections have once more resulted in deadlock, with the center-left Blue and White Party, led by Benny Gantz receiving 33 seats and the right wing Likud Party, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, gaining only 32 seats. Neither party is able to garner sufficient coalition partners to reach the 61 seats needed to form a government. Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin has granted Netanyahu the first chance to form a government but Netanyahu apparently knows he cannot do so, and has stated that the only way forward is to form a national coalition government. Lengthy and heated discussions to this end have only cemented the stalemate. Gantz refuses to serve in a government with the Likud Party as long as Netanyahu faces indictment for three counts of fraud and corruption. Netanyahu will not step down because if he were to do so he would lose his immunity as Prime Minister and would likely go to jail if the courts find him guilty of the charges against him. There are also other intractable policies of both parties in which they refuse to compromise, such as the Blue and White Party’s policies which would allow public transportation on Shabbat, civil marriage, mixed prayer at the Western Wall and the drafting of ultra-orthodox yeshiva students into the army. These policies present a major stumbling block for the Likud Party because their support base consists of a majority of traditional and religious Jews for whom these policies are anathema. It seems like the only thing the opposing sides can agree upon is the desire to avoid a third round of elections, which everyone agrees would be a disaster for the nation and likely to result in yet another impasse.

What is the solution? I have no idea. The deep division between the traditional, religious but powerful minority and the liberal, secular majority, is nothing new in Israel. I have just finished reading the biography of Eliezer Ben Yehuda, who was the driving force in the resurrection of the Hebrew language as the lingua franca of Israel, and who said this, in 1920,

For nearly forty years I have been working to separate religion and the state, haven’t I? I did it because I wanted Israel to to be able to develop freely; so that those who are Orthodox and those who are freethinkers could join in the resurrection of Israel. Only in that way could our new state ever be strong” (1).

This deep rift constantly threatens to tear the modern state of Israel apart, but somehow this miracle state not only survives but flourishes. I believe it will also survive this current leadership crisis somehow. You might ask, what is it that holds us together as a nation? Some might cite the unifying force of the adoption of Hebrew as the common language that unites Jews, who have come with their linguistic and cultural baggage from all the four corners of the globe, and for that we can thank Ben Yehuda for his vision and fanatical drive. Others will say it is our shared history and the collective memory of persecution and suffering during our exile. Still others will say there is nothing that binds Israelis closer together other than the constant reality of war and terrorism. For that we can thank our enemies. All these things are true, but it goes much deeper than that. We may squabble and disagree on all sorts of things but we are family, and what family does not squabble? The writer of Ben Yehuda’s biography, Robert St. John, reports that once in a public lecture in which he was attempting to explain the traditional spirit of the freedom of Jewish thought, he said that if three Jews were in one room there would be three opinions on any subject that arose. A Jewish heckler from the back of the hall shouted, ” You are obviously a goy (non-Jew). Otherwise you would know that if there were three Jews in the room there would be four opinions on any subject” (1). There are now 9 million inhabitants of the Land of Israel – 80% of whom are Jewish (2). How many opinions does that make?

Beyond the bonds of family ties lies something even more fundamental and powerful, and that is the call and purposes of God. Israel was formed by God, called and chosen to be His prophets carrying His revelation to the world. The people of Israel gave us the Bible and the Messiah, Yeshua, who brought salvation available for all mankind. For this purpose God has always protected Israel, even during the centuries of exile, and he will continue to do so in our day, until his plans for restoration are complete. It is God himself who holds us together, in spite of all our rebellion and sin, but the enemy, Satan, is doing his utmost to tear us apart and destroy us. The political and social conflicts in our society are just an outworking of the spiritual war taking place between God and His people, and Satan and his dark spiritual forces of evil.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6: 12


The Body of Messiah in Israel and throughout the world is not immune to these struggles. We are caught up in this spiritual battle whether we like it or not, but God did not leave us defenseless or without arms. If we walk in the Holy Spirit we will be victorious in the end. God has given us armor to protect us, and weapons with which to overcome the attacks of the Enemy.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,  and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Ephesians 6: 10-17

The first item of armor mentioned in this passage is the “belt of truth”. I have over recent years noticed a disturbing trend in the Body of Yeshua worldwide. When I first came to the LORD in the 1970s one of the things that characterized new believers was their hunger for the Word of God. We studied it fervently, we memorized it (or at least tried to), we sang it, we loved it. Today very few believers seem to even read the Scriptures, much less study them, and many churches do not have regular Bible Study. Consequently many believers today, and even our leaders, do not have a firm foundation in the Truth and therefore cannot discern error or false teaching.

Yeshua warned us that the days would come when the Body would be infiltrated by ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’, men and women who would teach and prophesy false doctrines and lead many astray. Those days are surely upon us. Here in Israel as well as elsewhere there are many such. We need to pray for discernment and be watchful. These wolves appear as sincerely honorable men and women, who pose as great leaders filled with the ‘Holy Spirit’, but if we look closely at their teachings and their lives, we will see that the spirit they are filled with is far from holy. They are also deceived by their own teachings and lead many astray.

Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” .

Matthew 7:15


The second item of armor mentioned in the Ephesians 6 passage is the breastplate of righteousness. In the book of Titus (1:15) it says, “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure“. I believe that if we are careful to maintain our purity of moral conduct according to the principles given us by God, then God will protect us from error. If we practice sin however, then we open the door for corruption and deception.

This is also true about purity of doctrine. I am deeply distressed by the subtle infiltration of the occult and New Age practices into the Body here in Israel and elsewhere. There seems to be little concern or discernment about this in our congregations. For example a couple of years ago I sought counselling at a center here in Jerusalem connected with the King of Kings ministry. During my second session I was encouraged to carry out a visualization technique. I refused to do so because visualization is clearly an occult practice (1) and I believe it opens the door to demonic influence. I was horrified that this was being promoted in one of the most influential Messianic ministries in this city.

Another thing that concerns me in the Body today is the running after miracles and ecstatic experiences. God does perform miracles and when we come under the anointing of the Holy Spirit there is a sense of extreme joy and ecstasy, but there seems to be little awareness amongst believers in the Land that Satan can copy miracles (see Exodus 7:11 for example) and counterfeit ecstatic experience. We must be careful to discern the difference between true manifestations of the Holy Spirit and the counterfeit (but real) manifestations of evil spirits.

