My perspectives on Israel and the Bible

Tag: Gaza tensions


At the Jerusalem Rose Garden

Today I said ‘goodbye’ to another friend who is leaving the country and I feel blue. It feels like the story of my life – saying goodbye. Its part of living in Israel – people come and people go. Yes, of course some stay, but there are just way too many goodbyes.

As I sit at my desk and look outside I can see the sky and it is strangely blue. It has been a strange summer in many ways, but the blue sky is a hauntingly beautiful reminder of just how strange it is. Normally the sky in Israel in summer is a yellowish beige color or at best an insipid pale blue, but this year, with almost no air traffic passing over, the sky is a deep, rich blue day after day, something we would normally only see a few days in the winter.


Five months have passed since we first went into lockdown because of the corona virus. We are no longer under strict lockdown but life is still far from normal here in Israel, as in many other parts of the world. We continue to have around 1500-2000 new cases of covid-19 every day, and two days ago (24/08) we passed the 100,000 mark of confirmed cases, and now (26/08) have 107,341 confirmed cases, and the death toll has reached 867. With one of the highest infection rates in the world, we still cannot meet indoors in gatherings of more than 20 people, and 30 people outdoors. We must wear masks outside our home and there are many other restrictions and changes. Our congregation and our housegroup are still meeting on Zoom and life seems to have become somewhat dreary, and the simplest tasks, like going to the bank or the doctor, much more complicated.

The school year is due to start on the 1st of September and there are fears that this will precipitate another upsurge in cases. It is still unclear how schools are going to operate. It seems likely that smaller children up to grade 3 will go to school as before but from grade 4 and upwards children will go to school only twice a week and learn online the remaining days. The older children will have to sit at least 2m apart and wear face masks. It is not at all clear if this is a workable solution or even can be implemented in practice.

About two weeks after the beginning of the school year we enter into the period of the High Holy Days – Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Succot. These are times when large family groups normally gather for special meals and even larger groups congregate to pray. There is talk now of calling a full lockdown over the High Holy Days to try prevent yet another upsurge in corona cases. This year we ‘celebrated’ Passover and Shavuot under lockdown, it would be very sad to have to celebrate the High Holy Days in lockdown also.

Even if a new lockdown is instituted I am not sure it will be obeyed. Many people are defying, or just ignoring, even the current regulations, although in recent weeks more have been observing the requirement to wear a mask in public areas, probably because of the large fines being imposed for those who get caught not doing so. People are more anxious and are to some extent policing each other, something we didn’t see at the beginning.

Traditionally at Rosh Hashanah some 30,000 religious Jews gather at the grave of Rabbi Nachman de Breslev, the founder of the Breslev Hassidic movement, in Uman in the Ukraine. In view of the risk of spreading the corona virus Israel has asked the Ukrainian government to assist in preventing Jews from travelling for this pilgrimmage but already some have managed to slip through the net and are gathering in Uman.

Ukraine chief rabbi: Crucifix at Jewish pilgrimage site a 'provocation' -  World Jewish Congress
Breslev Hassidim at the grave of Rabbi Nachman de Breslev in Uman, Ukraine


At a time when it is forbidden to gather for prayer, weddings, and funerals in large groups the courts have persisted in upholding the democratic ‘right’ to demonstrate. For weeks now a noisy and large crowd of around 10,000 demonstrators have gathered outside Benjamin Netanyahu’s house in Jerusalem every Saturday night, and in smaller numbers also during the week.

What′s behind Israel′s growing protests? | Middle East| News and analysis  of events in the Arab world | DW | 06.08.2020
Street protests in Jerusalem

Demonstrations have also occurred in Tel Aviv and at other places around the country. The demonstrators are protesting a wide variety of issues, including the poor handling of the corona virus epidemic by the government (ironically), the corruption in the government, the ongoing court case of Benjamin Netanyahu, the economic crisis (more than 20% unemployment), environmental issues, violence against women and a whole plethora of other complaints. Most of these complaints have some validity but I really question their methods. Disrupting the lives of all the people who live in the area, the extremely loud noise and the blocking of roads, week after week, is inconsiderate and antisocial to say the least. The lack of any ‘social distancing’ and the fact that many are not wearing masks, belies any concern they might be expressing about the poor handling of the epidemic, and represents a serious risk for spreading the virus further. It is so easy to complain but I do not see these people suggesting any workable solutions to these issues!

Of course the protests have generated counter protests and this has resulted in some violence between protestors, counterprotestors and the police trying to control the crowds. There have been many arrests but the protests continue, week after week. Although these people are still a small minority I am concerned that they represent a growing social shift towards anger, anarchy and social breakdown. This video reveals the spirit that lies behind it all. (Hint: these people are NOT praying to the God of Israel!!)


In spite of the pandemic, life goes on and we have seen some very significant events in the Middle East over the past few weeks, and an interesting realignment of power.


Iran, struggling with a high rate of coronavirus infection, economic collapse and the embargoes against it, has been struck by a whole series of mysterious fires breaking out in important installations and infrastructure such as at its nuclear research facilities, ports, oil refineries and power stations. At first, Iran claimed these fires were just accidents, but there have been so many of them this claim can no longer be sustained and they are now admitting the fires are probably the result of sabotage, perhaps carried out by means of cyber attacks. Who is carrying out these acts of sabotage? There are a lot of candidates, internal resistance groups, anti-regime resistance groups in Turkey and elsewhere, and of course Israel and the USA. No one is claiming responsibility and even Iran seems reluctant to point the finger at this stage.


