My perspectives on Israel and the Bible

Tag: elections in Israel


Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.”

Philippians 4:8-9

The First Almond blossom 12 Jan 2021

18 January 2021. I am sitting by my window watching the precious, beautiful raindrops falling. At last, after 3 weeks of glorious but oh so dry winter weather, the rains have returned to refresh the land and bring life. My neighbor’s cat is drinking from a puddle on top of my stone fence. A special treat for him. My own cat is snuggled up in my warm and dry bed – he doesn’t like to get wet! I thank God for all these blessings. It is so easy these days to be overwhelmed with grey sadness as we are stuck in our homes in lockdown once again. How important it is to count all our blessings and meditate on the lovely things of this world. Paul knew that. Life in the Roman Empire was no picnic in his time, and Paul himself wrote the words above while in prison, waiting to learn if he would be executed or not. His advice to the believers then is still good advice for us now as we try to cope with the boredom and isolation of lockdown, the continuing threat of virus infection, economic difficulty, the political turmoil and the military threats of our time. I am deeply grateful for all the beautiful things of life, friends and family, my home, my cat, the flowers in the garden and the blossoms in the forest, and most of all for the sure hope of a better future in the Lord.

Update 20/01 : It is very cold today and it is still raining. There is even some ice amongst the rain. We may get some snow but the forecast is for snow only down to 900m. We are at an altitude of about 800m. It is snowing on Mt Hermon and some of the higher hills in the north. It is only 6 degrees C here right now (at noon) and it is expected to go down to around freezing point tonight. Brr! We are not used to such low temperatures.


In the grips of a third wave of Covid-19 infection, Israel went into its third lockdown on December 27th, 2020. As the second week approached it became apparent the lockdown was too ‘leaky’ and the infection numbers were continuing to rise. Restrictions were therefore tightened on the 7th of January, leading to the dubbing of the current phase ‘Lockdown 3.5’. This lockdown was due to end on the 21st of this month but as the infection rate is still high, and hospitals are struggling to cope, the lockdown has now been extended until the 31st January at least.

Daily infections passed a grim milestone and reached a peak (I hope) of 10,021 on the 18th of January (1,2). That same day the total number of confirmed infections in Israel since the beginning of the outbreak stood at around 552,000 (5.5% of the population), and deaths have reached 4,006 (0.7% of cases). This comparatively low death rate can be attributed to our high level of testing and to the courageous and dedicated medical staff who have gone far beyond the call of duty in treating the seriously ill (In comparison, Sweden which has about the same population as Israel, and approximately the same number of reported infections, has experienced 10,323 deaths, more than 2.5 times that of Israel).

In spite of many mistakes, the dithering and zigzagging of government decisions and the lack of cooperation within of several sectors of the society, I think Israel is coming through this crisis reasonably well, compared to other countries. I believe our prayers do make a difference. Nevertheless it is not easy and there is a considerable cost in economic terms and in the mental welfare of the population. The statistics mask the human element of suffering. Our economy is still only ticking over at about 50% and unemployment is around 25% with many businesses, especially small businesses, going bankrupt. Social welfare services are reporting a sharp rise in families needing help, in people reporting symptoms of depression and a rise in suicide rates. My pastor, who is a practicing clinical psychologist and counsellor, also reports a similar rise even amongst believers. In these days we need to know how to draw on the deep wells of living water (John 4), rejoicing in the Lord and counting our blessings.

Israel is boasting of its success with the vaccination process which began around the 18th of December. We have vaccinated a greater proportion by far of our population than any other country. To date, 80% of our medical personnel and 75% of our over 60s have already received their first shot, and many their second shot as well. This represents around 22% of our total population. The full effects of the vaccination do not kick in until about a week after the second shot and therefore we are only just beginning to see results from the vaccination program. Infection rates in the elderly have dropped considerably, even after only receiving the first shot. We have now begun to vaccinate teachers and the over 45 age group. The limiting factor is the availability of vaccines but we are managing to vaccinate over 150,000 every day. Yesterday, 19/01, over 200,000 were vaccinated. One reason we can do this is because of the cooperation between the IDF Home Front Command and the Health Funds. Home Front medics are qualified to give injections and are manning many of the vaccination stations in addition to the Health Fund and hospital nurses. Because of our unique Health Fund system we can effectively gather statistics so Pfizer is using Israel as a massive trial to gauge the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. This will provide valuable information for the rest of the world – just another way that Israel blesses the world.

Getting the second shot at the vaccination station in the Pais Arena in Jerusalem, 14 January 2021

Of course there are risks with such a new technology and a large percentage of Israelis are refusing to be vaccinated, or do not wish yet to be vaccinated. There are also many, especially amongst the ultra-Orthodox and Arab communities who are refusing vaccination because of religious, political or ethical reasons, or because of misinformation about the risks. Unfortunately many in these same communities are also violating the restrictions designed to limit infection and consequently it is in these communities that the infection rates are highest. About 30% of tests are coming back positive in ultra-orthodox towns compared to about 5% for the national average (3).

The video below shows hundreds of guests dancing at an ultra-orthodox wedding taking place in the ultra-orthodox town of Bnei Brak. In these communities, many synagogues, yeshivas (schools for Torah study) and schools are remaining open contrary to regulations and there have been outbreaks of violent resistance when police have attempted to arrest violators or break up gatherings. (Under current restrictions the gathering of more than 10 people indoors is banned and in addition masks must be worn and social distancing maintained).

It is not only the ultra-orthodox and the Arabs who are violating restrictions but also many of the secular youth. The video below shows a party taking place in the Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv, also contrary to regulations. The hospitals are reporting that they are seeing more and more young people amongst the seriously ill being admitted in this third wave.

Social distancing a la Tel Aviv – or why we should vaccinate the under 30s.

No one in Israel is being forced to accept the vaccination, but what is being introduced is the issuing of a ‘green passport’ in the form of a cell phone app which will grant those who have been vaccinated a pass to attend places of worship, theatres, restaurants, sports facilities and to also have a greater freedom to travel. I am somewhat concerned about the social tracking aspect of this ‘passport’, and the data being gathered through it, but since the security forces are already tracking us by means of our cellphone GPS systems, it probably is not a significant additional loss of privacy. On the positive side it will allow more sectors of our economy to begin to open up for business, especially the internal tourism and hospitality sector and the entertainment sectors. We may also soon be able to meet together in places of worship.

Many Messianic believers here, as in other parts of the world, also have objections to receiving the vaccinations. To address this I wrote an article that was published this week in the Kehila News online magazine. If you are interested you can read it here:

Many of the hospitals are reporting that they are reaching their capacity in the coronavirus wards. There is no lack of beds or equipment, but there is a limited supply of qualified doctors and nurses who can treat the seriously ill. A few days ago, the largest hospital in Jerusalem, Hadassah Ein Kerem, had to close its doors to non-Covid emergency admissions and some Covid patients were rerouted to other hospitals. Covid ward staff are suffering exhaustion and reporting many PTSD symptoms, which inevitably will sooner or later result in a drop in the quality of care and a rise in the death rate amongst the seriously ill. Hospital staff are being drawn in from other departments which decreases the care available to patients suffering from other illnesses or trauma.