Impure practices and doctrines also create division in the Body, yet these deceiving spirits also often promote and preach unity, while accusing those who speak out against them as being divisive. The desire for unity sounds all very spiritual but there are some things we must shun and separate ourselves from. Many of the false teachers proclaim an ecumenical uniting of the Church bringing about a worldwide revival in the end times. There is no Scriptural support for such a view – in fact, the opposite is true. The Bible teaches that in the end times there will be a time of deception and many will be deceived, and this will result in betrayal and hatred within the Body, and love will grow cold. The end times will not be see a worldwide revival but rather the lukewarm church of Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22). The only worldwide religion of the end times will be the One World Church of the Antichrist that will wage war against the true Church of Yeshua.

Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.  At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,  and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,  but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Matthew 24: 9-13

Yesterday someone sent me this video which is an expose of some of what is happening in the Body here in the Land. It is rather shocking, and I warn you it has some rather graphic content, but it will give you some food for prayer! (It is in Hebrew but if you click on the CC at the bottom of the screen you will get subtitles in English)

I thank God this is just one extreme sector of the Messianic movement in Israel and there are those who are willing to speak out against it, but I fear this movement is gaining strength. You can read more about the Tikkun movement on their website . Note the conference they are due to hold in Jacksonville, Florida on the 15-16th of next month (November).

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;”

Isaiah 5: 20

Wow this got to be a rather heavy blog – but I guess we are living in dark and heavy times. Still all is not hopeless. God is in control and there is still much of beauty, light and truth in the world, if we have eyes to see it (and turn off the TV!).

This last week we celebrated Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), known in the Bible as the Feast of Trumpets (Numbers 29:1-6, Leviticus 23:23-25)

On the second day of this festival I took a walk with a friend in Jerusalem’s Gazelle Park. Now that the vegetation around the ponds there is getting established it is attracting a good variety of water birds. Here are some of the photos I took that day:

Mountain Gazelle
Grey Heron
Common kingfisher
White fronted kingfisher (also known as the Syrian kingfisher)

This coming week, on Wednesday, we will celebrate Yom Kippur (the day of Atonement) and then beginning on the eve of Sunday the 13th, the Feast of Succot. Yom Kippur is the day in which Israel comes to a stop. It is forbidden to travel by car on the roads and a holy hush descends upon the Land. The observant fast for more than 24 hours, forgoing all food, drink, cigarettes and sexual intercourse. They spend many of those hours in the synagogues praying. They seek to be written in the Book of Life. I thank God that in Yeshua our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and we know we do not need to fast or afflict ourselves to get saved. Nevertheless many believers here in the Land fast and pray during this day as an act of identification with our people and also taking the opportunity to pray for their salvation. Please join us in prayer during these Festivals, known collectively as the High Holy Days, the most solemn days of the Jewish calendar.

As I have been writing this we have been rejoicing in the first rains of the coming winter. How lovely the sweet smell of that first rain. It is a reminder of the goodness of God, who brings rain in its season upon the righteous and the evil alike. Hallelujah!


  1. Robert St. John, 1952, “Tongue of the Prophets” Dolphin Books, NY


The Lord lives!
Blessed be my Rock!
Let the God of my salvation be exalted.
 It is God who avenges me,
And subdues the peoples under me;
 He delivers me from my enemies.
You also lift me up above those who rise against me;
You have delivered me from the violent man.
 Therefore I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the nations,
And sing praises to Your name.

 Great deliverance He gives to His king,
And shows mercy to His anointed,
To David and his descendants forevermore.

Psalm 18: 46-50

This week (1-7/09) God delivered Israel from the ‘violent man’, alias Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Seeking revenge for last week’s Israeli attack on a Iranian military installation in Syria, which was making precision guided systems for missiles. In the attack several Iranian military personnel and two senior Hezbollah operatives were killed. Immediately afterwards the ‘mouse roared’ threatening a massive attack on Israel in retaliation, an attack that would reach the center of the country. As the week passed Nasrallah’s roars faded to a squeak and by Sunday he was saying he intended only to ‘kill 2-3 Israeli soldiers’. Israel evacuated its bases within 5 km of the border, set up fake mannequins in vehicles, and banned travel on some roads. The civilian population was told to continue as normal. It also prepared for a massive attack on Hezbollah bases should there be any Israeli casualties.

On Sunday (1/09) about 4PM Hezbollah fired two anti-tank missiles at a vehicle containing 5 Israeli soldiers. By a miracle the missiles missed the vehicle hitting the road instead. Shrapnel pierced the tire of the vehicle but they were able to drive on to a safe position. For several hours there was a news blackout concerning the fate of the soldiers and the IDF carried out an evacuation of two soldiers to trick Nassrallah into thinking he had succeeded. Much later it was revealed that none of the soldiers had been even scratched.

Smoke rises from a fire caused from a rocket fired from Lebanon near Moshav Avivim on the border with Lebanon, in northern Israel, September 1, 2019. (David Cohen/Flash90)

Hezbollah forces also fired on the Avivim Army Base but it had been evacuated ahead of the confrontation.

In retaliation Israel fired around 100 shells into Lebanon but most landed in open fields, setting crops on fire. No casualties have been reported. After a couple of hours all firing stopped and since then all has been quiet.

A few days later (3/09) Nasrallah announced that the confrontation at the border is over. He is claiming a victory boasting, ” Despite all the preparations and fake targets the enemy scattered along the border, we waited for our target and when it came, we hit it, without any doubt“(1). Apparently this was sufficient for him to ‘save face’. Of course he made his announcements from the safety of his mouse hole (underground bunker) in which he has been hiding for several years for fear of an assassination attempt.

Cartoon in the Lebanese media mocking Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who has been mainly in hiding since the 2006 war – here celebrating his 59th birthday,7340,L-5581480,00.html

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had this to say about Nasrallah, ” The man in the bunker in Beirut knows exactly why he is in a bunker…We will continue to do everything necessary to keep Israel safe — at sea, on the ground and in the air — and we will also continue to work against the threat of the precise missiles” (1).

I may sound mocking but it would be a great mistake to underestimate the mouse in the hole. Nasrallah breathes threats against Israel every day and claims to have around 200,000 rockets and missiles that could hit every part of Israel. The problem is that these rockets and missiles are notoriously difficult to aim accurately. In past confrontations many have either been shot down by Israel’s anti- missile system or have landed harmlessly in open areas or in the sea. It is therefore of great concern to Israel that Iran is supplying high-precision missile guidance systems to Hezbollah. For this reason Israel is carrying out many missions to destroy the installations where Iran is building, storing these systems and training Hezbollah operatives in their use. Even since the confrontation on Sunday (1/09) the Israeli IDF has announced that it has carried out several such attacks in Lebanon, Syria and even Iraq. Israel must do everything it can to prevent Hezbollah obtaining this technology which would enable them to pinpoint with great accuracy key military and civilian targets. For now, Hezbollah is weak having lost a great number of personnel during the Syrian Civil War, and is also facing some financial issues. There are also signs that Hezbollah is facing growing criticism in Lebanon itself – see the cartoon above, for example (2) . The Lebanese people do not want to be drawn into another war with Israel. Should Hezbollah however recover its confidence, I have no doubt it will attempt to destroy Israel as Nasrallah threatens nearly every day.

Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”

7 “I will declare the decree:
The Lord has said to Me,
‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”

10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings;
Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear,
And rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,
And you perish in the way,
When His wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.


The other day I was idly rereading some of my earliest blog posts written during the last Gaza war in 2008. I was amazed how similar they were to my more recent posts. Nothing significant has changed. They shoot at us and we retaliate. A ceasefire is announced and a tense calm exists until the next time they shoot at us. Round and round it goes with no end in sight. It is a great weariness for all.

Once more, the Friday night of 6/09 the sirens sounded in some of Israel’s southern communities, Sderot, Ibim, and Kibbutz Or HaNer as five rockets were fired from Gaza. One landed near the town of Sderot, setting fire to brush. Two women were treated for shock. This followed the weekly border riots in which two Palestinian minors were killed by IDF fire. The protests had been especially violent that week with around 6,000 Palestinians hurling a large number of explosive devices, grenades and firebombs at IDF troops guarding the border. The border fence was also damaged. In addition to the two dead, some 70 protesters were injured, 38 of them by live fire, according to the report of medical officers in Gaza.

The brush fire in Sderot resulting from the rocket attack on Friday,7340,L-5581480,00.html

Later that Friday night the IDF attacked several Hamas targets and the next day a Hamas cell launched an armed drone attacked an IDF vehicle, prompting an Israeli retaliation in which the IDF attacked  naval combat equipment belonging to the terrorist group and two military centers for Hamas’s aerial systems in airstrikes in the northern and central Strip (3).

Later Friday night Israeli aircraft and a tank attacked several Hamas targets in Gaza. This morning a drone, piloted by a Hamas cell, dropped explosives over the Israeli border, damaging an IDF vehicle but causing no casualties. Soldiers fired at the cell but there have been no reports of casualties (4).

On Tuesday of this week (10/11) the sirens sounded again, this time as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was giving an election speech in Ashdod. He was ushered off the stage by his security detail. Netanyahu said to the audience ” We have a code red warning, leave quietly” and then realizing this was impossible he turned an asked his guards “Where should they go?” This was all being broadcast live.. Almost immediately his election campaign people realized how damaging this incident would be to his campaign and deleted the video – but too late! You can see the video here:

In this attack two medium range missiles were fired from the Gaza strip towards the Israeli cities of Ashkelon and Ashdod. One missile was shot down by Israel’s Iron Dome defense system and the other landed in the sea. There were no casualties.

The next day, on Wednesday, sirens again sounded in some southern communities, this time while children were still in school. Three launches were detected and one of the rockets landed in the yard of a home causing some damage to the house. Thankfully the family were not at home at the time and no injuries were reported.

This last Friday also marked the 73rd week of the Gaza border riots, the so-called Palestinian “March of Return”. This too is a great weariness, so much so that it barely gets a mention on our local news these days.

With elections looming, in just 3 days time, the inability of the Netanyahu government to resolve the Gaza issue is a primary election issue. On Thursday, Netanyahu announced that ” it looks like there will be no other choice but to embark on a wide-scale campaign in Gaza” (5). On Friday, returning from meetings in Russia with Putin and the Russian Defense Minister, Shoigu, Netanyahu announced that such an attack “could happen at any moment” leading to some speculation it could happen even before Tuesday’s election. I doubt that Netanyahu would risk that but he is desperately trying to garner election points at this stage. We can only pray that God’s will will prevail at this time.


On Tuesday afternoon our TV stations announced that Netanyahu would make “an important announcement at 5PM”. At 5PM this was postponed to 6PM, but at that time he came on air, to announce that if elected again as PM he will immedieately annex the Jordan Valley. You can see the whole speech, with English translation, by clicking on the link below:

As I watched this I was shocked by what appeared to me to be a brazen misuse of his position to score pre-election points. The Election Committee tried to shut this broadcast down and some, but not all networks did stop showing the speech. You can see the whole speech, with English translation, by clicking on the link below:

It transpires that prior to Netanyahu’s speech he had intended to actually announce the annexation, as opposed to just announcing his intention to do so, if elected. He was dissuaded from doing so by senior security officials. What is more, the Election Committee has since fined Netanyahu and his Likud Party 30,000 shekels for violating the election law for making election campaign messages during a live broadcast(6).


There are, as I already said, only 3 days to go before the elections. After the failed election earlier in the year, the campaigns this time have been exceptionally dirty with much name calling, mudslinging and underhand, devious tricks on all sides. As things stand polls are indicating the likelihood of yet another stalemate. I am glad I do not have the right to vote as I would not have a clue who to vote for. They all have good policies and bad. I thank God I have something much more powerful that a ballot slip. I have prayer. I am simply praying that God’s Will will be done. I would like to hope for righteous and just, and wise government but I admit I don’t believe there are really any options for such a government to be elected. I do know however that ultimately God is in control although for a time Satan, the “Prince of the Power of the Air” (Ephesians 2:2), is wrecking havoc on Earth. Soon, I hope and pray, Satan’s time will come to an end and Messiah, Yeshua, will establish his throne on Mt Zion. Until this is fulfilled we need to be much in prayer for our leaders.


There have been a number of terror attacks recently. The most serious occurred at Ein Bubin Spring, near the settlement of Dolev, east of Modiin. A father and his two teenage children went out for an early morning hike and as they approached the gate to the spring an explosive device detonated in their path, killing Rina Shnerb (17), and seriously injuring her brother Dvir (19). The father was lightly injured too. In a testimony to the resilience of the Israeli spirit and just hours after his release from hospital this week, Dvir received his certificate qualifying him as a medic for the Magen David Adom service, the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross.

17-year-old Israeli teen Rina Shnerb was murdered in a terrorist bombing in the West Bank on Friday morning, August 23, 2019
Rina Shnerb, killed in terror attack.
Courtesy of the family


On September 1st some 2,300,000 Israeli school children returned to school after the long, two-month, summer vacation. For me this marks the end of summer even though the weather denies it. It is still reaching more than 30 degrees pretty much every day but we have had one or two days lately that didn’t. There is a stirring in the air and a freshness in the breeze which heralds the coming of fall/autumn. Another herald of the coming change is the flowering of the sea squill, a plant recognized in Israel as the first harbinger of fall. They are already flowering. This is a reminder of the faithfulness of our God, who sustains the times and the seasons. Praise His Name!