As I hit the “publish” button on my previous blog, literally at that same moment (4th August), a fire followed by a massive explosion occurred in Beirut, destroying large swathes of the city, killing at least 180 people, injuring 6,000 and making around 300,000 homeless. The explosion was so loud it was heard in Cyprus. We didn’t hear it here probably because of the high mountains between us and Beirut.

We will probably never know for sure what caused this explosion but there does seem to be growing evidence that somehow Hezbollah was involved. Videos published indicate that a fire in a ‘fireworks’ or munitions store spread into the storehouse containing 2700 tons of ammonium nitrate which then exploded. Was it just negligence and a terrible accident, or was it sabotage? I do not know but I do believe that Lebanon will never be the same. There is a growing groundswell of discontent and anger directed towards Hezbollah, which is undermining its power. Will it be enough to bring down this powerful terror organization, backed by Iran? Not unless the international community is willing to raise up and support an alternative government in Lebanon, and this is not likely to happen in today’s atmosphere. The Lebanese government resigned after the explosion leaving a power vacuum. Who will fill it? Will there be another civil war there? Those Lebanese who can are fleeing the country. Once a majority of the population, the relatively wealthy Christians represent only around 10% of the population today.


Last week we were all surprised by the announcement that the United Arab Emirates had signed a peace treaty with Israel. This is a huge step linking the two strongest economies in the Middle East with mutual trade ties and shared interests. I think it has come about for two reasons:

  1. A recognition of the mutual economic benefits. “Israel’s Economy Ministry has estimated that the normalization of ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year to Israel in trade and investments. According to figures compiled by the Ministry, based on various scenarios, exports to the UAE, which are currently at around $300,000 a year, could jump to an annual $300 million-$500 million “(1). For Israel this could help offset the massive economic losses sustained by the lack of trade and tourism due to the corona crisis. It will also open up markets in the far east. The UAE will also benefit from tourism from Israel and our technological know how in things like desert agriculture and water management.
  2. A case of ‘the enemy of the enemy is my friend’. We share a mutual enemy – Iran- and have a vested interested in working together against that enemy. Just take a look at the map:

The UAE lies on the peninsula which juts out to form the strategically important and vulnerable Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, adjacent to Iran. If Saudi Arabia and Israel also form a coalition, as has been rumored, this would create a land connection between Israel and the doorstep of Iran, a great strategic advantage. Already Saudi Arabia has granted permission for civilian flights to cross its territory and airlines are offering a 3 hour flight from Israel to the UAE starting from next week!! We will be literally be able to fly to Dubai for a day’s shopping (well, the more wealthy among us anyway). There are rumors that other countries such as Sudan, Oman and even Lebanon are also secretly negotiating with Israel, although they are officially denying this.

Many of us are wondering what all this means? Of course Iran, and its allies, Russia, Turkey and China are not at all happy about the realignment of loyalties taking place. But should we be? I am reminded of another period in Israel’s history, prior to the Babylonian conquest, when Israel put its trust in a worthless peace treaty with Egypt rather than putting its trust in the all powerful God of Israel. Are we making the same mistake? Of course peace in itself is a good thing, and we should strive to live in peace will all men, as far as it is possible, but there is only one who is totally trustworthy and that is our God, YHWH.

It is interesting that the pact between the UAE and Israel created little outcry amongst the Arab nations, especially the more ‘moderate’ ones. It is a sign that the Arab world is getting fed up with the Palestinian issue and it is now being sidelined by the much more dangerous issue of the Iranian threat. There is a growing feeling across the Middle East that the Palestinians need to move on, put the past behind them and start thinking about their future. They need to recognise Israel and stop brainwashing their children in a culture of hate and violence. They have basically lost their cause, the destruction of Israel, and now have nothing to lose and everything to gain by working together with Israel.

It seems clear to me that all the things that are happening in the world today indicate that we are already in the end times. Everything seems to be getting set in place for the great war that will precede the setting up of a one-world government and the tribulation period. Just exactly where these events fit into the Scriptural scenario is not clear yet, though many have their own ideas about that, but the important thing is that we each individually are prepared. That means we need more than ever to check our walk with God. Are we in fellowship with him. Do we truly KNOW him in Jesus? If so, we need to stay close to Him, studying the Scriptures, avoiding error and deception and praying as never before.

Jesus warned that towards the end there would be many false prophets and false teachers who would deceive many, and a time of apostasy in the church. It seems to me that we are already experiencing this time of apostasy as the church is being infiltrated by many false teachings and practices, and believers seem to have little interest in sound teaching and the study of the Scriptures. Here is a link to an article I recently published in Kehila News, the Messianic magazine produced in Israel, confronting just one of the many false teachings going around at present.