We are all hoping that the vaccines will put the brakes on the Covid pandemic but there are still a lot of unknowns, especially with the rapid spread of new mutant strains. We already have both the UK and South African strains spreading in Israel and we are trying to keep the Brazilian strain from entering the country. No one knows if the vaccines that are being given will be effective against these new strains, which are much more infective than the older strains. We bade goodbye to 2020 with the hope that 2021 will be a much better year, but this is far from a certainty. It may yet prove to be an even worse year.


Our coalition government was unable to agree on a budget within the required time and therefore the Knesset (Parliament) has been dissolved and new national elections must be held, according to the law. The election will take place on the 23rd March. This will be our fourth round of elections within the last two years. There is a great deal of electioneering taking place, with parties disintegrating, forming and reorganizing, and much wheeling and dealing going on. Polls suggest that Netanyahu and his Likud Party will once more gain the majority of the votes, largely because of the disarray in the opposition with the major left wing parties fragmenting into smaller parties. The Likud Party has lost the support of some of the more extreme right wing parties and so in recent days we have seen Netanyahu courting the votes of the Arab sector. In short, the new elections seem unlikely to result in the formation of a viable government as Israeli society is becoming more and more polarized and fragmented, and this at a time when, more than ever, we need to stand together and have a strong government. I thank God that He is still on His throne and ultimately in control. Please pray that He will raise up righteous men and women who will put the well-being of the nation before their own personal agendas, and who can unite us rather than divide.

Here in Israel we watch American politics closely. The USA is one of Israel’s best friends and whatever happens there affects us deeply. Many Israelis are dismayed that Trump is being replaced by a new president, Joe Biden. Trump did much to help Israel during his term of office, such as moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem, cancelling the flawed agreements with Iran, and helping to broker the Abraham accords. On the other hand, many are relieved that Trump is leaving office as he had become increasingly unstable and unpredictable in his actions. Against this, Joe Biden is as yet an ‘unknown quantity’. He does support Israel and at least 11 of his chosen cabinet are Jewish. We all hope he will consult closely with Israel in matters concerning Middle East policies, especially those relating to Iran.

The swearing in of the new president, Biden, will take place in just a few hours from now in Washington DC, under unprecedented security arrangements following the shocking riots that took place there a week ago. We are all hoping there will not be a repeat of the violence and bloodshed.

I believe it is more important than ever that the church distance itself from politics. One of the most serious mistakes of church history was the combining of state and church that occurred during the Roman Empire period. It led to heresy and the incorporation of paganism into the doctrine and practices of the church. We who follow Yeshua do not belong in the world, we are in the world but not of it (John 17:9-18), and our focus needs to be on spreading the word of the gospel and making disciples. If Christian or Messianic believers side with one political party or another, or one politician or another, we will rise or fall with them, alienate those on the ‘other side’, weaken the witness and bring the Name of God into disrepute. We need to ‘seek first the kingdom of God’ and look to the true ruler of Heaven and Earth. It is He who raises up kings and brings them down (Daniel 2:21). Someone sent me this song today and it seems apt:

(31) The Lord Reigns and One God with Lyrics – YouTube


Although our attention has been focused on the Corona crisis, this does not mean that the external threats to Israel have lessened. Iran is still breathing dire warnings every day and continuing to build up its arsenal of long range missiles capable of attacking all Israeli territory and US military installations in the Middle East. They are also threatening those Arab nations, which stand against them, namely Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. These nations have drawn closer to Israel as a result and this has led to them forging economic and military agreements with Israel, known as the Abraham Accords. The latest country to open full diplomatic relations with Israel is Morocco. The economic advantages these accords afford Israel will go a large way to offset the losses we have experienced due to the Corona pandemic. The military implications are yet to be seen. Perhaps it will cause Iran to hesitate longer before attacking Israel, or perhaps not. Time will tell.

Meanwhile Iran is continuing to increase its uranium enrichment program and develop its nuclear and conventional weapon arsenal. It now has long range missiles capable of hitting any country in the Middle East and not a few in Europe. Not only that Iran continues to arm its proxies, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria, Hamas in Gaza, and the Houthis in Yemen. Iran recently showed off its vast array of missile and drone capability sending a clear threat and message to the USA, Israel and our allies.

The President-elect of the USA, Joe Biden, has stated that upon taking office on the 21st of this month, he will initiate talks with Iran in order to renegotiate a deal regarding its nuclear weapons development program. This is being regarded with some horror in Israel but it all depends upon whether any new deal struck will reign in Iran’s nuclear development program or not. In view of the ever rising tensions with Iran, Israel continues to strengthen its defensive and offensive capabilities. Additional anti-missile batteries are being set up around all major cities, including Eilat which is vulnerable to attack both from Yemen and from ISIS, which is now in the Sinai Peninsula.

The Corona crisis has resulted in a drop in internal terror attacks and in the year 2020 only two Israelis were killed in terror attacks. Disturbances on the Gaza border have also decreased but not stopped completely. Last night, for example, two missiles were fired from the Gaza Strip towards the Israeli city of Ashdod. They both landed in the sea, causing no harm. This morning Israel retaliated by attacking Hamas tunnels in Gaza. This follows a military exercise involving Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza during which missiles were fired into the sea and a mock tanks were attacked. It is believed this was intended to send a “clear message to the Zionist enemy” (4). The evening before the exercise Hamas attempted to fire a missile into Israel but it failed to cross the border. Two days earlier two rockets were fired into Israel, one of which landed near Ashdod and the other landed on Palmachim Beach south of Tel Aviv. Fragments of an Israeli Iron Dome interceptor rocket, which failed to hit the missile that was headed towards Palmachim beach, landed in Bat Yam causing some minor damage but no injuries (4).

Tensions are also high in the north. Last month the IDF released the information that in 2020 they had carried out around 500 attacks and a number of cyberattacks, aimed at countering the Iranian entrenchment in Syria (5).


For the first time since the founding of the State of Israel, the Jewish population has dropped below 74% (6). In light of this it is good news that immigration has continued during the Corona virus pandemic, albeit at a slower rate than before. The Jewish Agency says that in 2020 some 20,000 people immigrated to Israel, mainly from the former Soviet Union and including some 1200 from Ethiopia (7). The first immigrants to arrive in 2021 were another 300 Ethiopians (8). They were part of the airlift dubbed “Operation Rock of Israel” intended to bring all the remaining Ethiopians waiting to come to Israel, many of whom have been waiting, separated from their family members, for 15 years or more. The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem sponsored the flights of 1/3 of the immigrants in this latest airlift. Increased efforts are being made to bring the last of the remaining Jews from Ethiopia as conditions have deteriorated over the last year due to food shortages, the armed conflict in Tigray province and the coronavirus. This endeavor is being spearheaded by Aliyah and Integration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata, who is an Ethiopian immigrant herself, and Jewish Agency chairman Isaac Herzog.

