My perspectives on Israel and the Bible

Tag: escalation between Israel and Hamas


But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord,
    I wait for God my Savior;
    my God will hear me.

Micah 7: 7

Shmuli, my cat, enjoying the perfect spring morning in my garden

This morning I woke to one of Israel’s perfect spring days. The sky is clear, the sun is shining, the temperature is a balmy 24 degrees C, the forest is full of beautiful wild flowers, the birds are singing, the land is still green and all seems well with the world. But it is an illusion. All is far from well here in Israel – and indeed in all the world in these days.

In the south the beautiful peaceful morning was shattered by the wail of the Code Red Sirens and residents ran for their shelters or hit the ground as some a barrage of rockets and missiles rained down. As of now, noon, some 100 rockets have fallen in Israeli territory and the barrage continues. So far there has been some damage to homes, roads and other structures but there are no reported injuries except for a few minor injuries when people have fallen in their rush for shelter and a number of people suffering from shock. Needless to say the Israel Defense Forces are responding with artillery fire and air attacks in Gaza. Palestinian sources report one death so far.

We are all holding our breath to see where this latest escalation will lead. There is a strong feeling here in Israel that ‘enough is enough’. We are fed up with this constant rain of rockets, border clashes, incendiary attacks (which have also returned now that the rains have stopped). But what is the solution? The ongoing talks brokered by Egypt apparently not succeeding. No one wants a ground incursion but it is certain that the current situation cannot continue. Our Security Cabinet is meeting as I write to discuss the situation. Southern towns and cities, including Ashdod and Ashkelon, are under Rear Command orders to open the public shelters and the public are being told to stay in their safe areas. Public gatherings, such as several sports events, have been canceled.

Damage to a home hit by a missile in Ashkelon today

This is a very tense period as we approach a number of sensitive events. Last Thursday we marked Holocaust Remembrance Day and this coming week on Tuesday evening/Wednesday we mark Remembrance Day for the 26, 741 soldiers who have been killed since the founding of the modern State of Israel, a number that has grown by 56 this year as a result of deaths in action and others who have died from injuries received in previous years. This number also includes 3146 civilians who have died as a result of terror attacks.

On Thursday we will celebrate Israel’s 71st Anniversary of the founding of the State in 1948. It is a national holiday and most major towns mark it with ceremonies and firework displays. The following day many families gather in Israel’s forests. parks and beaches for barbecues. The airforce carries out aerial displays over Tel Aviv and other towns. It is a happy occasion in which we believers can thank God for the miracle that is the restoration of Israel in progress.

Flyover over Tel Aviv 2011

By Israel Defense Forces – IAF Flight for Israel’s 63rd Independence Day, CC BY 2.0,

Of course for many of the Arab population it is not a day of rejoicing – quite the opposite. On May 15th ( the date of the founding of the State of Israel according to the Gregorian calendar) Palestinians celebrate Nakbah Day ( the Day of the Catastrophe).

This year all these events coincide with the beginning of the Muslim month of fasting, Ramadan, which starts tomorrow evening, Sunday the 5th, at sundown. Not only that on the 15th of May Israel will host the final of the Eurovision Song Contest. Already some of the participants are arriving and rehearsals began today. We are expectng tens of thousands of visitors to arrive for this event which will take place in Tel Aviv.

Such a coincidence of all this religious, nationalistic and Eurovision fervor is an explosive mix. It is in this context we must see today’s escalation emanating from Gaza. There are strong factions in Gaza intent on hurting Israel at this time. They don’t necessarily want full out war, but they want to attack Israel at this vulnerable time when large crowds of people gather in public places.


In the forest looking towards Jerusalem

I have just returned from a lovely walk in the forest along the path that encircles Mevaseret. I have there a favorite rock from which I can see Jerusalem, Ein Kerem (where John the Baptist was born) and a panorama of the Judean hills with their scattering of villages. I like to pray there for the protection of this area. I opened up Bible Gateway on my phone and discovered their Verse of Day was very appropriate.

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. 

II Chronicles 7:14-15

It is now 9 PM and the rain of rockets has continued all day long and seems to be increasing now that darkness has fallen. So far at least 220 rockets have been fired into Israel. Three people have been injured and a number of homes hit. News is just coming in that a mikveh (ritual bath) was hit and destroyed in Kiryat Gat. Fortunately, no one was inside at the time. The people in the south have spent the whole day in the shelters and now it has just been announced that all schools will be closed in the south tomorrow as far north as Beer Sheva and Gedera. The IDF has attacked tens of targets in Gaza and 3 people there have been killed. In recent minutes the IDF destroyed a 7-storey building belonging to Hamas but also occupied by Turkish interests. This could have repercussions for Israel. Hamas is threatening to widen the range of the attacks to include Bat Yam and Beer Sheva if they do not get 30 million dollars transferred from Oman. So now they are holding us all for ransom. How much more absurd can the situation get? One thing is sure, it is going to be a long, hard night for the residents in the south and also for Gaza.

May the Lord Messiah, Yeshua, come soon. Only He can sort out this mess!


This week Jews everywhere celebrate the Festival of Purim (Lots), which commemorates the rescue of the Jewish people in the Persian Empire from the evil plot of Haman to exterminate them, as recorded in the Biblical book of Esther.

“…the Jews established and imposed it upon themselves and their descendants and all who would join them, that without fail they should celebrate these two days every year, according to the written instructions and according to the prescribed time, that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city, that these days of Purim should not fail to be observed among the Jews, and that the memory of them should not perish among their descendants”.