Paul and Barnabus proclaimed:

  Nevertheless He (God) did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”

Acts 14: 15-17

Sea squill, Urginea maritima,
Netanya Winter Pond 8 Sept 07
Flower of sea squill








Delusions and Drones

Today is the last day of August and the last day of the school holidays for more than two million Israeli children. The almost traditional start-of-the-school-year teacher’s strike has been staved off this year at the last minute, and one can almost hear the sigh of relief uttered by parents across the land. I am not so sure about the teachers.


This summer has seen the rise of a new style of warfare in the Middle East – the war of the drones. I don’t mean the kiddies toy or the camera drones, but drones equipped for military purposes. Cheap and easy to build, drones can fly low, evade radar and heat sensors, are difficult to spot visually and are almost silent. These weapons are already being used not only by national military forces but also by terrorist organizations including Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. Such weapons are capable of causing much damage and loss of life in a conflict situation. The Jerusalem Post put it this way, ” What started as a child’s toy has turned into a strategic weapon in the hands of militaries and non-state hostile actors across the skies of the messy Middle East.
From the crowded cities of Beirut and Gaza to the sandy deserts of Yemen and Iraq, weaponized drones have brought a whole new assortment of security threats to the forefront and have raised the stakes in the tensions between Israel and its enemies

Israel too has drones of its own and for some time now has been using them to fight against the incendiary balloons flown into Israel from Gaza and to drop tear gas canisters on rioters at the border.

IDF soldier with drone that intercepted incendiary balloon from Gaza (Photo: Reuters)
IDF soldier with drone that intercepted incendiary balloon from Gaza (Photo: Reuters),7340,L-5318598,00.html

Israeli companies have also been working on countermeasures to detect and shoot down drones. One recently unveiled by the company Smart Shooter is the SMASH2000 which attaches to military rifles and enables anyone to be able to track and very precisely shoot down a fast moving target on land or in the air, such as a drone (1). However a spokesman for the company, Dr Abraham Mazor, pointed out that “The threat of drones is a multilayer threat…There is not only one kind of drone that we have to defeat; there are many kinds, in terms of height, weight, velocity; and therefore there is no one solution for the threat posed by them” (1).

Both Hamas and Hezbollah are busy building up their drone arsenal and have already sent attack drones into Israeli territory. In May last year at least three drone attacks were made on Israeli towns in the south. None caused damage or injury but explosions were heard and fragments found. It is thought that this was probably a practice run for a larger planned attack in the future. It is feared the drones could attack Israel’s Iron Dome batteries, military bases or civilian towns. They can carry explosives and gas canisters. A drone dropping a chlorine gas canister could bring about multiple fatalities in a built-up area for example.

On Thursday (22/08) an Iranian UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), or drone attack from Syria was repulsed by Israeli forces. According to the IDF spokesperson, Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, Iran’s Qud’s Force, part of the Revolutionary Guards had been preparing the attack for several months and had sent four Iranian drone operators to Syria to control the UAVs during an attack on northern Israel. Each drone was to carry several kilograms of explosives and crash into Israeli targets, serving as unmanned suicide bombers, or “kamikaze drones”. Fortunately for us, Israeli intelligence had discovered the plot and has been keeping track of the operation. Conricus did not explain how Israel had foiled the attack (2).

The following Saturday (24/08) Israeli aircraft attacked an Iranian military targets in the village of Aqraba, southeast of Damascus, where the drone operation was centered, killing at least 5 people including Hezbollah terrorists and at least one Iranian official (2).

The next day two drones crashed in Beirut, Lebanon. One exploded and damaged the Hezbollah Media Center and killed two Hezbollah terrorists. Hezbollah claim these drones were launched from Israeli gunboats, but the IDF has not commented. Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, is nevertheless threatening to carry out a revenge attack, intending to kill at least 2-3 Israelis, within 72 hours, according to the Kuwaiti Al Rai newspaper and reported by the Israeli News Channel Arutz 7 this morning (3,4).

Broken windows are seen on the 11-floor building that houses the media office of Hezbollah in a southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, August 25, 2019. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

The IDF believes that Hezbollah does not want to start a war with Israel at this time and will limit its attack to military targets. As a result Israeli forces in the north have been on high alert all week and all leave for soldiers in the region cancelled. The movement of military vehicles within a 5 km distance from the border has been limited and there are unconfirmed reports that IDF vehicles containing mannequins dressed in army uniform have been placed along the border presumably to confuse Hezbollah operatives (5). Civilians have been instructed to go about their daily activities as normal.

Although neither side wants a war only time will tell if this situation will escalate or not. Netanyahu has threatened dire consequences if even one Israeli soldier is as much as scratched.


Against this background of growing tensions between Israel and its enemies, Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran, President Trump has announced his intention of unveiling his ‘peace plan’ for Israel and the Palestinians, either before or after (he has said both on different occasions) the Israeli elections on September 17. This announcement came the same week Trump identified himself as both the “King of Israel” and “the Chosen One” (6). Trump is suffering from delusions of grandeur and sees himself as the savior of the world. I am very concerned that many Christian and Messianic believers (and others) here in Israel are enamored of Trump because of his pro-Israel stance, including the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Whilst I am grateful for Trump’s support for Israel, I am concerned about his Messianic delusions and his perception of himself as the savior of the world. I don’t usually comment on political matters but at the risk of becoming very unpopular I feel the need to speak out. I feel we need to exercise great caution in whom we support. Jesus warned us of a period of deception in the end times.

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.  For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 

Matthew 24: 3-5

I don’t think many Israelis or Palestinians believe that peace is possible at this time. Just this week PA Prime Minister, speaking at the Jalazone Refugee Camp, threatened ‘we will enter Jerusalem as fighters by the millions‘ and that all the Israeli settlements and houses ‘will disappear, by the will of Allah’ (see video). This is our ‘partner for peace’?

Interestingly Abbas claims that the Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites, and therefore the land belongs to them. He should be aware of God’s judgment on the Canaanites. God called Abram to the land of the Canaanites and told him that He would give him this land. However when Abram arrived the iniquity of the Canaanites was not complete and the Israelites were sent into Egypt for 400 years until the time was ripe for the destruction of the Canaanite peoples (also referred to in the Bible as Amorites).