Over the past few weeks we have had another upsurge in the release of arson balloons, some of which are carrying explosive devices. Every day there have been tens of fires ignited in the fields, nature reserves and towns surrounding the Gaza Strip. Most of these fires are quickly extinguished but many acres of crops and natural areas are being destroyed and the people living in constant fear. The IDF has developed a laser gun that can track and shoot down these balloons but the sheer number of balloons coming over is overwhelming. In addition to the baloons there have also been a number of rockets fired into Israel over the last couple of weeks. Israel is continuing its policy of retribution and is bombing Hamas installations in Gaza every day, but is careful not to escalate the situation more than is necessary. No one wants all out war at this point. Israel has also shut down the border crossings, prevented fishing boats from going beyond a certain point and stopped the supply of fuel for the power stations in Gaza. Consequently the citizens of Gaza are now getting only 4-6 hours of electricity a day – and this in the middle of summer and in the corona crisis. There is no doubt this is causing severe suffering to the population of Gaza.

Unfortunately Hamas has learned that it can escalate the situation to such a degree that it can ask for various concessions and get them. It is like rewarding a child with sweets whenever it throws a tantrum. One might ask why they are doing this at this time. One reason is that Qatar stopped sending money to Gaza and now they are demanding, not only these handouts be resumed, but doubled. They also are demanding an extension of the fishing zones and the opening of Israel’s borders to allow more workers to enter Israel. Gaza has an unemployment rate of around 60% but if they come to work in Israel there is a strong likelihood they will bring the infection from Israel into the Strip.

Until now Gaza has been spared serious levels of infection by the corona virus with only a few cases brought in by returning residents. However this week members of a family in the al-Maghazi refugee camp in the Strip were found to be infected, the first incidence of community transmission. As a result today the entire Gaza Strip has been ordered into strict lockdown for 48 hours (now extended for several more days). Perhaps this will give us a respite from balloon attacks? (Nope – didn’t!!) However if the virus spreads further in Gaza it will be a catastrophe as the poor health services and the dire economic situation in the Strip means they will not be able to cope. Hamas has already threatened a massive rocket attack on Israel should the virus spread significantly in the Strip – this in an attempt to pressure Israel to help them fight it. They have obviously never learned ‘not to bite the hand that feeds you‘!


On July 20th a Hezbollah fighter was killed in an air strike against an Iranian military installation near Damascus in Syria. Blaming Israel, Hezbollah has threatened reprisals and will not be satisfied until at least one Israeli soldier is killed in revenge. There have been several attempts to carry out such an attack but none have been successful. We thought that perhaps, with the Beirut blast and its aftermath, the Hezbollah would have more important things on its mind, but apparently not. Last night they fired on Israeli troops operating near the border. None were hurt but Israel will not tolerate such an attack and this morning Israeli aircraft crossed into Lebanon airspace, for the first time since 2006, and fired on Hezbollah observation posts there. Flares illuminating the scene ignited some fires but no casualties have been reported. This means that tensions in the north are once more high, with some Israeli communities being ordered to stay indoors near safe rooms.


According to the law, failure to pass a national budget by August 25th would have automatically required a new election here in Israel. Just two hours before the deadline the Knesset passed a bill allowing for an extension of 120 days, thus postponing the requirement for new elections. I hope our government can lay aside their politicking and squabbles long enough to pass some kind of a budget soon. It is difficult for government departments to continue functioning and to meet the new challenges facing us, without a budget.


In spite of the coronavirus crisis there has continued to be a steady trickle of new immigrants arriving in Israel. Aliyah and Integration Minister, Pnina Tamano-Shata, Israel’s first Minister from the Ethiopian community, has put forward her plans to bring 4,500 members of the Falash Mura community still in Ethiopia to Israel by the end of the year, and the remainder of those 8000 waiting in compounds in Addis Abbaba by 2023. Some of these people have been waiting for 10 years, in poor conditions and separated from close family members already living in Israel. MK Tamano-Shata has recently been diagnosed with the virus and is currently in isolation.


This week the country has been shocked and disgusted by reports of a gang rape of a 16 year old girl by 30 men in a hotel in Eilat. So far only 11 have been arrested in addition to the manager of the hotel. This follows a similar event in Cyprus when a British woman accused a group of Israeli youths, aged between 15-22, of gang raping her last summer. She was pressured into recanting her accusation and the boys were acquitted and returned home to what almost amounted to a hero’s welcome.

Before I came to Israel I thought there was an enlightened attitude towards women in Israel. After all, one of Israel’s first Prime Ministers, Golda Meir, was a woman and woman worked alongside the men in the kibbutzim and served in the IDF from its earliest days. It didn’t take me long to realize I was very wrong. Women are regarded as sex objects and are given little respect in the Middle East in general, and this attitude also permeates some sectors of Israeli society. There is much violence against women and the number of women murdered by their husbands, or other family members, is alarming. Rape is also becoming more common as so many young people reject the moral restraints provided by faith or even religion. Only one in ten rape cases result in a conviction and only a tiny percentage of rape complaints make it to the courts in the first place, or are even reported to the police.




The Lord lives!
Blessed be my Rock!
Let the God of my salvation be exalted.
 It is God who avenges me,
And subdues the peoples under me;
 He delivers me from my enemies.
You also lift me up above those who rise against me;
You have delivered me from the violent man.
 Therefore I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the nations,
And sing praises to Your name.

 Great deliverance He gives to His king,
And shows mercy to His anointed,
To David and his descendants forevermore.