In December 2020 a group of 250 members of the Bnei Menashe from northern India also immigrated to Israel. The resumption of immigration to Israel by these descendants of the Tribe of Menashe which were exiled 2700 years ago was also the fruit of the efforts of MK Pnina Tamano-Shata. She was not alone. The Jerusalem Post noted that “This aliyah was also the fruit of efforts by a wide range of Christian Zionists and lovers of Israel around the world. International groups such as Christians for Israel, Bridges for Peace, Ebenezer Operation Exodus, the ICEJ and Shalom Israel Asia Pacific, as well as many Christians from Scandinavia to Seoul, poured out their hearts in prayer and provided support to carry the sons of daughters of the Bnei Menashe back to Zion just as Isaiah (49:22) foretold” (9). Some 6500 members of the Bnei Menashe are still waiting to come to Israel.

Indeed He says,
‘It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant
To raise up the tribes of Jacob,
And to restore the preserved ones of Israel…

Thus says the Lord God:

“Behold, I will lift My hand in an oath to the nations,
And set up My standard for the peoples;
They shall bring your sons in their arms,
And your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders…

Then you will know that I am the Lord,
For they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me.”

Isaiah 49:6, 22-23




Israel is sweltering under the hottest part of our long, dry summer. With temperatures reaching above 30 degrees every day, it is too hot to do much outdoors and I am finding myself going a bit stir-crazy. I remember a rather corny TV weatherman in the 1980s who, around this time of the year, used to start a countdown until he had some weather to report. For 6-8 months a year, it is always hot and sunny in Israel and not a drop of rain will fall. Reporting the weather must be one of the most boring jobs in the Land, so it is no wonder that of late they have resorted to on reporting the height of the waves in the sea and the jellyfish count.

I am not attracted to the beach in summer. Dodging stinging jellyfish floating in a soup of 30 degree water, surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands of screaming people, does not tempt me at all. I much prefer a lovely cool swim followed by a laze on a grassy lawn under a shady umbrella at my local pool. I’ve been doing that a lot lately!

Image result for pics tel aviv beach
A Tel Aviv Beach in summer

The weather is not the only thing getting hot around here. Once more we are seeing an escalation of tension both within Israel and on the southern border.


After a hiatus of almost a month residents of our southern communities were again having to run to their bomb shelters this last Friday night (17/08) as ‘code red’ sirens blared. A rocket was shot down by Israel’s Iron Dome system and no injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded by attacking two underground military targets belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Last night (18/08) many southern communities went on high alert as more rocket fire was expected, and the cities of Beersheva, Ashdod, Ofakim, Gan Yavne and Yavne opened their municipal bomb shelters. During the night the sirens sounded again as at least three rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israeli towns in the south. Two of the rockets were shot down by Israel’s Iron Dome system and some of the shrapnel fell in the yard of a home in Sderot causing damage. One woman was treated in hospital for shock and several others sustained minor injuries as they ran for shelter (1).

Recently there have also been several infiltration attempts across the Gaza border. On the night of Friday the 9th, four heavily armed Gazan Palestinians crossed the border fence into Israel with the intent of killing many Israeli civilians. They were spotted and engaged by the IDF. One of the Gazans threw a grenade at the IDF soldiers who returned fire killing all four infiltrators.

This photo released by the IDF shows a collection on weapons, including rifles, RPG launchers, grenades, bolt cutters, and knives carried by four Gazans who tried to cross the border into Israel, August 10, 2019. (Israel Defense Forces)

Last night also another group of Gazan terrorists attempted to infiltrate Israel but they were discovered and an attack helicopter and tank fired at them killing all. It is unclear how many they were, reports vary between 3-5. Palestinian media also reported that the men were members of the Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s military wing, Saraya al-Quds, but this has not been confirmed (2).


In recent days there has also been an upsurge in terror attacks in and around Jerusalem. Shin Bet, one of Israel’s security services, claims that “the (Hamas) operatives in the West Bank were instructed to form cells in order to carry out kidnappings, shootings and stabbings, purchase weaponry, and find and recruit additional operatives for terrorist activities” (3). Earlier this month Shin Bet captured one such cell which had prepared 3kg of explosives for a planned attack in Jerusalem. These explosive devices had been stored in a school next to the bomb maker’s house! The Shin Bet also claims to have thwarted several other similar cells in recent months.

Sadly the Shin Bet, as effective as it is, cannot stop all terror attacks, especially the so-called ‘lone wolf’ attacks. On Friday (16/08) two teenagers standing at a bus stop were intentionally rammed by a passing vehicle, injuring one seriously and the other moderately. The vehicle overturned and as the driver emerged an off-duty police officer on the scene killed him. The officer also managed to capture the attack on his dashboard webcam. You can see the video on .

Earlier on the same day two teenage Palestinian boys attacked with knives soldiers guarding the Old City of Jerusalem. In the attack a 40-year-old policeman sustained multiple stab wounds to his upper body and a bystander was lightly injured. One of the attacking boys was shot dead and the other shot and seriously wounded. He was taken to an Israeli hospital for treatment. This attack was also captured on video, which you can see in the video on this site: .

The tragedy of this attack is that the terrorists were just boys aged 14 years old. One must ask what kind of society so fills their children with hatred and violence that they would carry out such an act? A society that brainwashes them with lies and hatred for Jews from the cradle, one in which toddlers hero-worship terrorists, and who long to become shahids (martyrs) for the Palestinian cause.

Ex-Muslim, Jasmine Mohammed, founder of Free Hearts Free Minds organization, which provides psychological support for ex-Muslims, and author of “Confessions of an Ex-Muslim“, in an interview with the Jerusalem Post explained:  

that the general experience for Muslims is that of “pervasive hate for Jewish people – and this is learned from a young age. In Muslim communities, the word for Jew is not only used as a pejorative, it is used as a curse word. It is a hate that permeates so much so that it is invisible: It is just accepted.

“Never once, as a Muslim, did I stop to think about why we were to hate Jewish people so much. It’s like asking a child why they hate monsters. It is just a learned behavior that rarely gets questioned, and the hate of Israel is an extension of that. The hope to annihilate all Jewish people is based on the religion that teaches there will only be peace on earth once all Jews are killed by righteous Muslims (4).

On the 8th of August, just days before his 19th birthday, yeshiva student Dvir (Yehuda) Sorek was brutally stabbed to death just meters away from the entrance to Migdal Oz in the Gush Etzion settlement block, where his yeshiva was located. Dvir was enrolled in a program which combines military service with religious studies and was on his way home having gone into Jerusalem to buy a gift for his teachers. He was not wearing uniform and was unarmed.