God said to Abraham, “Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God”.

Genesis 17:8

Then He said to him, “I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it… Then He said to Abram: “Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years.  And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions.  Now as for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried at a good old age.  But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.”

Genesis 15: 7, 13-16.

God allowed the Canaanites ( sometimes called the Amorites in Scripture) to remain ‘until their iniquity was complete’. By identifying themselves as Canaanites (even though this claim has no historical basis in reality) the Palestinians may be sealing their own fate. How long will God allow the Palestinians to remain in the Land? Is their iniquity yet complete? Not yet, but it is getting close!!


Having said that, many Palestinian Arabs are quite happy to live in Israel and cannot be counted as enemies. Living in the Jerusalem area I brush shoulders, quite literally, every day with my Arab neighbors. People who accuse Israel of being an apartheid state have no idea what they are talking about. In Israel Arabs, Jews and others shop in the same shops, swim in the same pools, use the same hospitals and buses and visit the same public toilets – a far cry from the Apartheid of South Africa. Everyday relationships between Arabs and Jews are usually friendly and helpful. Yesterday, for example, I had occasion to go to the after-hours medical clinic where I was received very warmly by the Arab receptionist and treated by an Arab doctor and nurse. Afterwards I traveled to the neighboring Arab town to fill my prescription. I was grateful to have Arab neighbors since Shabbat was about to start and all the Jewish pharmacies were already closed. For the same reasons thousands of secular Jews flock to eat in the excellent restaurants in this same Arab town on Shabbat. When I go shopping in my local supermarket I often see Jewish customers chatting warmly to the Muslim Arab lady who cuts the cheeses in the deli section. Yesterday I visited a Jewish friend in hospital. An Arab nurse directed me to her room. Another Arab nurse brought her her medicine. The other patient in her room was an elderly Arab woman. Her visitors greeted me and introduced themselves in a very friendly manner. It was an Arab family who helped me find my way to the exit afterwards. It just shows that at a grass-roots level peace is possible. It is really only a minority who want terrorism and war, but sadly they are the ones we hear about most. Here is an interesting video made by an Israeli-Arab Muslim woman :




Israel is sweltering under the hottest part of our long, dry summer. With temperatures reaching above 30 degrees every day, it is too hot to do much outdoors and I am finding myself going a bit stir-crazy. I remember a rather corny TV weatherman in the 1980s who, around this time of the year, used to start a countdown until he had some weather to report. For 6-8 months a year, it is always hot and sunny in Israel and not a drop of rain will fall. Reporting the weather must be one of the most boring jobs in the Land, so it is no wonder that of late they have resorted to on reporting the height of the waves in the sea and the jellyfish count.

I am not attracted to the beach in summer. Dodging stinging jellyfish floating in a soup of 30 degree water, surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands of screaming people, does not tempt me at all. I much prefer a lovely cool swim followed by a laze on a grassy lawn under a shady umbrella at my local pool. I’ve been doing that a lot lately!

Image result for pics tel aviv beach
A Tel Aviv Beach in summer

The weather is not the only thing getting hot around here. Once more we are seeing an escalation of tension both within Israel and on the southern border.


After a hiatus of almost a month residents of our southern communities were again having to run to their bomb shelters this last Friday night (17/08) as ‘code red’ sirens blared. A rocket was shot down by Israel’s Iron Dome system and no injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded by attacking two underground military targets belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Last night (18/08) many southern communities went on high alert as more rocket fire was expected, and the cities of Beersheva, Ashdod, Ofakim, Gan Yavne and Yavne opened their municipal bomb shelters. During the night the sirens sounded again as at least three rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israeli towns in the south. Two of the rockets were shot down by Israel’s Iron Dome system and some of the shrapnel fell in the yard of a home in Sderot causing damage. One woman was treated in hospital for shock and several others sustained minor injuries as they ran for shelter (1).

Recently there have also been several infiltration attempts across the Gaza border. On the night of Friday the 9th, four heavily armed Gazan Palestinians crossed the border fence into Israel with the intent of killing many Israeli civilians. They were spotted and engaged by the IDF. One of the Gazans threw a grenade at the IDF soldiers who returned fire killing all four infiltrators.

This photo released by the IDF shows a collection on weapons, including rifles, RPG launchers, grenades, bolt cutters, and knives carried by four Gazans who tried to cross the border into Israel, August 10, 2019. (Israel Defense Forces)

Last night also another group of Gazan terrorists attempted to infiltrate Israel but they were discovered and an attack helicopter and tank fired at them killing all. It is unclear how many they were, reports vary between 3-5. Palestinian media also reported that the men were members of the Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s military wing, Saraya al-Quds, but this has not been confirmed (2).


In recent days there has also been an upsurge in terror attacks in and around Jerusalem. Shin Bet, one of Israel’s security services, claims that “the (Hamas) operatives in the West Bank were instructed to form cells in order to carry out kidnappings, shootings and stabbings, purchase weaponry, and find and recruit additional operatives for terrorist activities” (3). Earlier this month Shin Bet captured one such cell which had prepared 3kg of explosives for a planned attack in Jerusalem. These explosive devices had been stored in a school next to the bomb maker’s house! The Shin Bet also claims to have thwarted several other similar cells in recent months.

Sadly the Shin Bet, as effective as it is, cannot stop all terror attacks, especially the so-called ‘lone wolf’ attacks. On Friday (16/08) two teenagers standing at a bus stop were intentionally rammed by a passing vehicle, injuring one seriously and the other moderately. The vehicle overturned and as the driver emerged an off-duty police officer on the scene killed him. The officer also managed to capture the attack on his dashboard webcam. You can see the video on .

Earlier on the same day two teenage Palestinian boys attacked with knives soldiers guarding the Old City of Jerusalem. In the attack a 40-year-old policeman sustained multiple stab wounds to his upper body and a bystander was lightly injured. One of the attacking boys was shot dead and the other shot and seriously wounded. He was taken to an Israeli hospital for treatment. This attack was also captured on video, which you can see in the video on this site: .

The tragedy of this attack is that the terrorists were just boys aged 14 years old. One must ask what kind of society so fills their children with hatred and violence that they would carry out such an act? A society that brainwashes them with lies and hatred for Jews from the cradle, one in which toddlers hero-worship terrorists, and who long to become shahids (martyrs) for the Palestinian cause.

