Today is the last day of the hottest November on record here in Israel. The thermometer on my porch is reading 30 degrees C and the air is so dry I am getting shocks off my cat. We have only had one day of rain so far this winter and this means the fire risk remains very high, especially on windy days like today. The forecast is for light rain over the next couple of days but it remains to be seen if it will happen. (Update: 1 Dec – today the temperature is only 13 degrees here and it is raining – a good solid wetting rain. Thank you, LORD)
I see it has been well over a month since I last posted. Largely because so much is happening around here I don’t know where to start. I will give it a go…
Yesterday (29/11), after a break of around 5 months, the talks between the USA and Iran restarted in Vienna with the aim of reinstituting the 2015 nuclear deal. Diplomats from Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia were also attending (1). The USA and allies want to renegotiate a deal that would stop the enrichment of uranium and the nuclear arms program of Iran, but Iran is really only interested in the lifting of the heavy sanctions which are crippling its economy, and buying time so it can continue its nuclear program. Consequently the parties are coming into the talks with very different agendas.
As the talks began, the Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, put it this way,
“The United States still fails to properly understand the fact that there is no way to return to the deal without verifiable and effective lifting of all sanctions imposed on the Iranian nation after the US departure” (1).
There is little optimism that Iran would be willing to return to the 2015 agreement and, in any case, Iran has already exceeded the level of uranium enrichment and nuclear weapons development permitted under that deal. Iran now has a new, even more hard-line government, and its appointed negotiating team is made up of people opposed to the deal. What is more, Iran perceives the USA to be weak and lacking determination, especially following the Afghanistan pullout.
Israel opposed the 2015 deal on the grounds that it insufficiently limited Iran’s uranium enrichment program and even legitimized further enrichment after the agreement would expire, paving the way to a nuclear capability. The deal also did not address Iran’s long distance missile program, its support of terrorism and terror organizations in the region, and its threats against Israel, its neighbors and the USA (not to mention the whole world).
The fear here is that some new deal will be brokered that will ease or lift the sanctions on Iran while failing to stop or reverse their nuclear program, or that the talks will drag on buying the Iranian regime time to make a bomb. Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennet said he is concerned that ” Iran won’t just keep its nuclear program… they’ll be getting paid for it” (2). He also said, “Such a murderous regime should not be rewarded…Iran deserves no rewards, no bargain deals and no sanctions relief in return for their brutality. I call upon our allies around the world: Do not give in to Iran’s nuclear blackmail” (2). Earlier this week the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier-General, Abolfazl Shekarchi, remarked, “We will not back off from the annihilation of Israel, not even one millimeter” (2).
Even as these new talks are just getting under way, the USA and allies are meeting to discuss what to do if (when?) the talks fail. Israel is also making preparations.
Opposition Likud MK, Tzachi Hanegbi, said last month “Iran is an existential threat. We give full backing to this government if the decision is made to strike. We are approaching the crossroads of a decision on the Iranian issue” ….“If there is no agreement between Iran and the world powers, we should attack Iran by the end of 2021” (3). Israel’s former national security advisor, Yaakov Amidror, said to the BBC , “Israel cannot live with a situation in which the Iranians are getting closer and closer to the bomb, and it will soon have to make a decision how to stop it… I don’t see any other way but to bomb [Iran’s facilities], because I don’t see the Iranians retreating from their dream of having a nuclear umbrella under which they can be even more aggressive than they are today” (4).
In mid October the Israeli government earmarked $US 1.5 billion (5 billion shekels) for a pre-emptive attack on Iran’s nuclear installations and the expected ensuing war (5). In recent weeks Israel has been carrying out extensive military exercises, together with allied naval and air forces, in preparation (6). In October and November ground force drills, including the call up of reserves, were carried out in the North. Unprecedented Home Front exercises have also been implemented. Even as I am writing, fighter jets are roaring overhead as they carry out exercises.
Having said that, no one here wants war and we hope beyond all hope that Iran can be stopped by other means. A war with Iran which would inevitably involve their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza. Russia, Turkey and possibly China, might come to their aid and such a massive coalition would threaten Israel’s survival, destabilize the whole region and possibly bring about a world war.
In spite of this threat and all the military preparations, the civilian population here in Israel is psychologically and practically unprepared for such a war. Less than 30% of Israeli citizens even have access to bomb shelters (7). We seem to be living in denial – eating, drinking and making merry. If ever there was a time for national repentance it is now, but we are becoming more and more ungodly as a nation.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
For a very good analysis of the situation we are facing see this article
After a peak of around 11,000 new infections per day in mid-September, infections have dropped in Israel to around 2-300 per day. The 4th wave is considered to be over but last week the infection rate began to increase again leading to fears of an imminent 5th wave. The discovery of a few people carrying the new omicron variant into the country from Africa led to the government slamming the borders closed to all non-Israelis on Sunday night. This was done with only 24 hours notice and has caused a great deal of dismay for tourists booked to come to Israel for the Hannuka and Christmas holidays, just when the tourist industry was starting to get back onto its feet. It is too soon to know if the currently available vaccines will be efficacious against the new variant but initial indications are optimistic. A week or so ago, Israel began vaccinating children aged between 5-11. There have been 1,343,218 infections and 8,195 coronavirus-related deaths reported in the country since the pandemic began (8).