Ironically Dvir was part of a group of young Palestinians and Jews who for two years have been meeting together in order to build understanding and a better future for both communities. The gift he had bought for his teachers was a book by David Grossman who champions the cause of the two-state solution”. He died clutching this book. Some of Dvir’s Palestinian friends wrote this about his murder, “

Harsh reality hits us again. A few days ago, our yeshiva friend from Migdal Oz was abducted and killed, When I got the news that morning, I was shocked. I told my Palestinian friends what happened and they didn’t believe me.

Dvir Sorek, 19, who was stabbed to death in the West Bank….Dvir Sorek was one of the participants in this discussion group. In no way we can imagine that someone we met yesterday will be the victim of tomorrow.

We send our condolences to his family and our friends in the yeshiva.

And for us as a group, we condemn this kind of vicious violence that target us all for our residence place, religion, identity, citizenship. It is so sad we reached the point where we are talking about the right to not be killed.

We will stay in this way until we achieve the goal of freedom and the right to life. We are building a bridge between peoples on this land and we will continue to work on it (5).

In spite of all, there are those, albeit a minority, who are trying to make a better future.

The Shin Bet security forces have arrested two suspects for the murder, Nasir Asafra, 24, and Qassem Asafra, 30, cousins from the village of Beit Kahil in the southern West Bank (5).

Sister of Dvir Sorek: ‘I don’t think his killers deserve to live’
Dvir Sorek

Hamas has denied direct involvement in this spate of ‘lone wolf’ terror attacks claiming they were carried out by ‘rebellious youth’. In statements to the Palestinian news agency Safa, officials from Hamas and Islamic Jihad said “The rebellion of the youth is a harbinger of an explosion,…We won’t tolerate the crimes of the occupation against our nation any longer” (10). Hours earlier an unnamed senior Hamas official made similar remarks to the London-based Palestinian newspaper al-Araby al-Jadeed, justified the attacks saying, “Palestinians are disappointed by the difficult conditions caused by the Israeli occupation… Dozens of promises to improve conditions have not been kept. This frustration has become the legacy of 2 million Palestinians” (10). Of course Hamas and Islamic Jihad will blame Israel instead of accepting that they have brainwashed a generation of Gazan youth into a brutal culture of mindless hatred and murderous intent while they have diverted billions of aid dollars into acquiring munitions, building tunnels and other military infrastructure rather than using it to give the Gazan people a better quality of life.

Both Israel and Hamas however are concerned that the current wave of terror attacks, and the cross-border infiltrations will catapult us into a full-scale war. Hamas has warned of an ‘impending explosion’, and there is growing discontent in Israel with our lack of decisive action.


Hamas in the south has carried out thousands of arson attacks in Israel over the last two years and last Friday Hezbollah in the north began to emulate these attacks. Hezbollah lit fires along the Lebanese border, which fanned by strong winds, quickly spread into Israeli territory threatening the town of Margaliot and an IDF post. Vehicles belonging to the UN ‘Peace Forces’ in Lebanon reportedly passed through the area at the time but did nothing to stop the arsonists or put out the fires (6).


The greatest threat to Israel remains Iran. Last week Israeli naval forces participated in a joint training exercise with US forces in which they “exercised regaining control of a hijacked ship and extracting forces from enemy territory” (7). Although the IDF claims this was just a routine training exercise it comes “amid heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran in the Persian Gulf and efforts by the Trump administration to set up a naval security mission to protect shipping in the Strait of Hormuz”. Six oil tankers have been seized or attacked by Iran in the Persian Gulf in recent weeks. The US is trying to set up a coalition force to protect shipping in the Gulf.

Earlier this month (05/08) Iran threatened European powers that it would further reduce compliance with its 2015 nuclear deal in about a month’s time if they were still failing to protect it from crippling U.S. sanctions, reimposed after Washington exited the deal (8). Iran threatened “to block all energy exports out of the Strait of Hormuz, through which a fifth of global oil traffic passes, if it is unable to sell oil as promised by the 2015 deal in exchange for curbing its uranium enrichment programme” (8). It has already violated the deal by enriching uranium and stockpiling heavy water beyond the levels allowed. It denies that it is seeking to build a nuclear bomb but there is no other legitimate use for uranium enriched to these levels.

Iran also appears to be preparing a third attempt to launch its Nahid-1 telecommunications satellite into space (9).


In the midst of all these threats to our existence, Israelis will go to the polls on September 17 in a second attempt to elect a government. This will perhaps be the most important election the nation of Israel ever held. Given the childish taunts and accusations being bandied about by every candidate, and the corruption and dishonesty that infiltrates the entire political world, it is hard to know how to vote. It is also hard to know how to pray. However I would recommend the prayer of Derek Prince outlined in his book, “Secrets of a Prayer Warrior“,

Lord give us leaders such that it will be to Your glory to give us victory through them.”

Furthermore, it is written,


James 5:16




Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
May they prosper who love you.
 Peace be within your walls,
Prosperity within your palaces.”
 For the sake of my brethren and companions,
I will now say, “Peace be within you.”
 Because of the house of the Lord our God
I will seek your good

Psalm 122: 6-9

Yesterday, 02/06/19, was Jerusalem Day, a national holiday commemorating the reunification of the City during the 1967 War, 52 years ago. For Jews it is a time of great joy but for Palestinians, who commemorated this event as Quds Day last Friday, it is a day of anger and sorrow.

The Temple Mount 2012

This year, Jerusalem Day fell during the final days of the Muslim Ramadan Fast which will end on the evening of Tuesday, 5th June. Under an arrangement in place since 1967 non-Muslims are allowed to visit the Temple Mount Compound but not pray there. In spite of a Rabbinic ruling forbidding Jews to go onto the Temple Mount Compound, lest they inadvertently tread in the site of the Holy of Holies, small, closely supervised groups of Jews sometimes visit during limited hours. They are taken on a predetermined route and are forbidden to openly pray or display any national or religious symbols. In past years Jews have been forbidden to go up to the Temple Compound during the last ten days of Ramadan, but this year, following a High Court of Justice ruling, the Compound was opened to Jewish visitors. Yesterday morning hundreds of Jewish activists were permitted to go up onto the Temple Mount to pray and, needless to say, this provocative move resulted in rioting during which hundreds of Muslims threw objects at Israeli security personnel (1).

Most Jews do not go up onto the Temple Mount Compound on Jerusalem Day but instead many gather at the Western Wall to pray.

Jerusalem Day prayers at the Western Wall, 2017

There were many other events and activities that took place over this day. The most sensitive one was the Flag March in the afternoon, when thousands of mostly religious youth, marched through the city dancing under Israeli flags. This event has sparked violence in previous years because its route passes through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, but thankfully this year there was no violence.