Psalm 18: 46-50

This week (1-7/09) God delivered Israel from the ‘violent man’, alias Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Seeking revenge for last week’s Israeli attack on a Iranian military installation in Syria, which was making precision guided systems for missiles. In the attack several Iranian military personnel and two senior Hezbollah operatives were killed. Immediately afterwards the ‘mouse roared’ threatening a massive attack on Israel in retaliation, an attack that would reach the center of the country. As the week passed Nasrallah’s roars faded to a squeak and by Sunday he was saying he intended only to ‘kill 2-3 Israeli soldiers’. Israel evacuated its bases within 5 km of the border, set up fake mannequins in vehicles, and banned travel on some roads. The civilian population was told to continue as normal. It also prepared for a massive attack on Hezbollah bases should there be any Israeli casualties.

On Sunday (1/09) about 4PM Hezbollah fired two anti-tank missiles at a vehicle containing 5 Israeli soldiers. By a miracle the missiles missed the vehicle hitting the road instead. Shrapnel pierced the tire of the vehicle but they were able to drive on to a safe position. For several hours there was a news blackout concerning the fate of the soldiers and the IDF carried out an evacuation of two soldiers to trick Nassrallah into thinking he had succeeded. Much later it was revealed that none of the soldiers had been even scratched.

Smoke rises from a fire caused from a rocket fired from Lebanon near Moshav Avivim on the border with Lebanon, in northern Israel, September 1, 2019. (David Cohen/Flash90)

Hezbollah forces also fired on the Avivim Army Base but it had been evacuated ahead of the confrontation.

In retaliation Israel fired around 100 shells into Lebanon but most landed in open fields, setting crops on fire. No casualties have been reported. After a couple of hours all firing stopped and since then all has been quiet.

A few days later (3/09) Nasrallah announced that the confrontation at the border is over. He is claiming a victory boasting, ” Despite all the preparations and fake targets the enemy scattered along the border, we waited for our target and when it came, we hit it, without any doubt“(1). Apparently this was sufficient for him to ‘save face’. Of course he made his announcements from the safety of his mouse hole (underground bunker) in which he has been hiding for several years for fear of an assassination attempt.

Cartoon in the Lebanese media mocking Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who has been mainly in hiding since the 2006 war – here celebrating his 59th birthday,7340,L-5581480,00.html

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had this to say about Nasrallah, ” The man in the bunker in Beirut knows exactly why he is in a bunker…We will continue to do everything necessary to keep Israel safe — at sea, on the ground and in the air — and we will also continue to work against the threat of the precise missiles” (1).

I may sound mocking but it would be a great mistake to underestimate the mouse in the hole. Nasrallah breathes threats against Israel every day and claims to have around 200,000 rockets and missiles that could hit every part of Israel. The problem is that these rockets and missiles are notoriously difficult to aim accurately. In past confrontations many have either been shot down by Israel’s anti- missile system or have landed harmlessly in open areas or in the sea. It is therefore of great concern to Israel that Iran is supplying high-precision missile guidance systems to Hezbollah. For this reason Israel is carrying out many missions to destroy the installations where Iran is building, storing these systems and training Hezbollah operatives in their use. Even since the confrontation on Sunday (1/09) the Israeli IDF has announced that it has carried out several such attacks in Lebanon, Syria and even Iraq. Israel must do everything it can to prevent Hezbollah obtaining this technology which would enable them to pinpoint with great accuracy key military and civilian targets. For now, Hezbollah is weak having lost a great number of personnel during the Syrian Civil War, and is also facing some financial issues. There are also signs that Hezbollah is facing growing criticism in Lebanon itself – see the cartoon above, for example (2) . The Lebanese people do not want to be drawn into another war with Israel. Should Hezbollah however recover its confidence, I have no doubt it will attempt to destroy Israel as Nasrallah threatens nearly every day.

Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”

7 “I will declare the decree:
The Lord has said to Me,
‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”

10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings;
Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear,
And rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,
And you perish in the way,
When His wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.


The other day I was idly rereading some of my earliest blog posts written during the last Gaza war in 2008. I was amazed how similar they were to my more recent posts. Nothing significant has changed. They shoot at us and we retaliate. A ceasefire is announced and a tense calm exists until the next time they shoot at us. Round and round it goes with no end in sight. It is a great weariness for all.

Once more, the Friday night of 6/09 the sirens sounded in some of Israel’s southern communities, Sderot, Ibim, and Kibbutz Or HaNer as five rockets were fired from Gaza. One landed near the town of Sderot, setting fire to brush. Two women were treated for shock. This followed the weekly border riots in which two Palestinian minors were killed by IDF fire. The protests had been especially violent that week with around 6,000 Palestinians hurling a large number of explosive devices, grenades and firebombs at IDF troops guarding the border. The border fence was also damaged. In addition to the two dead, some 70 protesters were injured, 38 of them by live fire, according to the report of medical officers in Gaza.

The brush fire in Sderot resulting from the rocket attack on Friday,7340,L-5581480,00.html

Later that Friday night the IDF attacked several Hamas targets and the next day a Hamas cell launched an armed drone attacked an IDF vehicle, prompting an Israeli retaliation in which the IDF attacked  naval combat equipment belonging to the terrorist group and two military centers for Hamas’s aerial systems in airstrikes in the northern and central Strip (3).