Ex-Muslim, Jasmine Mohammed, founder of Free Hearts Free Minds organization, which provides psychological support for ex-Muslims, and author of “Confessions of an Ex-Muslim“, in an interview with the Jerusalem Post explained:  

that the general experience for Muslims is that of “pervasive hate for Jewish people – and this is learned from a young age. In Muslim communities, the word for Jew is not only used as a pejorative, it is used as a curse word. It is a hate that permeates so much so that it is invisible: It is just accepted.

“Never once, as a Muslim, did I stop to think about why we were to hate Jewish people so much. It’s like asking a child why they hate monsters. It is just a learned behavior that rarely gets questioned, and the hate of Israel is an extension of that. The hope to annihilate all Jewish people is based on the religion that teaches there will only be peace on earth once all Jews are killed by righteous Muslims (4).

On the 8th of August, just days before his 19th birthday, yeshiva student Dvir (Yehuda) Sorek was brutally stabbed to death just meters away from the entrance to Migdal Oz in the Gush Etzion settlement block, where his yeshiva was located. Dvir was enrolled in a program which combines military service with religious studies and was on his way home having gone into Jerusalem to buy a gift for his teachers. He was not wearing uniform and was unarmed.

Ironically Dvir was part of a group of young Palestinians and Jews who for two years have been meeting together in order to build understanding and a better future for both communities. The gift he had bought for his teachers was a book by David Grossman who champions the cause of the two-state solution”. He died clutching this book. Some of Dvir’s Palestinian friends wrote this about his murder, “

Harsh reality hits us again. A few days ago, our yeshiva friend from Migdal Oz was abducted and killed, When I got the news that morning, I was shocked. I told my Palestinian friends what happened and they didn’t believe me.

Dvir Sorek, 19, who was stabbed to death in the West Bank….Dvir Sorek was one of the participants in this discussion group. In no way we can imagine that someone we met yesterday will be the victim of tomorrow.

We send our condolences to his family and our friends in the yeshiva.

And for us as a group, we condemn this kind of vicious violence that target us all for our residence place, religion, identity, citizenship. It is so sad we reached the point where we are talking about the right to not be killed.

We will stay in this way until we achieve the goal of freedom and the right to life. We are building a bridge between peoples on this land and we will continue to work on it (5).

In spite of all, there are those, albeit a minority, who are trying to make a better future.

The Shin Bet security forces have arrested two suspects for the murder, Nasir Asafra, 24, and Qassem Asafra, 30, cousins from the village of Beit Kahil in the southern West Bank (5).

Sister of Dvir Sorek: ‘I don’t think his killers deserve to live’
Dvir Sorek

Hamas has denied direct involvement in this spate of ‘lone wolf’ terror attacks claiming they were carried out by ‘rebellious youth’. In statements to the Palestinian news agency Safa, officials from Hamas and Islamic Jihad said “The rebellion of the youth is a harbinger of an explosion,…We won’t tolerate the crimes of the occupation against our nation any longer” (10). Hours earlier an unnamed senior Hamas official made similar remarks to the London-based Palestinian newspaper al-Araby al-Jadeed, justified the attacks saying, “Palestinians are disappointed by the difficult conditions caused by the Israeli occupation… Dozens of promises to improve conditions have not been kept. This frustration has become the legacy of 2 million Palestinians” (10). Of course Hamas and Islamic Jihad will blame Israel instead of accepting that they have brainwashed a generation of Gazan youth into a brutal culture of mindless hatred and murderous intent while they have diverted billions of aid dollars into acquiring munitions, building tunnels and other military infrastructure rather than using it to give the Gazan people a better quality of life.

Both Israel and Hamas however are concerned that the current wave of terror attacks, and the cross-border infiltrations will catapult us into a full-scale war. Hamas has warned of an ‘impending explosion’, and there is growing discontent in Israel with our lack of decisive action.


Hamas in the south has carried out thousands of arson attacks in Israel over the last two years and last Friday Hezbollah in the north began to emulate these attacks. Hezbollah lit fires along the Lebanese border, which fanned by strong winds, quickly spread into Israeli territory threatening the town of Margaliot and an IDF post. Vehicles belonging to the UN ‘Peace Forces’ in Lebanon reportedly passed through the area at the time but did nothing to stop the arsonists or put out the fires (6).


The greatest threat to Israel remains Iran. Last week Israeli naval forces participated in a joint training exercise with US forces in which they “exercised regaining control of a hijacked ship and extracting forces from enemy territory” (7). Although the IDF claims this was just a routine training exercise it comes “amid heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran in the Persian Gulf and efforts by the Trump administration to set up a naval security mission to protect shipping in the Strait of Hormuz”. Six oil tankers have been seized or attacked by Iran in the Persian Gulf in recent weeks. The US is trying to set up a coalition force to protect shipping in the Gulf.

Earlier this month (05/08) Iran threatened European powers that it would further reduce compliance with its 2015 nuclear deal in about a month’s time if they were still failing to protect it from crippling U.S. sanctions, reimposed after Washington exited the deal (8). Iran threatened “to block all energy exports out of the Strait of Hormuz, through which a fifth of global oil traffic passes, if it is unable to sell oil as promised by the 2015 deal in exchange for curbing its uranium enrichment programme” (8). It has already violated the deal by enriching uranium and stockpiling heavy water beyond the levels allowed. It denies that it is seeking to build a nuclear bomb but there is no other legitimate use for uranium enriched to these levels.

Iran also appears to be preparing a third attempt to launch its Nahid-1 telecommunications satellite into space (9).


In the midst of all these threats to our existence, Israelis will go to the polls on September 17 in a second attempt to elect a government. This will perhaps be the most important election the nation of Israel ever held. Given the childish taunts and accusations being bandied about by every candidate, and the corruption and dishonesty that infiltrates the entire political world, it is hard to know how to vote. It is also hard to know how to pray. However I would recommend the prayer of Derek Prince outlined in his book, “Secrets of a Prayer Warrior“,

Lord give us leaders such that it will be to Your glory to give us victory through them.”

Furthermore, it is written,


James 5:16




I have lived in Israel nearly 40 years and I have loved this nation with all my heart. For the most part I am incredibly proud of what Israel has achieved in the last hundred years or so. However from time to time I am puzzled by some of the things we do, and yes, even ashamed. It does not diminish my love in any degree, any more than a mother ceases to love a disobedient child. But like that mother, I am deeply disturbed when Israel ‘misbehaves’, and I believe that the God of Israel, who loves Israel unconditionally as a father, is also grieved when we do wrong.

Twice God expelled Israel from the Land because of her disobedience, and the main sins He accused us of through the prophets were three – idolatry, corruption, and the oppression of the poor.