The Flag March on Jerusalem Day 2016 entering the Damascus Gate and passing into the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem

In the evening, the Jerusalem Day state ceremony took place on Ammunition Hill with the President, Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Leon, in attendance. Later a “White Night” outdoor concert took place in Sacher Park with thousands of mainly young people in attendance. Needless to say all these events, and the many others where people are gathering, constitute a great security risk and police were present in large numbers throughout the city. I am glad to say that the day passed without any serious incidents of violence.

Quds Day

Al-Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem and translates as “the Holy (place)”. Qud’s Day commemorates the fall of East Jerusalem into Israeli hands during the 1967 war. It is celebrated on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan. This last Friday thousands of Palestinians and their supporters gathered in rallies across the Middle East and Europe. In Teheran in Iran, thousands of demonstrators set fire to Israeli and American flags, burned effigies of Trump and mocked his proposed peace plan. Similar rallies took place in at least 950 towns and cities across Iran (3).

Iranians burn an effigy of US President Donald Trump during a parade marking al-Quds (Jerusalem) International Day in Tehran on May 31, 2019. (AFP)

Terrorist attack in Jerusalem

Friday also saw a terrorist attack two Israelis, a 47-year -old man and a 16-year-old boy, with a knife, wounding them both. One of the victims sustained several stab wounds in his back and neck and he is still in serious condition. The terrorist, a 19-year-old Palestinian man from the West Bank was shot dead by a police officer thus preventing additional attacks.

Rocket attack from Syria and Israel’s response

On Saturday several rockets were fired from Syria towards the Golan Heights targetting Israel’s ski resort on Mt Hermon. One rocket landed in Syrian territory and at least one other landed in an open area in Israel causing no damage or injuries. On Saturday night Israel responded by attacking air defense units, artillery batteries, observation and intelligence posts in Syria (4). According to YnetNews, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Israeli warplanes struck positions and an arms depot of Iranian troops and Lebanon’s Hezbollah fighters (4). Three Syrian soldiers and 7 ‘foreign nationals’ ( Hezbollah and/or Iranian?) were killed (4).

Summer on the Mount Hermon skifield, July 2012

Last night the Israeli Airforce again attacked military targets at the T-4 Airbase in central Syria killing 3 Syrian soldiers and two others. Both these attacks took place after a Boeing 747 belonging to the Iranian airline, Fars Air Qeshm, and used by the country’s Revolutionary Guards to smuggle weapons to their allies in Syria, landed in the T-4 airbase. It took off three hours later after unloading cargo (5).


On Thursday last week, Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar, speaking at a conference calling for an Intifada (Uprising) on Qud’s Day, boasted of his organization’s relationship with Iran and threatened to pulverize Tel Aviv in the next round of hostilities. He said, “ In the next confrontation with Israel, we will pulverize Tel Aviv with double the force than during Operation Protective Edge“, referring to the 2014 confrontation in which a number of missiles were fired at Tel Aviv.

He also said, ” We will improve our weapons and combat capability until our goal is achieved. In the last confrontation (in May this year) we used some missiles that came from Iran, while others were manufactured locally.” He said that during this latest flare up “Beer-Sheva was attacked with a grad rocket that weighs 40kg (88 pounds), Tel Aviv was struck with an Iranian Fajr-5 rocket and with locally manufactured rockets.” Continuing he said. “Without the Iranian support, the Palestinian resistance would not have achieved these capabilities. Our nation has given up on us in the most difficult of times but Iran continues to help with knowledge and equipment. (6) ”

The following day Islamic Jihad chief, Ziad Nakhaleh, claimed that in the last round of fighting his group and Hamas restrained themselves only firing about 700 rockets into Israel, and held back from attacking some cities in central Israel. He warned that in the next round they would “not only fire at Tel Aviv, but at all the cities, whatever may happen” and claimed that they could sustain a rate of fire of 1000 rockets per day for a full month (7).

Meanwhile, daily protests occur along the Gaza border unabated and at least 35 fires have been ignited in Israel as a result of incendiary devices (according to data from the Israel Fire and Rescue Services) since May 6th when the ceasefire came into effect after the last round of fighting.

As Trump prepares to unveil his Peace Plan for the Palestinian-Israel conflict, Hamas leader Yahyah Sinwar, had this to say,

We are against the deals aimed at ending the conflict in the region and integrating the so-called Israel in it,” Sinwar said. “The people of Gaza declare that this conflict will only be over when the occupation ends, and we’ll be able to return to Jerusalem and enter the liberated Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the mindset that was passed down to us with our mothers’ milk.” (8)

With ‘partners for peace’ like that – I suspect the Peace Plan will be still-born!

Netanyahu fails to form a government

Israel is now headed for new elections to take place in September, after Netanyahu failed to garner a coalition of the required 61 seats to form a government. He remains in office as interim Prime Minister until the new elections are held. The political scene is a fiasco and what will happen in September is anyone’s guess. What we really need is the true King of Israel, Yeshua (Jesus), to come and sort out this mess.

O Jerusalem

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!  See! Your house is left to you desolate;  for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’

Matthew 23: 37-39

This week I was sadly reminded of this passage in which Yeshua says he will not come until Jerusalem’s inhabitants are ready to welcome those who come in His Name. On Wednesday and Thursday nights last week the Messianic Alliance and the Yuval School for Music put on a concert featuring some of the best newly written worship songs. I attended the first concert on Wednesday night and was blessed by the richness and beauty of the new songs. It blows me away how the Body of Yeshua here has produced not only a large number of wonderful worships songs but has developed a unique Hebraic sound. Five CD/DVDs have already been produced in earlier years and this year’s performance will also soon come out on CD/DVD. You can hear the 5th concert on this link This CD is available for purchase on

As I entered the auditorium for the Wednesday concert, I noticed a number of ultra-orthodox men watching us carefully. The next night, at the Thursday performances, a large number of ultra-orthodox men and boys tried to physically stop people entering the auditorium and it all became rather ugly. One eyewitness wrote thus:

…there were riots and problems caused by (the) Lehava* organization… and caused a lot of scare (sic) and damage to people (even people just passing by), and even a hospital run, as someone (not even a believer) got severely hurt and was bleeding from his ear. Kids were crying, mothers and old people were terrified, and our men, though kept resisting themselves from hitting someone there, got hurt as well…. They even had kids there participating, cursing us, getting close to us ladies and screaming that we’re touching them etc. Even their leader, who actually tried to keep them intact couldn’t control them. They seemed possessed (!). The police arrived at some point, … and even they could not take control of the demonstrators. After about 2 hours someone (maybe the police, maybe the demonstrators) sprayed the whole area with pepper spray… and some of us inhaled it, and suffocated and threw up…

I can only echo Jesus’ words with sorrow,

*The Lehava Organization for the Prevention of Assimilation in the Holy Land is not a mainstream ultra-orthodox group but rather an extreme far-right organization that opposes any kind of relationships between Jews and non-Jews, especially Arabs and Christians, and has been responsible for many demonstrations and actions against individuals and groups, including the torching of the Yad B’Yad (Hand in Hand) bilingual school for Jewish and Arab education in Jerusalem. They have been labeled by some as a terror organization.