Later Friday night Israeli aircraft and a tank attacked several Hamas targets in Gaza. This morning a drone, piloted by a Hamas cell, dropped explosives over the Israeli border, damaging an IDF vehicle but causing no casualties. Soldiers fired at the cell but there have been no reports of casualties (4).

On Tuesday of this week (10/11) the sirens sounded again, this time as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was giving an election speech in Ashdod. He was ushered off the stage by his security detail. Netanyahu said to the audience ” We have a code red warning, leave quietly” and then realizing this was impossible he turned an asked his guards “Where should they go?” This was all being broadcast live.. Almost immediately his election campaign people realized how damaging this incident would be to his campaign and deleted the video – but too late! You can see the video here:

In this attack two medium range missiles were fired from the Gaza strip towards the Israeli cities of Ashkelon and Ashdod. One missile was shot down by Israel’s Iron Dome defense system and the other landed in the sea. There were no casualties.

The next day, on Wednesday, sirens again sounded in some southern communities, this time while children were still in school. Three launches were detected and one of the rockets landed in the yard of a home causing some damage to the house. Thankfully the family were not at home at the time and no injuries were reported.

This last Friday also marked the 73rd week of the Gaza border riots, the so-called Palestinian “March of Return”. This too is a great weariness, so much so that it barely gets a mention on our local news these days.

With elections looming, in just 3 days time, the inability of the Netanyahu government to resolve the Gaza issue is a primary election issue. On Thursday, Netanyahu announced that ” it looks like there will be no other choice but to embark on a wide-scale campaign in Gaza” (5). On Friday, returning from meetings in Russia with Putin and the Russian Defense Minister, Shoigu, Netanyahu announced that such an attack “could happen at any moment” leading to some speculation it could happen even before Tuesday’s election. I doubt that Netanyahu would risk that but he is desperately trying to garner election points at this stage. We can only pray that God’s will will prevail at this time.


On Tuesday afternoon our TV stations announced that Netanyahu would make “an important announcement at 5PM”. At 5PM this was postponed to 6PM, but at that time he came on air, to announce that if elected again as PM he will immedieately annex the Jordan Valley. You can see the whole speech, with English translation, by clicking on the link below:

As I watched this I was shocked by what appeared to me to be a brazen misuse of his position to score pre-election points. The Election Committee tried to shut this broadcast down and some, but not all networks did stop showing the speech. You can see the whole speech, with English translation, by clicking on the link below:

It transpires that prior to Netanyahu’s speech he had intended to actually announce the annexation, as opposed to just announcing his intention to do so, if elected. He was dissuaded from doing so by senior security officials. What is more, the Election Committee has since fined Netanyahu and his Likud Party 30,000 shekels for violating the election law for making election campaign messages during a live broadcast(6).


There are, as I already said, only 3 days to go before the elections. After the failed election earlier in the year, the campaigns this time have been exceptionally dirty with much name calling, mudslinging and underhand, devious tricks on all sides. As things stand polls are indicating the likelihood of yet another stalemate. I am glad I do not have the right to vote as I would not have a clue who to vote for. They all have good policies and bad. I thank God I have something much more powerful that a ballot slip. I have prayer. I am simply praying that God’s Will will be done. I would like to hope for righteous and just, and wise government but I admit I don’t believe there are really any options for such a government to be elected. I do know however that ultimately God is in control although for a time Satan, the “Prince of the Power of the Air” (Ephesians 2:2), is wrecking havoc on Earth. Soon, I hope and pray, Satan’s time will come to an end and Messiah, Yeshua, will establish his throne on Mt Zion. Until this is fulfilled we need to be much in prayer for our leaders.


There have been a number of terror attacks recently. The most serious occurred at Ein Bubin Spring, near the settlement of Dolev, east of Modiin. A father and his two teenage children went out for an early morning hike and as they approached the gate to the spring an explosive device detonated in their path, killing Rina Shnerb (17), and seriously injuring her brother Dvir (19). The father was lightly injured too. In a testimony to the resilience of the Israeli spirit and just hours after his release from hospital this week, Dvir received his certificate qualifying him as a medic for the Magen David Adom service, the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross.

17-year-old Israeli teen Rina Shnerb was murdered in a terrorist bombing in the West Bank on Friday morning, August 23, 2019
Rina Shnerb, killed in terror attack.
Courtesy of the family


On September 1st some 2,300,000 Israeli school children returned to school after the long, two-month, summer vacation. For me this marks the end of summer even though the weather denies it. It is still reaching more than 30 degrees pretty much every day but we have had one or two days lately that didn’t. There is a stirring in the air and a freshness in the breeze which heralds the coming of fall/autumn. Another herald of the coming change is the flowering of the sea squill, a plant recognized in Israel as the first harbinger of fall. They are already flowering. This is a reminder of the faithfulness of our God, who sustains the times and the seasons. Praise His Name!

Paul and Barnabus proclaimed:

  Nevertheless He (God) did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”

Acts 14: 15-17

Sea squill, Urginea maritima,
Netanya Winter Pond 8 Sept 07
Flower of sea squill








Ask for Mercy

This morning this song touched my heart. It was recorded around two years ago at a live concert that I attended here in Jerusalem. The theme of the concert was Panai el Adonai (My face toward the Lord) and featured songs of intercession and prayer for our people and land.