Now that the people of Israel are returning to the Land it distresses me that we are still guilty of all these sins. It is true that we do not worship the Baals on the hilltops or burn our children alive to Moloch any more, but there are other forms of idolatry we commit. Many have turned away from the God of Israel and seek after enlightenment through Hindu/New Age practices such as the various forms of meditation and yoga, and many practice occult forms of witchcraft and sorcery, all of which are an abomination to the LORD.

When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there.  Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,  or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.  Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.  You must be blameless before the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 13: 9-13

Others, rejecting religion, seek only after hedonistic pleasure, sexual abandon and covetous materialism, also a form of idolatry.

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.  Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.

Colossians 3: 5-6

This week we were horrified to learn that 12 teenage Israeli boys were arrested for the gang rape of a 19-year-old British woman in Cyprus. Yesterday all 12 were exonerated when the woman admitted that her accusations were false. It would appear that the woman had had consensual sex with three of the boys and when a fourth wanted to have sex with her, she refused and he humiliated her. She had made the accusation of rape in revenge for her humiliation. Today these boys are coming home with big smiles on their faces and, so far anyway, none have expressed regret or shame for their acts. It grieves me that this kind of behavior has become something of the norm amongst our young people. It is the result of the over permissive and indulgent style of parenting that is common in all Western nations today (as a teacher I see this every day), and the rejection of the Biblical moral compass. Too many young people have no respect for themselves as moral creatures made in the image of God, and no respect for their parents or any other authority figure, or even respect for the law. I feel like an old fogey saying such things, and probably our parents said the same about my generation, but this does not detract from its truth. It is sad that our young (and not so young) people seek the cheap thrills of sexual abandon, and hedonistic pleasure, rather than true love.

While the secular often seek only materialistic hedonism, the so-called ‘religious’ practice a works-based religion based more on man-made rules and traditions than on the revealed Word of God. They add to the Torah hundreds of rules and regulations that proscribe every daily action – something God forbade:

See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it.

Deuteronomy 12: 32 (in Hebrew Bibles it is chapter 13:1)

It is sad that the tight legalistic world of religion turns so many young people away from the loving God of Israel. No wonder they seek spirituality in New Age practices or happiness in the pursuit of pleasure.

I am also appalled by the rampant corruption and fraudulent dealing in our society and it stretches from the street merchants to the highest levels of leadership and government. It results in the oppression of the poor and much injustice. God warned Israel to repent of these things through the prophets prior to the two great exiles but they did not listen. They paid the price – exile.

For I know how many are your offenses
    and how great your sins.

There are those who oppress the innocent and take bribes
    and deprive the poor of justice in the courts.
 Therefore the prudent keep quiet in such times,
    for the times are evil.

 Seek good, not evil,
    that you may live.
Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you,
    just as you say he is.
 Hate evil, love good;
    maintain justice in the courts.
Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy
    on the remnant of Joseph.

Amos 5: 12-15

There is another sin that I see everyday in Israel these days. It is the sin of arrogance and complacency. We are all very aware of all the threats against us. Every day our enemies boast that they will annihilate Israel. But we proudly assume that God will not allow that to happen. We trust in the power and strength of our army, and that of our friends – especially the USA, to protect us. We glory in our past victories with the assumption that we can beat any enemy because God is with us. I do believe that God is watching over Israel and has even in recent times supernaturally protected us many times over. I believe that no Enemy will have final victory over us but, that said, we must guard our hearts against the sin of presumption. We must remember to give all the glory to God with a spirit of thankfulness. I also believe that because of our sins God will bring a terrible time of judgement on Israel in which all the nations will rise up against us in a great battle for Jerusalem and Judah. This battle will result in tremendous loss of life and bring Israel to her knees. The battle would be lost but at the end God will step in and save Israel, and she will at last recognize her savior, Yeshua, and bow down before him (Zechariah 12, Joel 2, Isaiah 34 etc) . God has promised that no one would be able to stand against Israel but that promise has a condition – obedience:

 If you carefully observe all these commands I am giving you to follow—to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him and to hold fast to him— then the Lord will drive out all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you.  Every place where you set your foot will be yours: Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea.  No one will be able to stand against you. The Lord your God, as he promised you, will put the terror and fear of you on the whole land, wherever you go.

Deuteronomy 11: 22-25

In our society love has grown cold. A headline in a Newsweek article this week read, ” FROM ISRAEL TO THE U.S., COMPASSION IS IN DWINDLING SUPPLY”. Our world is becoming brutalized. We are bombarded every minute of every day with violence, hatred and increasingly evil acts. One way to cope with this onslaught is to harden our hearts. We cease to care and we withhold compassion.  

Several things have happened recently in Israel which demonstrates this. On Monday Israeli security forces demolished 13 buildings with 72 housing units in the Wadi al-Hummus neighborhood of Tsur Baher in East Jerusalem (1). Only two of those homes were occupied and the 17 residents were evicted prior to the demolition. Some of the units were still under construction. I find it hard to understand this action. Israeli sources claim the homes were built too close to the security fence and constituted a security risk. On the other hand, these buildings were constructed with permits obtained legally from the Palestinian Authority, and as far as I know no security incidents had emanated from them. I rather feel that demolishing peoples homes is creating a much greater security risk as it only serves to increase anger and hatred in a neighborhood already known as a hotbed of terror. However I do not know all the political or security arguments for or against. But I do ask, what about the people? Someone had paid for those buildings. Perhaps families had paid for those homes and are now left destitute. Does anyone care?

Marc Schulman, a Newsweek columnist put it this way:

Monday night, after the buildings were eradicated, the Minister of Security, Gilad Erdan, posted multiple videos proudly showing off how the houses were being blown up. To further darken the picture, a video clip of Israeli soldiers celebrating the successful implosion of the largest building was widely shared. Those demolished buildings were constructed to house people; people who spent their hard-earned money to build new homes for their families”.

Even if we have the legal right to destroy these buildings, human decency would suggest it only proper to show at least a bit of compassion, perhaps along with some sorrow over these actions that were deemed necessary. For instance — “We are sorry the situation has come to this. We would prefer to be able to build together, instead of having to destroy,” — or literally any statement that shows some sympathy for what the other side has endured “(1).

The following day, Tuesday, Israeli immigration police arrested two Filipino women and their 3 children and held them in a detention cell prior to deportation. Meretz Party chairman, Nitzan Horowitz, was present at the arrest and he tweeted this:”

“These children were born here and their only ‘crime’ was that they were born to a mother from the Philippines,”… “Now the police are packing up their few possessions and outside a few of their friends are standing and crying.”