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.  Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

Matthew 23: 27-28

Pray for these people who have a zeal for God but the veil has not yet been lifted from their minds (see II Corinthians 3:15-16). Pray that one day soon even they will cry out

“Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD”.




It is Shabbat and we are all heaving a sigh of relief. It has been a hard week for our little country. Apart from everything else we are facing, this past week we experienced record-breaking heat over the entire county as a scorching sharav (hamsin), the dry east wind, sent temperatures into the 40s Celsius all over the country. Yesterday the thermometer in my porch hit 43 degrees (110 degrees F) in the shade. In the Dead Sea area and the Jordan Valley it was even hotter with temperatures reaching the 50 degree mark. Add to that a humidity of only about 16%, strong winds in places and it is a recipe for disaster. After our lovely wet winter all the grasses and annual plants are now tinder dry just waiting for the merest spark to set off forest fires. As if that were not enough, many were celebrating Lag B’Omer, a holiday during which it is traditional to sit around bonfires. Even though the police and fire service enforced strict bans on fires in risky areas, even going around and dismantling bonfires, there remains the ‘idiot factor’ and some people ignored the warnings. On Thursday and Friday some 800- 1000 wildfires raged around the country and some of these were caused by bonfires that had not been extinguished properly. Others were caused by arson, electrical faults and incendiary devices flown over from Gaza. The worst hit area was in the Judean forest areas around Jerusalem. The town of Mevo Modiin, founded by the ‘singing rabbi’ Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, was almost totally destroyed with 40 of the 50 homes being totally burned. Kibbutz Harel, also near Modiin suffered the loss of about 10 homes. Some 3500 people were evacuated from various towns and many more held on ‘standby’. Many spring crops were lost, much forested area burned and many animals lost their lives too. Thankfully no human lives were lost in the fires although there were some injuries mainly caused by smoke inhalation. On Saturday however a toddler lost his life in an apartment fire in Haifa and this is also being attributed to the heat wave. In addition, a 70-year-old man succumbed to heat stroke and died.

Israelis are a resilient people and I have no doubt that the communities affected will rally around, support each other and rebuild their towns again. Nevertheless I can only imagine how heartbreaking it must be to so suddenly lose everything, your home, your treasured possessions, your livelihood and in many cases, farm animals and family pets. Tzofia Tazizi, a resident of Mevo Modiin had this to say, ” As a child I thought we lived in paradise, and yesterday we lost it. I hope the nature will come back and we can rebuild... Our Garden of Eden has burned (1)”

With our fire fighting forces becoming overwhelmed Netanyahu sent out a request for help and Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Italy and even Egypt sent fire-fighting planes and teams to help. Russia also offered aid and the four Palestinian Authority fire crews worked alongside Israeli firefighters. It is heartwarming to see such support especially since in the past Israel has often been the first to arrive at the scene of emergencies in other countries. Now Netanyahu has announced plans to increase our own firefighting resources. This is truly necessary as the fire season is only just beginning and we can expect many more this summer. Please pray for safety for all our people. Please also pray for me and my neighbours upstairs as our home is in the ‘front line’ right on the edge of the forest and there are tall pine and cypress trees all around, with much dry grass and weeds as well.

Moshav Mevo Modiin after the fire on Thursday 23 May 2
Fog envelops Tel Aviv as the hot, dry air of the sharav (hamsin) meets the cool, humid air over the Mediterranean on Thursday, 23 May 2014
A bear enjoys an ice popsicle at the Jerusalem Zoo, 23 May 2019 (Photo: EPA),7340,L-5514143,00.html#autoplay

Election woes

Binyamin Netanyahu has just until Wednesday midnight to form a government and it appears that the coalition talks are stalled because of the issue of military service for the ultra-orthodox. Avigdor Liberman, the head of the Yisrael Beitenu party, Netanyahu’s main coalition partner, is insisting that the proposed law making military service compulsory for haredi (ultra-orthodox) men remain intact, which the ultra-orthodox parties needed to complete the coalition are adamant they will not support it. Without them, Netanyahu’s 60 seat coalition would not have a majority in the 120 seat Knesset, and this means the government would be very weak and unlikely to last very long. The alternative? New elections? We will see in the next few days no doubt.

Meanwhile Netanyahu is pushing for a new law which would give immunity against the prosecution of a Prime Minister while in office. There is of course a great deal of opposition to this move that would make Prime Ministers above the law and let Netanyahu off the hook with regards to the current court cases against him. Last evening about 100,000 people demonstrated against this patently anti-democratic proposal and many wore Turkish fez hats likening Netanyahu to the Turkish dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdogan (2).

Please pray for righteous government in Israel and also for justice, integrity and honesty in all our public affairs. Most of all pray that the people will listen to God and walk in His ways.

But my people would not listen to me;
    Israel would not submit to me.
 So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts
    to follow their own devices.

 If my people would only listen to me,
    if Israel would only follow my ways,
 how quickly I would subdue their enemies
    and turn my hand against their foes!

 Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him,
    and their punishment would last forever.
 But you would be fed with the finest of wheat;
    with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.

Psalm 81: 11-16

In my last blog entry I spoke of the curious juxtaposition of God’s punishment of Israel for her sins and his promises of blessing. These are not contradictory. As a teacher of teenagers, I deal every day with the results of parents who have failed to discipline their children. These children are self-centered, disrespectful and uncaring towards others, and sadly they lack the self-discipline and toughness needed to cope with the normal rigors of life. Educators even speak of an epidemic of anxiety disorder amongst this generation. Just as a good parent disciplines their child with love, so too does God. It is because he loves us that he disciplines us.

The writer of the book of the Hebrews said this:

And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
 For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”

 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons.  Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?  For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness.  Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Hebrews 12: 5-11

The quotation in verse 5 comes from the Book of Proverbs,

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor detest His correction;
 For whom the Lord loves He corrects,
Just as a father the son in whom he delights

Proverbs 3:11-12

It is because God loves Israel that he chastises her. All the troubles we go through are intended to turn our hearts towards God, so that we would call upon His name for salvation and walk in His righteousness. In the midst of the fires of last week I came across these verses in Isaiah. It sent shivers up my spine.

Surely wickedness burns like a fire;
    it consumes briers and thorns,
it sets the forest thickets ablaze,
    so that it rolls upward in a column of smoke.
By the wrath of the Lord Almighty
    the land will be scorched
and the people will be fuel for the fire;
    they will not spare one another.