Rachamim Avakesh (Mercy I will ask)

Israel needs prayer and intercession at this time like never before. In the first four chapters of the Book of Isaiah we see the juxtaposition of God’s judgment and his final restoration on Jerusalem and Judah. How is it that God both punishes Jerusalem and blesses her at the same time? It seems contradictory but we see it happening even now in our own time. Living in the mountains of Judah, on the outskirts of Jerusalem, I see it every day. I see the wonderful blessing of God’s restoration of Jerusalem and of all of Israel, blessing upon blessing, but I see also His judgment for her many sins. God is restoring Israel, even while she is unrepentant and sinful, not because Israel in any way deserves it, but because of his love for his chosen people and his love for the whole of mankind, and for his own name’s sake.

Last weekend (4-5th May) around 700 rockets and missiles were fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Four Israeli civilians were killed and scores injured. A number of homes, a kindergarten and a factory were hit. One of those killed was in a car targeted by anti-tank fire from Gaza. The death toll could have been much higher but once again we saw the protection of the Lord as most of the rockets landed in the sea or on open land, or were shot down by our Iron Dome defense system. Nevertheless, some 35 rockets landed in Israeli towns.

Israeli victims of the latest round of rockets. From left: Moshe Feder (68), Pinchas Menachem Prezuazman (21), Ziad Alhamamda (50), and Moshe Agadi (58).

Israel retaliated to this bombardment by attacking some 180 military targets in Gaza, including a multi-storey apartment building that served as the headquarters of Hamas’ security and services. Sources report that around 23 Gazans were killed including several civilians Amongst those killed in Gaza were a woman and her small child who were hit by an errant rocket fired from Gaza (though of course they blamed it on Israeli fire). Israel also carried out at least one targetted assassination, killing Hamed Ahmed Abed Khudari, who was in charge of large-scale money transfers from Iran to terror groups in the Strip.

All this took place while Hamas and Islamic Jihad representatives were in Egypt negotiating the terms of a ceasefire with Israel. So one might ask why this escalation at this time? It came after and Israeli soldier was killed by sniper fire on the Gazan border the previous Friday and Israel responded by attacking some Hamas targets. But one might ask why the Gazans responded with such a massive bombardment. The theory is that Gazan terrorists want to derail the Eurovision Song Contest which is due to take place in Tel Aviv, with the finals on the 18th of this month.

However, less than 48 hours after the agreement to a ceasefire came into effect on Monday, Channel 13 News said that the head of the Islamic Jihad terror organization, Ziad al-Nakhaleh claimed that his organization and Hamas coordinated the attack while in Egypt for the truce talks, saying, ” The last escalation was only a live fire drill in preparation for the major campaign that is coming.” Al-Nakhaleh also said that he was planning for a war with Israel in the coming months, and that his group and Hamas coordinated the outbreak of the most recent round of fighting (2). He continued saying, ” We decided to fire at an IDF officer and a female soldier last Friday in cooperation with Hamas to respond to the killing of protesters at the March of Return. This was decided while we were in Cairo. The Egyptians didn’t like the fact that this happened while we were in Cairo. Myself and Yahya Sinwar decided to continue the escalation” (2). Yahya Sinwar is the head of Hamas.

It is clear therefore that the barrage of rocket fire had nothing to do with the Eurovision contest but was planned in advance and is preparatory to a larger-scale attack in the coming summer months.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad may be planning war but here in Israel we prefer to make music. Tonight is the final of the Eurovision contest. We are all praying it will pass. We do not know which group will win the contest tonight but here in Israel we already have proclaimed a winner, the Israeli group “Shalva”. This group made up of disabled musicians dropped out of the competition because they did not want to perform on the Sabbath, but they played during the interval in the Second SemiFinals and received worldwide acclaim. The word “shalva” means “serenity”, and this group demonstrates the victory of the human spirit over hardship and trials. If only the Palestinians would come to the acceptance of their situation and learn to make the most of it, as have this group of people. Then we could all live in peace and everyone would have a better life.

Peace seems a long way off. Not only do we have the threat of imminent war with Gaza perhaps only days or weeks away, but Iran and the USA seem to be squaring off for a military confrontation in the Gulf. If hostilities break out you can be sure Israel will be caught up in it. There are reports that Iranian leaders have already told their proxies in the Middle East, Hezbollah, Hamas and other terror groups, to prepare to attack Israel. It is promising to be a ‘hot’ summer, and if all this happens we will be facing the greatest threat to our existence since Israel was declared a state in 1948. We would be facing a massive onslaught of missiles, terrorism and cyber attacks such as we have not faced before. There are reports that the Palestinians are busy developing new weapons, such as drones carrying anti-tank missiles which can penetrate armored vehicles and our anti-missile defense batteries (3). The combined enemy would be overwhelming for a small country like Israel, in spite of our edge technologically. It doesn’t bear thinking about the consequences of such a war, not only for Israel and the USA but also for the whole region, if not the whole world.