There are some parts of Israel that are beginning to resemble the wild west, where law and order are breaking down and violence is making the streets dangerous. Most of this violence is in the Arab sector. Arabs in Israel make up only 20% of the population but 70% of the homicides, and this is growing. Much of this violence is driven by family feuds in a revenge-based society, ‘honor’ killings in a shame based society, organized crime, disenfranchised and unemployed youth and the ready availability of guns and other weapons. Arab communities blame the rising violence on the lack of action by the police, but police claim that when they try to investigate crimes or stop violent acts they themselves come under attack by the community at large or evidence is removed and witnesses silent. Justice Minister, Gidon Sa’ar, in a recent interview for the Jerusalem Post claimed “ The phenomenon of organized crime [in the Arab-Israeli sector] endangers Israel more than external threats … If you do not know how to deal with this issue, it will cause Israeli society to crumble to pieces from within” (9).
On the 22nd of November, Israeli security forces arrested 50 members of a Hamas cell in the West Bank and seized large quantities of weaponry, including 4 explosive belts intended for suicide attacks in the West Bank and Jerusalem (10). This is symptomatic of the growing influence of Hamas in the West Bank. Many West Bank Palestinians are increasingly disenchanted with the current Fatah leadership which they see as weak, ineffectual and deeply corrupt. Fatah leader, Mahmoud Abbas at age 86 and suffering from multiple serious health issues is struggling to maintain power. He has been in power for 16 years of a 4 year term (!), and the elections promised earlier this year were cancelled when it became clear that Hamas would win. Even Israel’s attempts to shore up his government (as the ‘least worst option’) is working against him as he is being accused by his opponents of consorting with the enemy and the betrayal of the Palestinian cause. In the absence of any mechanism to appoint an ‘heir apparent’ it is very likely that, once Abbas is gone, Hamas would launch a violent campaign to take over the West Bank, as it did in Gaza in 2007. This would be a disaster, not only for the West Bank Palestinians but also for Israel. We would have another Gaza on our eastern flank.

On the 31st of October, I with some friends, attended the 104th Anniversary memorial celebration of the ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) victory over the Turks at Beer Sheva (Beersheba). This First World War battle proved to be historically pivotal, breaking the Turkish-German line and opening the way for the conquest of Jerusalem and the eventual establishment of the State of Israel. You can read about this battle on Wikipedia (11) but this account virtually ignores the role of the New Zealand contingent. The NZ government history site (12) records the battle as follows:
The capture of Beersheba (Be’er Sheva in modern Israel) was a turning point in the struggle between the British and Ottoman Empires in the Middle East during the First World War. The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade played a key part in the capture of the town.
Twice already in 1917 the British-led Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) had failed to take Gaza, the gateway to Palestine. Its third attempt focused on Beersheba, at the eastern (inland) end of the Ottomans’ defensive line. While three British infantry divisions attacked the main Ottoman defences on the outskirts of Beersheba, the Australian and Anzac mounted divisions rode in a wide arc to the east to attack the town from the rear.
On the morning of 31 October 1917 men of the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade attacked Tel el Saba, a fortified hill 3.2 km north-east of Beersheba. After six hours of hard fighting the New Zealanders captured the hill. The way was now clear to attack Beersheba itself, but daylight would soon fade. In a daring action, the 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade charged in from the south-east with bayonets drawn, taking the Ottoman defenders by surprise. The town and its important wells were soon secured and the enemy retreated. By the end of the day at least eight New Zealanders had been killed and 26 wounded.
You can read more about this decisive battle in which my countrymen together with the Australian Light Horse Brigade, all volunteers, fought so bravely, on Wikipedia (12) . What the account above does not explain is that the charge by the Australians was necessitated by the fact that the horses had not had water for two days and were on the verge of collapse. Many would not have survived the night to fight the following day. The Australians therefore decided on this ‘madcap’ charge, considered to the be last major cavalry charge in history. The Australians however were not cavalry but mounted infantry and normally they would ride to the battle field and dismount to fight on foot. This is what the Turks expected they would do and consequently they held their artillery fire too long allowing the Australians, who just kept charging on horseback, to quickly get inside the gun range, leap over the trenches and take the town of Beer Sheva with its wells. There is a very moving film (13) on YouTube which gives a detailed account of the battle, but from the Australian point of view, virtually ignoring the role played by the New Zealanders.
We arrived early at the Memorial service in time to watch an abbreviated version of the movie and visit the museum. Outside a crowd of probably at least 200 people were gathering in the beautifully kept war cemetery in which the 171 Allied soldiers who died in the Battle are buried, along with others who died in subsequent battles. Representatives of UK Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Israeli armed forces were present.
After the ceremony we travelled to Tel el Saba, the hill where the NZers had captured the Turkish fortifications and artillery guns. The weather had turned into a sandstorm so we did not linger long. I hope to return there another time.


This visit reminded me that though we might feel that we are just insignificant cogs in the wheel of humanity, we have no idea just how important our contribution to history might be. I am sure most of the soldiers in the ANZAC brigades had no idea how important was the role they were playing, not only in human history but in God’s plan of redemption. We owe them a great debt of gratitude.
On our way back from Beersheba we stopped off at the home of some believing friends. We found that the wife was deeply distressed and in tears because of the deep divisions opening up in the Body of Yeshua here in Israel. Controversy over vaccinations, and issues concerning the governmental response to the Covid pandemic, is the most recent cause of discord, resulting in many broken relationships and hurting people. This is grievous indeed, but there are even more distressing causes of division appearing. The one that most concerns me is the infiltration of the New Apostolic Reformation into many congregations and organizations here. I have been researching this for two years and will soon post my findings on this blog. Please pray for unity in the Body here in Israel, but not unity at any cost. True unity must be based on Truth and not a wishy washy compromise between deception and truth. Pray that believers will experience a greater hunger to study God’s word and learn better how to discern and avoid error.
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits….
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
“But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”
Matthew 7:13-27