Isaiah 9: 18-19

A firefighter walks past a burning house amid extreme heat wave in Kibbutz Harel in central Israel on May 23, 2019. (Ahmad Gharabli/AFP)




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Carol singing at Christ Church on Christmas Eve

I started writing this on Christmas Eve just before I set off into the Old City for the carol singing at Christ Church. Christ Church was the first Evangelical church to be built in the Middle East and it has played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Jewish State since the early 1800s. Situated just inside Jaffa Gate in the Old City, it is still a hub for evangelical Christians, Jews, Arabs and others in the city. The Christmas Eve carol singing and service is very popular and draws many Jewish Israelis who are curious about Christmas and who enjoy the songs, the hot mulled wine, soup and homemade Christmas cookies that are served.  This year there were record crowds.  

I just love the relaxed atmosphere, catching up with friends and singing all the good ol’ Christmas carols. One of my favorite carols is “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” and one of the best renderings is by Anna Hawkins, who sings it in both Hebrew and English. You can see and listen to it on . I wonder how many times I have sung this beautiful song and not really paid attention to the lyrics. It is a prayer and expresses great longing for the coming of  Emmanuel (God with us), the Rod of Jesse, the Key of David, Yeshua, to set free his people, Israel. Below are the lyrics. Take a minute or two read the lyrics and to pray this prayer along with us here in Israel.

O come, O come, Emmanuel

And ransom captive Israel

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until the Son of God appear

Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free

Thine own from Satan’s tyranny

From depths of Hell Thy people save

And give them victory o’er the grave

Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, o Israel

O come, Thou Day-Spring

Come and cheer

Our spirits by Thine advent here

Disperse the gloomy clouds of night

And death’s dark shadows put to flight

Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, o Israel

O come, Thou Key of David, come

And open wide our heavenly home

Make safe the way that leads on high

And close the path to misery

Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, o Israel

O come, O come, Thou Lord of might

Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai’s height

In ancient times did’st give the Law

In cloud, and majesty and awe

Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, o Israel

The Christ, Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), did come once to Israel but, although many of the ordinary people did receive him with joy, the leaders and the religious establishment did not.They looked for a conquering king to set them free from the oppression of the Romans, but Yeshua came instead as a tiny baby, born to an ordinary young woman, Miriam, in a stable in Bethlehem. Yeshua came to set Israel and all the world free. He did not come at that time to set us free from cruel oppressors, but to set us free instead from the far worse oppression of Satan, sin and death. To those who can receive this and accept forgiveness in Yeshua there is much reason to rejoice, but let’s also remember at this time those who are still in bondage and subject to sin and death. We look forward to the second coming when Yeshua will come as the long-awaited conquering King, who will bring peace to the suffering world. May this Day come soon, but not until the full number of those whose names are written in the Book of Life come in.  

Christmas Day is a normal workday here in Israel and, of course, as a Jewish nation we do not celebrate Christmas. When I first came here we Messianic believers did not celebrate Christmas. Most of us were glad to escape all the intense commercialism and hype of Christmas in our lands of origin, and many rejected the pagan roots of many of the Christmas traditions. As time has gone on some of us began to miss Christmas and it has always seemed to me sad that we did not celebrate the coming of God in bodily form as the baby Yeshua. Bit by bit some of us began to quietly celebrate Christmas in our own homes and in recent years more and more of my friends have been too. Without all the commercial hype and pressure, it is just a lovely time to be with good friends, eat good food and remember the birth of Yeshua, when God came down to mankind to set us free.  

Of course, Yeshua was not born on 25th December or the 6 January, or probably any time in winter, as the Bible tells us the shepherds were out in the fields of Bethlehem that night. It is way too cold to be out in the fields at this time of year here and the flocks would have been safely tucked up in their sheepfolds if it were winter. The actual date of Yeshua’s birth is unknown and it’s not important, but what is important is the fact of Immanu El – God with us, Yeshua who came into the world to save us. 

Christmas too is the time when our thoughts turn to peace. Indeed Yeshua did bring peace, the peace that passes understanding, into the hearts of those who follow Him, but we do not yet see peace reigning in the world. In fact, the world seems to be gripped in great darkness, full of the suffering of wars, refugees and migrants, sickness, poverty and natural disasters. How we all long for the time of Yeshua’s rule and cry out “How Long?” 

Peace seems far away here in Jerusalem this year. Tensions continue to mount as threats grow in every direction. Every day I turn on the news with trepidation. What new atrocity, disaster or calamity will have happened? 

It is now the 27th and Christmas is behind us.  I am dog-sitting for a friend and it is pouring rain, so I will try and get this finished by giving a quick rundown of the news. 

Operation Northern Shield

The IDF is continuing to uncover and destroy tunnels dug under the border from Lebanon into Israel by Hezbollah. So far they have found five and have destroyed them, using explosives and pumping concrete into them (2). They have been careful not to cross into Lebanese territory in the process and consequently have not invoked the criticism of the world powers. Hezbollah has not reacted and a tense calm is being maintained. Pray for all those working up there. It is cold and wet and very, very muddy. It must be miserable. Added to that they are easy targets for a sniper should any decide to attack. Hezbollah had built these tunnels in preparation to send an incursion force into Israel or possibly take an Israeli town hostage. The destruction of the tunnels is a big set back for them. 

The American pullout from Syria

This past week came the surprise announcement of the pullout of American troops from Syria. Trump appears to have made this decision on a whim, without discussing it even with his own advisors and certainly without consideration of the effects of his decision on his allies, or more importantly the people in the region who look to the USA for their protection. What will happen to the Kurds at the hands of the Turkish army? Will Iran or Russia fill the vacuum? There are only around 2,000 US troops in Syria but they are stationed near the Iraqi border fighting ISIS, thus strategically blocking the land corridor from Iran to the Mediterranean. Their absence will make it much easier for Iran to ship weapons into Syria bound for the Hezbollah in Lebanon. 

Attack in Syria

In response to the imminent American pullout from Syria Israel has made it very clear that they will not stop their attacks on arms shipments from Iran intended for Hezbollah. An unnamed Israeli official has confirmed that Israel carried out such an attack on the night of the 25th, destroying Iranian storage and logistics installations being used for transferring arms to Hezbollah.  Recently there have been reports of civilian airliners being used by Iran to transport weapons systems. A US Defense Department official claimed that several high ranking Iranian officials were targeted as they boarded a civilian cargo plane bound for Iran (3). Advanced GPS components for advanced strategic munitions were also targeted. A Syrian surface-to-air missile was fired towards Israeli territory triggering our missile defense system.The missile was shot down and no damage was done to Israeli planes or on land. Israeli aircraft attacked and destroyed the Syrian missile emplacement. Israel warned Russia in advance of their attack on the Iranian plane so that no other civilian aircraft were endangered, contrary to reports going out from Syrian and other Middle Eastern media. 