And that seems to be just what is happening here in Israel as Spring gives way to summer, and people are making their plans for the long summer school vacation (which begins for most at the end of June). There seems to be a dogged determination not to talk about the ‘situation’ as it is euphemistically called. We still go about drinking and eating in outdoor cafes, lounging on the beaches and cooking barbecues in the parks everywhere, as if all is normal. Of course this is ‘normal’ here and Israelis, and historically speaking, Jews everywhere have learned to ‘make life’ even in the darkest moments and in spite of all. Is this just denial or is it true victory over the Enemy? I don’t know the answer to that one, but underlying this resilience of the people of Israel is a deep faith in the God of Israel, who has time and again rescued and protected us from annihilation until this day.

 This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:

 In the last days

the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
    as the highest of the mountains;
it will be exalted above the hills,
    and all nations will stream to it.

Many peoples will come and say,

Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
    to the temple of the God of Jacob.

He will teach us his ways,
    so that we may walk in his paths.”
The law will go out from Zion,
    the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
 He will judge between the nations
    and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
    and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
    nor will they train for war anymore.

Come, descendants of Jacob,
    let us walk in the light of the Lord.

You, Lord, have abandoned your people,
    the descendants of Jacob.
They are full of superstitions from the East;
    they practice divination like the Philistines
    and embrace pagan customs.
 Their land is full of silver and gold;
    there is no end to their treasures.
Their land is full of horses;
    there is no end to their chariots.
 Their land is full of idols;
    they bow down to the work of their hands,
    to what their fingers have made.
 So people will be brought low
    and everyone humbled—
    do not forgive them.

 Go into the rocks, hide in the ground
    from the fearful presence of the Lord
    and the splendor of his majesty!
 The eyes of the arrogant will be humbled
    and human pride brought low;
the Lord alone will be exalted in that day.

Isaiah 2:1-11






I am sitting out on my deck enjoying the peace of Shabbat and the green lushness of Spring (aka the weeds in my garden!!) Spring has truly come now after a long and wet winter. The Land is a garden of glorious wildflowers and all the fields and open spaces are green – for a few short weeks, until the first sharav (hot, dry east wind) comes and kills them all off. The birds are all singing joyously and the air is full of butterflies.

Spring wildflowers in Nazareth, Israel 4 April, 2019

Just a week ago, when I last wrote, we seemed to be on the brink of yet another war with Gaza. Seven Israeli civilians had been injured, and their home destroyed in the central town of Mishmeret by a missile fired from Gaza. Hamas claimed that this attack was another ‘mistake’. Forgive me if I don’t believe it was any mistake. It is the third time that Hamas claimed a missile was fired by mistake – the first towards Beer Sheva in October last year, followed by two towards Tel Aviv in February this year and then this latest one. Hamas seems rather accident prone!! The truth is that either rouge elements in Hamas, or Islamic Jihad operatives probably fired them. Whether or not these attacks were sanctioned by the Hamas leadership is unclear, but Israel always takes the position that Hamas is to be held responsible for any attacks coming from its territory. Consequently, Israel retaliated by attacking many Hamas positions and bases in the Gaza Strip, and during the following night some 60 rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza.

The weekend following was the first anniversary of the so-called March of Return and also Palestinian Land Day. Hamas called for massive rallies along the border fence. They hoped for a million men to come. In preparation for these expected riots and attempts to infiltrate Israeli towns the IDF brought forward several armored divisions, tanks and artillery, canceled weekend leave and called up many reservists.

In the event only 40,000 ‘demonstrators’ turned out – perhaps largely due to the unseasonably wet and cold weather. Although the numbers were lower than Hamas expected, the riots were particularly violent and as a result some 4 Gazan rioters were killed. They were however prevented from infiltrating Israel.

Whilst all this was happening an Egyptian delegation was in Gaza trying to broker a ceasefire agreement between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Israel. This past Wednesday it was announced that Hamas and Islamic Jihad and Israel had agreed on calm and Hamas and IJ had promised to stop the border riots and the release of incendiary and explosive balloons into Israeli territory in return for some concessions from Israel, including the reopening of the Erez Crossing and the expansion of the fishing zone. In spite of Israel’s concessions, which have already been enacted, the violent riots along the border continued this Friday as they have done for the last year. Both Hamas and Israel are now claiming that no ceasefire has been reached and this coming Tuesday Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails are planning to begin an open-ended hunger strike demanding the unjamming of their cell phones, family visits and improved conditions.

Although we do seem for now anyway to have taken a step back from the brink of war, nothing has really changed. There is growing feeling here that Hamas is just playing cat and mouse with us and we are the mice! They are cynically taking advantage of the fact we are reluctant to go to war, which would exact a high price on all sides with a lot of civilian deaths and suffering. They push us to the brink and then demand concessions to ease the pressure. This has been going on for years and years, and the Israeli population, especially those living in the south have had enough. A large group of southern residents have set up a protest tent camp in the middle of Tel Aviv demanding a stronger and more decisive action from the government and our armed forces. We seem to be getting closer and closer to having no choice but the retake the whole of the Gaza Strip and depose Hamas and disarm Islamic Jihad. This would be almost impossible as several generations now have been brainwashed from birth to hate Israel. We could not rule such a population and no one else wants to try either. Nor do they seem capable of ruling themselves. It is a seemingly insoluble dilemma.

The “Jewish Press” published a summary of the border incidents over the last year (3), saying that,

The total number of border incidents since March 30, 2018 stands at 2,199, including:

* 1,233 rocket/mortar bomb launches
* 18 incidents of gunfire from the Gaza Strip
* 94 IED incidents, where one or several explosive devices were hurled across the security barrier
* 600 Molotov cocktail incidents
* 152 incidents of arson/burning tires/hurling of various objects.”