Here is such a cruel thing, … They are taking out the mother with tears and her two trembling children [with] two bags with a few clothes. This is how you end someone’s life.”

They put the children, in total hysteria, into this sealed car, on the way to a detention cell. You can hear the crying and screaming inside.This is what you should do to criminals, not little children. There is no reason in the world to behave like this. It is much more than a shame and disgrace — it is abuse and it must stop.” (2)

Yesterday (29/7) one of the Filipina women arrested a week ago, together with her 11 month old baby, were deported back to the Philippines (3).

In spite of a national outcry against the practice, immigration authorities plan to deport in the coming days at least another 100 foreign workers and their children, most of whom were born in Israel (3). There are some 30,000 Filipino workers in Israel. They come legally to work, mainly caring for the elderly and handicapped, but many do not renew their visas and are classed as illegal over-stayers. 85% of these workers are women and some have given birth to children since their arrival. As a result there are now nearly 1500 Filipino children enrolled in Israeli schools (2). Children born in Israel are only given automatic citizenship if their parents are citizens, therefore these children, who were born and have grown up in Israel, are not considered legal residents.

Forcible deportation is legal but is it fair and morally acceptable, especially when it concerns children who have only known life in Israel and in many cases do not even speak Tagalog (the language of the Philippines)? These Filipino workers take care of our elderly and those with special needs with care and compassion and it is often because of this they chose to stay on when their visas expire, knowing there may not be anyone willing to take their place. They receive only very low wages and work 24/7 often in poor living conditions. Israelis are not willing to do this kind of work, and certainly not for the very low wages they would be paid. Perhaps the solution lies in creating a society that puts a much higher value on such work, and pays it accordingly, so that we do not have to import foreigners to do it for us. However, in the meantime, we owe a debt of gratitude to these workers who look after our needy relatives. Surely there is a better solution than arresting children like criminals and causing them life-long trauma. Where is our compassion?

A few days ago there was another horrifying incident when a squabble over a car park resulted in a man being shot and killed. The victim was Ofir Hasdai (40) and he was trying to park in a disabled parking space at the Ramle Azreli Mall, asked the killer, Victor Katan (74), to move his car that was taking up two parking spaces. Katan’s wife began hitting Ofir over the head with her handbag, and then Katan took out a gun and shot Ofir in the foot and then in the chest killing him in front of his wife and three children. Now Ofir’s wife, Dikla, who suffers from muscular dystrophy is left alone to care for her three daughters, one of whom suffers from cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair and another who also suffers from muscular dystrophy and requires a ventilator (4). I am glad to say that within just 48 hours donors had given 1.7 million shekels (=$US490,000) in a crowd funding platform for the support of the family (5). This shows that there are still many people out there who feel compassion. However the killing of a man over a parking space is a sign of the times. Is it the result of the saturation of our society with violence on the media, the consequence of overcrowding in our cities and the dire lack of parking spaces, or the outworking of the Ugly Israeli syndrome which dictates that if one gives in or cedes to another he or she is considered to be a ‘frier’ (a weak and detestable sucker). The Jerusalem Post put it this way: The incident that unveiled the rude, selfish and lawless Ugly Israeli we routinely meet driving recklessly on the highway, leaving a trail of garbage in the park, or shouting from this end of the airplane to that, also unveiled his inversions, the charitable Israelis who in this case raised NIS 1.7 million in a crowdfunding drive joined within 48 hours by 10,000 people who had never met Ofir or Dikla (5).

Jesus predicted that the time would come when love will grow cold, because of the increase in wickedness in the world.

Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.  At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,  and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,  but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.  And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Matthew 24: 9-14

Jesus as he said this was talking to his disciples and is talking about the church in the end times. He exhorts us to ‘stand firm’ in love until the end. That is our challenge. Will we allow our hearts to be hardened like those in the world around us, or will we draw on his divine resources to withstand that tendency and walk in love by his spirit?

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice
    and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
    and break every yoke?
 Is it not to share your food with the hungry
    and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe them,
    and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
 Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
    and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness will go before you,
    and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard

Isaiah 58: 6-8

And through the Prophet, Jeremiah, he warned the leaders of Israel saying,

This is what the Lord says: “Go down to the palace of the king of Judah and proclaim this message there:  ‘Hear the word of the Lord to you, king of Judah, you who sit on David’s throne—you, your officials and your people who come through these gates.  This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place.  For if you are careful to carry out these commands, then kings who sit on David’s throne will come through the gates of this palace, riding in chariots and on horses, accompanied by their officials and their people.  But if you do not obey these commands, declares the Lord, I swear by myself that this palace will become a ruin.’”

Jeremiah 22: 1-5

Prayer points:

  1. Pray against the brutalization of our society, that we will maintain compassion and righteousness action according to the will of God. Pray that the people will turn to their God and for a spiritual restoration, through Yeshua (Jesus), of Godly moral values.
  2. Pray for righteous government that will lead us to a more just and righteous society. The party lists are now closed as we approach the new elections scheduled for 17 September. When God chose David to be king over Israel he instructed Samuel thus “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16: 7.
  3. Continue praying for our security – the situation in Iran, with Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south and east continues to threaten our safety and very existence. The tension is still ramping up a notch pretty much every day. Pray too for the safety of our soldiers, police and border guards who every day put their lives on the line. Three Israeli soldiers were injured by an infiltrator from Gaza this week. Pray for their recovery.
  4. Pray for the health and growth of the Messianic Body here in Israel, especially for local congregations. Pray for protection from, and the strength to withstand, the spiritual intensity of the attacks from the Enemy. Pray especially against deception and false teachings. Pray that the Lord will add to our number and that we can communicate the good news that is in Yeshua to the lost people around us.
  5. Pray for protection from wildfires and arson. The last couple of weeks have seen more homes being destroyed by wildfires. We still have several months of hot, dry weather before us and as the Autumn equinox approaches the sharav season begins. The sharav is a strong hot, ultra-dry East or SE wind from the desert. This is the most dangerous time for fires. We’ve already had one unseasonably early sharav.




In the heart of Jerusalem lies the green and pleasant Botanical Garden. With an area of around 30 acres and containing over 6,000 plant species, it is the largest such garden in Israel. It is divided into 6 sections each one representing a geographical area, Southern Africa, Europe, North America, Australia, South-East and Central Asia, and the Mediterranean.  Near the entrance, you can sit a while at the restaurant overlooking the lake which contains a variety of water lily species and visiting birds. It is one of my favorite spots in Jerusalem and a good place to unwind and relax.

[envira-gallery id=”799″]

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