Gaza Protests

The weekly “March of Return” protests at the Gaza border are continuing in spite of Hamas’ promise to phase them out according to the terms of the latest ceasefire. Each week around 10,000 Palestinians are coming to the border and throwing Molotov cocktails, grenades and rocks at IDF soldiers. Some also attempt to cross the fence and infiltrate Israel. The IDF is being forced to use live fire to stop them, mainly shooting at their legs, and as a result, there are some deaths and many injuries each week. Gazan hospitals are complaining they are unable to cope with the quantity of those needing treatment.  My answer to that, is “if you don’t want to get hurt, don’t protest at the fence!!!”   

A Fresh Wave of Terror?

In the last few weeks we have had a wave of terror attacks in Jerusalem and the West Bank. On the 9th of December seven people were shot from a passing vehicle at a bus stop at a junction near the West Bank settlement of Ofra on the notorious route 60 highway. One pregnant woman was seriously injured, her husband and another man moderately injured and four teens lightly injured. Three of the wounded were IDF soldiers. The woman, 21-years-old, is now out of danger but her baby died three days after being delivered prematurely by emergency Cesearian section. The perpetrators were shot at by nearby IDF troops but they managed to flee the scene and disappear into the Palestinian city of Ramallah. The IDF is still searching for them. Hamas has claimed responsibility and it is believed that the shooters belonged to a Hamas terror cell. 

This attack follows an attack, on the 7th October, in the Barkan Industrial Park in the West Bank in which 4 were wounded, two fatally. The hunt for the terrorist, an employee at the Park, ended last Thursday when he was captured, more than two months after the attack. His home was subsequently demolished by the IDF. The Barkan Industrial Park employes some 7000 workers, about half of whom are Palestinians, and it has been hailed as an example of successful coexistence. The terrorist has been identified as Salah Omar Barghouti, 29, the son of a senior Hamas member currently in prison (4).

A month after the Barkan attack an IDF reservist was stabbed and moderately wounded outside the Samaria Territorial Brigade base near Nablus in the West Bank. and when IDF soldiers fired at the fleeing terrorist, a woman standing nearby was lightly injured by shrapnel. The terrorist fled into a nearby village and has not yet been apprehended as far as I know. 

Two days later a terrorist attempted to stab an IDF soldier at a bus stop at the Gitai junction on Highway 5. Other soldiers nearby shot and killed the terrorist (5). 

Several more terror attacks have occurred this past week. Last Tuesday there were two separate attempted car ramming attacks. In one the terrorist was killed and in the other, the terrorist was arrested.  On Thursday, the 13th, two border police personnel were wounded in a stabbing attack in the Old City of Jerusalem. One of those injured, a woman police officer, sustained moderate injuries and the other light. The terrorist was shot and killed (5). 

This upsurge in attacks in the West Bank and Jerusalem is creating much concern especially amongst West Bank settlers who have been demonstrating against the government with the claim that not enough is being done to protect them.  Hamas and Islamic Jihad are intent upon stirring up trouble, calling for more attacks and activating its sleeper cells,  in order to destabilize the Palestinian Authority

Hamas responded to the killing of two of their terrorists by saying, 

 “The fire of resistance in the West Bank will not die until the occupation is lifted. The death of the two soldiers proves that the option of the Palestinian people is defiance. The West Bank will continue to support the forces of resistance and the blood of Na’alwa and Barghouti has not been spilled in vain. Hamas and the other resistance factions will continue to support activity to avenge their death.”

Early Elections 

It is now official, the Knesset has been dissolved and there will be early elections scheduled for 9th April.


In spite of all the tension in the region, Israel  has seen a record year in tourism, with arrivals in 2018 expecting to top the 4 million  mark any day now, representing a record-breaking growth of some 38% over last year, and making Israel  one of the most popular and the fastest growing tourist destination in the world (6).  In recent years much effort has been made to improve the infrastructure and services provided for tourists in Jerusalem and to increase the range of options for accommodations, from the super luxurious hotels to the backpacker hostels.  Tourism brings in much-needed revenue to this city, which is the poorest in Israel. 

Poverty in Israel

A recent announcement that the price of many basic food items were about to rise caused great consternation among the population here.  We already have the highest cost of living, and the widest gap between income and the cost of living, amongst the developed nations, and some 1.8 million Israelis live in poverty. Jerusalem is the nation’s poorest city and some 55% of our children live in poverty. The poverty line is set at a monthly income of 3000 shekels, and this means that these figures are a drastic understatement of the true level of suffering. Given that even the cheapest apartment in Jerusalem costs around 5000 shekels a month to rent, not including utilities and other costs, there are many more than 1.8 million experiencing poverty. In response to the announcement of further food price increases organizers threatened to begin ‘yellow vest’ demonstrations such as are occurring in France. Fearing a general uprising the government has put a hold on at least some of these price rises. The problem lies in that the food industry is in the hand of a few massive companies which act as monopolies and can pretty much do as they please. One can only ask why they want to raise the prices even more, given that they already make billions of shekels in profits and their top officials receive more in salary in a month than most of us make in a year. 

You might be wondering why Jerusalem is so poor. Twenty percent of our population is ultra-orthodox and 30% Arab. Amongst the ultra-orthodox only 20% of the men and 50% of the women work (7). The men study Torah all day and the women work to support the family. However they also have large families so often cannot work full time and, in addition, few have a secular education which can enable them to work in well-paying jobs. 

Amongst the Arabs about 60% of the men work and only around 23% of the women (7). Most of these workers are in low paying jobs because they lack the educational level to get into the higher paying positions. 

Winter rains

As I write this the rain is just bucketing down outside. Praise God that so far this winter the rains have been abundant.  Two weeks ago we had a 3-day long storm that brought around 1/3 to 1/2 the average annual rainfall to most parts of the country. There was much flooding and damage to homes and cars, and 4 people died as a result of the heavy rain. Some snow also fell on Mt Hermon. Today the rain is also heavy causing floods, hailstorms hit several places in the Sharon region, and snow is falling on Mt Hermon. I feel for all the people whose homes and cars get flooded when we have rain like this, but apart from that it is a joy to see so much rain. Keep praying for it to continue and for our lakes, reservoirs and aquifers to fill up. 

It is God’s Battle

 Today I was reading in I Chronicles an account of a battle between the northern tribe of Reuben against the Hagrites and their allies. Because the Reubenites called out to God and trusted Him, God gave them a great victory over their enemies – “because the battle was God’s”.  As I write about all the threats to our existence here in Israel it is good to remember that the battle is the LORD’s and he has armies innumerable and he fights on the side of those who trust in Him. Pray that we as a nation will take that attitude, calling upon the LORD and not just relying on our own strength.

They were helped in fighting them, and God delivered the Hagrites and all their allies into their hands, because they cried out to him during the battle. He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him.21 They seized the livestock of the Hagrites—fifty thousand camels, two hundred fifty thousand sheep and two thousand donkeys. They also took one hundred thousand people captive, 22 and many others fell slain, because the battle was God’s.I Chronicles 5:20-22










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