In addition, “arson balloons and kites launched from the Gaza Strip are believed to have caused a total of 1,963 fires, sometimes as many as 30+ in a single day.

These fires have caused extensive damage in a land area of approximately 35 square kilometers, including 13 sq. km. of nature reserves and 11 sq. km. of Jewish National Fund forests. The combined damages suffered by Israelis due to rocket fire and arson balloons from Gaza are estimated at approximately NIS 35 million.”

Perhaps the most affected Israeli town is Sderot, a town of some 28,000 inhabitants. Sderot lies less than one kilometer from the north-eastern corner of the Gaza border, and since 2001, it has ‘absorbed’ a rain of some 13,000 rockets fired from within Gaza. Can you imagine that? What if 13,000 rockets were to fall on your town or neighborhood? What if your children are growing up knowing nothing else but ‘code red sirens’ and bomb shelters. Sderot is the ‘bomb shelter capital of the world’! All homes, schools and public places have bomb shelters and often, specially reinforced roofs. Residents have less than 10 seconds to reach shelter when the sirens go off. It means you must live in a constant state of hyperalertness, always looking around for the nearest shelter in case the sirens sound. Most of the population are suffering from some degree of PSTD. Yet, in spite of this, the town is growing as new neighborhoods and even a new shopping mall are being built. This is the spirit of Israel. The more our enemies try to destroy us the more determined we are to not only survive, but flourish.

Click on the link below for a Map of Sderot,34.6123021,10.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x15028152b5bc422b:0x9eca44351ad2130a!8m2!3d31.522694!4d34.595581?hl=en

Hamas has vowed to turn Sderot into a ‘city of death’, but when the Messianic believers in the town began to fast and pray for its safety
a vast number of miracles began to occur. Although a constant barrage of rockets were being launched daily, even hourly, the great majority of them failed to reach their targets and actually fell between houses rather than on houses. If they did fall on houses, it always happened when people were not home and the houses were empty.  Whether they were shopping or on vacation, it was remarkable that this was the pattern.” (2) I would recommend you read this full article published in Kehila News. It is a great testimony to the power of prayer and the courage and boldness of the believers in Sderot. an example to us all:


In the midst of all this, developments were taking place also in the north. On the same night that the missile struck the house in Mishmeret, US President Trump signed a declaration recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Israel conquered the Heights during the 1967 war, and they have had the status of occupied territory every since. This high, plateau covered in large basalt volcanic bolders, was sparsely populated in 1967. Some 80-130,000 of the local residents fled to Syria. The remaining 7,000 now live in a handful of towns and villages around the foot of Mt Hermon. These are mostly Druse, about 50% of whom have accepted Israeli citizenship. and even serve with great distinction in the Israeli army. The others still see themselves as Syrian citizens under occupation, and of course many still have close family members in Syria. Jews have settled the area and it is now home to some approximately 20,000 Israeli residents living in 32 settlements, the largest of which is Katzrin.

In 1981 Israel passed the Golan Heights Law which extended Israeli
“laws, jurisdiction and administration”, in effect a de facto annexation. The Golan Heights Law has not been recognized by the UN or any nation until this recent signing of the declaration by the USA. Of course, Syria is not happy about this latest turn of events and vows to ‘reconquer the Heights’ at any cost. It is doubtful that Syria, still reeling from its five-year long civil war, is in any position to do so, but they do have some very powerful allies, Iran and Russia, not to mention Hezbollah. Needless to say the tension on the northern border continues to build and the situation there is as volatile, and greatly more dangerous, than that on the southern border. Please keep praying!

Public Domain,


In just 3 days Israel goes to the polls to elect a new government. It is a national holiday in Israel designed to encourage people to vote. For many it is an excuse for an outing to the beach or the nature reserves. Polls indicate that the election will be closely fought between the incumbent Likud Party, with Netanyahu seeking a 5th term in office as Prime Minister, and the Blue and White Party headed by Benny Gantz. It is very likely that even if Gantz were to win a majority he would have difficulty forming a coalition large enough to oust Netanyahu’s block. Many are very uncertain about how to vote. Please pray that God will raise up in Israel a righteous government that will act according to His will.

“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
For wisdom and might are His.
 And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings

Daniel 2 : 21-22

God reigns over the nations;
    God is seated on his holy throne.
The nobles of the nations assemble
    as the people of the God of Abraham,
for the kings
[c]of the earth belong to God;
    he is greatly exalte

Psalm 47:8-9


I was driving home the other day when I ran into a swarm of insects splatting on the windscreen. At first I thought they must be locusts but I quickly realized they were butterflies, much to my astonishment. A few weeks ago we were warned that, because of the abundant rains this year, large locust swarms were moving up the Arabian Peninsula and might soon arrive in Israel (4). They didn’t – they hit Saudi Arabia and Eygpt instead. And us? We got butterflies!!!! Millions and millions of Painted Lady butterflies, having bred in the lush rain-fed vegetation in the Arabian Peninsula, are now passing through Israel on their way to Europe (4). It was just lovely to watch so many butterflies passing through. God is good isn’t He?

A Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui) Nazareth 4 April, 2019






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