Esther 9: 27-28

The Purim Parade in Mevaseret Zion 2018

Many people flock to the synagogues to hear the reading of Megillat Esther (the Biblical Book of Esther), and every time the name of Haman is mentioned they boo and make derisive noise with various rattling instruments. It is also customary for children and adults to wear fancy dress and to celebrate with great joy. Most municipalities hold a Parade, called in Hebrew Adloyada, which means “until you don’t know” derived from the practice of some to drink wine ‘until they don’t know who they are’. The Adloyada today however are not drunken affairs but rather a family-oriented parade of fancy dress and good, clean fun.

Adloyada at Mevaseret Zion 2018

It is also a time when gifts are exchanged or given to the poor, usually food baskets containing wine, chocolates and other festive foods. A traditional three-sided cookie, called in Yiddish Hamentaschen (Haman’s Pockets) or in Hebrew, Ozeni Haman (Haman’s Ears), which are stuffed with poppy seeds, chocolate, date spread or jam.

Traditional hamantaschen cookies for the Jewish festival of Purim.

Of course amidst all this joy and fun the deeper meaning of the Festival is not lost on us. From time immemorial various people have plotted to destroy the People of Israel, God’s chosen people. Haman is described in the Book of Ester as an Agagite (Esther 3: 1), a descendant of Agag, who was the KIng of the Amalekites. The Amalekites were a people, descended from Amalek, the grandson of Esau, the disinherited elder brother of Isaac. The Amalekites occupied the desert and steppe regions of southern Israel and the Negev.

When the people of Israel came out of Egypt they journeyed through the Sinai and Negev and came to the region of Amalek. As the Israelites traveled the Amalekites attacked, in a cowardly and despicable way, the rear ranks, the weary and tired stragglers. Consequently God told Israel that once they had taken possession of the Promised Land they must ‘blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven‘ (Deuteronomy 17:19).

After Israel entered into the Promised Land, the Amalekites persistently attacked and plundered them. After Saul was annointed King over Israel, God spoke to him saying,

I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt.  Now go and attack[a] Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ ”

I Samuel 15:1-2.

Saul therefore attacked the Amalekites and conquered them, but contrary to God’s instructions he spared the life of Agag and ‘all that was good’ (I Samuel 15:7-9).

For his disobedience, God rejected Saul as King, and the prophet Samuel was constrained to kill King Agag ( I Samuel 15). If Agag and all his people were destroyed at this time, how could it be that Haman was a descendant of Agag? It nowhere says that every single Amalekite was destroyed at the time of Saul, only those ‘from Havilah to Shur, east of Eygpt’. Is it not probabl there were Amalekites living outside of this area, or who managed to flee beyond this area, before Saul’s army attacked? Or possibly Saul kept some alive, as might be indicated in verse 9 ” But Saul and the people spared Agag and the best of the sheep, the oxen, the fatlings, the lambs, and all that was good, and were unwilling to utterly destroy them. But everything despised and worthless, that they utterly destroyed“. Whatever the case, Haman, a descendant of Agag, appears approximately 500 years later as the highest vizier in the courts of King Ahasuerus of Persia, and when Mordecai the Jew refused to bow down to him, Haman decided to destroy every Jew in the Persian Empire, which at the time stretched from India to Ethiopia.

In Rabbinical thought the Amalekites have come to represent all that is evil and they are considered the archetypal enemy of the Jews. Although there are no pure- blooded Amalekites living today, the Spirit of Amalek is nevertheless still alive and well. Throughout history many have tried to exterminate the Jews and, thanks to the supernatural protection of God, they all failed. Today, too, there are many who want to annihilate Israel.

I started writing this a few days ago, and then I had no idea how timely it would be. This morning (25/03/19) a missile struck a family home in the town of Mishmeret, about 10 km north of Tel Aviv, injuring the 7 family members inside. The house is totally destroyed but by some miracle, the injured are only moderately or lightly injured. The injured include a baby of 6 months, a child of 3 years, an older sister aged 12, the grandmother aged 60, the grandfather and the mother. The missile, probably a Fajr medium-range rocket supplied by Iran, was fired from the Gaza Strip, some 80 km distant.

The house destroyed by the attack

Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is currently in the USA at the AIPAC conference and is canceling his speech there and returning home. He made the statement that ” There was a criminal attack on the State of Israel, and we will respond forcefully.” This evening (Israel time) Netanyahu met with Trump to discuss the situation and also to witness the signing of Trump’s Presidential Proclamation to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. As I write the IDF is attacking Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip and Hamas has promised to respond. The communities around Gaza and Tel Aviv have been commanded to open the public shelters by the Rear Command. It is likely going to be a long and tense night. Please pray about the situation as it is serious and potentially could lead to large loss of life on both sides if the escalation continues.

There is a lot more I could write about but in the interests of getting this published tonight, I will restrain myself. Please pray about the situation and pray against the Spirit of Amalek. When the Amalekites came out and fought against Israel in Rephidim, during the Exodus, as long as Moses held his arms up Israel prevailed. When he tired and his hands dropped then Amalek prevailed. Fortunately Moses had Aaron and Hur to help him and they supported his hands until victory was gained . If you intercede for Israel, do not let your hands drop. Keep them raised in prayer at this time, and stand with us in intercession. Help us not to grow weary. In the Spirit hold up our hands. God will give us victory over our enemies, just as he did to Moses and the people of Israel, for He is stronger than the Spirit of Amalek .

Now Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim.  And Moses said to Joshua, “Choose us some men and go out, fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.” So Joshua did as Moses said to him, and fought with Amalek. And Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And so it was, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. So Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.

Exodus 17: 8-13

Moses, Aaron and Hur

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